Page 9 - Martin Downs Bulletin - August '23
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Martin Downs, Page 9


         AUGUST 2023                                         PAlm CiTy CommUniTy CenTer, 2701 S.W. Cornell Ave., PAlm CiTy
                                                                              Phone: (772) 286-8121 FAx: (772) 286-3331

      President’s message

        This month, I would like to celebrate the power of unity as               excitement and possibilities, and as the Chamber is committed to education, we stand
      the Chambers of Commerce in our region continue to come                     united in supporting our students and educators. Thanks to the generous sponsorships
      together to support local non-profit organizations. By joining              from the Palm City Chamber, Ashley Capital, and Mattamy Homes, the Boys & Girls
      hands, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those                  Clubs of Martin County’s Fork in the Road food truck is able to provide Back to School
      in need. Through collaboration to co-sponsor events, sharing                celebration meals for all of the teachers and staff members at our Palm City schools as
      fundraising opportunities, and joining forces on issues that                a token of our appreciation for all that they do for our students.
      affect the larger population, we have helped create a thriving                Let’s continue to work together, learn together, and grow together, as we strive to
      community, and we’re excited to continue this journey together.             create an even better and more connected community.
        We extend our gratitude to Congressman Brian Mast for                                                                                     Don Pipes
      his informative presentation at our July luncheon. We are                                                                          President, Palm City
      fortunate to have leaders whose commitment drives progress                                                                       Chamber of Commerce
      and prosperity in our area. As a Chamber of Commerce, our                                                                               APP Jet Center
      mission is to ensure our residents stay well-informed about matters that impact our well-
      being, as we successfully did during last month’s breakfast legislative update featuring
      Florida Senator Gayle Harrell and Florida Representatives Toby Overdorf and John Snyder.
      This luncheon serves as an excellent demonstration of how we accomplish this objective.
        As summer draws to a close, I want to send best wishes to all the families in Palm
      City with students returning to school. The start of a new academic year brings with it
       executive Director’s Corner

       SChool!                                                                     I would suggest contacting your local school directly or contact the United Way, 4
         It is such a major part of your life for so many years and               C’s, (Caring Children Clothing Children), House of Hope, Elev8 Hope, Hope School
       then suddenly, it’s not. You become an adult and go out into the           for Autism, Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County, or any non-profit that is near and
       workforce and don’t think about school. Then, maybe you have               dear to your heart.
       your own family and school is back. This too passes, until the               Growing up in Martin County, I love the fact that I see fellow classmates in town all the
       grandchildren come along. Or if you choose not to have your                time. I am thrilled to see former students locally and catch up with their successes. School
       own children, you see the neighborhood children out and about              is a major part of our lives and should be cherished.
       more so you realize, it must be a school break.                                                                                       Missi Campbell
        I chose to be a part of the school environment even longer by                                                                     Executive Director
       becoming a teacher for 34 years. Once I retired from being an                                                          Palm City Chamber of Commerce
       educator, my children are adults, and my only granddaughter is too young for school, I recognize
       that I am not current on the school schedule as much as I was previously.
         Whether you were popular in school and loved it or were just there to get through each day, it   2023 Palm City Chamber of
       was a major factor in your life. This is where you were educated, socialized, and developed into
       the person you are today.
         Young people today have so many options and opportunities available for them, it is mind-  Commerce board of Directors
       boggling. They may take courses in high school to earn certifications so that they can be gainfully
       employed immediately after graduation. Trade schools are a fabulous way to enter the workforce
       skilled and prepared with a good paying career. College is the way to go for other students. With
       so many alternatives available to our students, they should all be prepared to enter our community   President   Don Pipes      APP Jet Center
       and become successful members of our society.                               Vice-President    Peter Sicoli             Sailfish Insurance
        I share this because public school in Martin County starts on August 10. I always looked
       forward to the beginning of a new year. I was grateful to be able to see my friends again daily and   Treasurer   David Bradford       Edward Jones
       hoped to meet new people that may become friends. But I do realize this isn’t how everyone feels.
       Sadly, some of our students are not prepared for another school year. They may need supplies,   Secretary   Meghan Shirey  Boys & Girls Club of Martin County
       mental health care, clothes, and other forms of support. This is where our local community and   Past President   Christina Franco       Hampton by Hilton
       YOU come in. While you’re out shopping, pick up a few school supplies, children’s clothing, or
       shoes and donate them. If you’re not sure where to donate, the Palm City Chamber of Commerce   Director   Tyson Waters       Fox McCluskey Bush & Robison
       is happy to take your donations and see that they are delivered to students in need.  Director   Gigi Suntum           Caring Children Clothing Children

        President’s Council                                                        Director          Cheree Ramirez           Children’s Services Council of MC
                                                                                                                              Cruise Planners
                                                                                                     Carolyn Leibowitz
        member                                                                     Director          Robin Hall               Out2News
                                                                                                     Tara Biek-Robison
                                                                                                                              Tara Biek Creative
                                                                                   Director          Shaun Plymale            Treasure Coast Legal
          We would like to highlight our President’s
        Council Member Owen Insurance Group. Gary                                  Director          Mike Gonzalez            Blue Stream Fiber
        Owen and his team are available to assist you with                         Director          Rob McLaughlin           Access 365 Urgent Care
        your health, life, and Medicare insurance needs.
        They also provide annuities, short term medical                            Director          Patrick Gleason          State Insurance
        care, long-term care, dental, and vision insurance.
        We are thrilled to have the support of this wonderful                      Director          Steve Klaassen           Colorado Pawn & Jewelry
        local business that enhances our community with                            Director          Rebecca Beckett          HJ Sims
        their generosity and knowledge. You can find Gary
        and Tom Bouvier on WSTU 1450AM and WPSL                                    Ex-Officio        Toby Overdorf            State Representative
        1590AM sharing community news and highlights                               Ex-Officio        Ed Ciampi                Martin County Commission
        on their Quality of LIFE radio show on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Contact Gary and his team
        for your insurance needs at or (772) 210-1020.  Ex-Officio        Michael DiTerlizzi       Martin County School Board
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