Page 8 - Martin Downs Bulletin - August '23
P. 8
Page 8, Martin Downs
tip of tHe taiL
Heatstroke In Pets: Preventing Heatstroke • Seek veterinary care immediately. Heatstroke is a life-
• Keep your pet inside during peak temperature times.
threatening emergency.
Recognizing It, Preventing It, • Exercise your pet when it is cool (early morning and Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical
Treating It late evening). Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
• Provide shade for your pet when outside, even if it
doesn’t seem very hot. surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
• Bring fresh water with you if you take your pet to a medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
park or to the beach. Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
• Do not leave your pet in the car at any time, even on medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
cool days. owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
Treating Heatstroke or find us on
• Move them inside or under shade. Facebook at
• Apply cool, wet towels to the body, armpits, and inside
• Point a fan at them, if available.
Kids corner
Heatstroke occurs when an animal’s body overheats due
to hot, humid weather conditions (environmental heatstroke)
or due to strenuous physical activity (exertional heatstroke). Identify Dyslexia Early Our thorough testing confirmed this mom’s intuition
Florida’s high summer temperatures and high humidity and provided her with the paperwork needed to obtain
are the biggest risk factors for heatstroke in our area, but By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., school help through an Individualized Education Plan
certain activities such as exercising your pet when it is hot, School Psychologist (IEP) as well as apply for and receive the Florida Family
leaving them in the car (even on cool days) or providing Dyslexia can be Empowerment Scholarship. The scholarship money
inadequate shade when outdoors can increase that risk identified in a child who helped mom pay for one-to-one private tutoring using
further. Animals that are overweight and those with short is at least halfway through the gold standard Orton-Gillingham multisensory reading
noses (brachycephalic breeds such as the pug, Shih Tzu, kindergarten and age 5½ instruction. This approach has decades of research
bulldog, Pekingese, Lhasa apso, Boston terrier, etc.) are or older. There are always backing its effectiveness in helping people with dyslexia
at particular risk for heatstroke because excess weight and early warning signs like become strong and proficient readers.
brachycephalic conformation can make panting less effective those in Chris that point Once your child is officially diagnosed with dyslexia
which reduces an animal’s ability to cool themselves. to reading difficulty. there are five ingredients for helping your child overcome
Heatstroke is a serious emergency that requires veterinary Chris’ mom explained dyslexia. You must have the right curriculum, use it at
care. If you suspect your pet is experiencing heatstroke, bring it this way. In Pre-K Chris least twice a week one-to-one, keep at it for over a year,
them indoors or under shade quickly, apply cool, wet towels had difficulty identifying letters and the sounds they work with a trained reading specialist, and keep your child
to body, their armpits, and inner thighs then transport them made as well as rhyming. In kindergarten she still had engaged and incentivized. We’ve seen this recipe work
to your vet. trouble rhyming. She had trouble sounding out words for children time and time again.
The immediate signs of heatstroke include restlessness, when reading. Her reading was labored, not quick or I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to
panting, increased heart rate and drooling. As signs progress fluent. She guessed words by their first letter. She mixed Dyslexia which provides a quick, but deep dive into what
your pet may vomit or have diarrhea, the gums may become up letter sound sequences in a word or forgot the same to immediately do when your child is diagnosed with
dark red or purple or your pet may become weak, stagger, word she just read on the previous page again and again. dyslexia. When it comes to helping your young child,
have seizures or become unresponsive. Heatstroke can result She seemed to learn best memorizing flash cards. She time is too precious to squander.
in a very serious condition called systemic inflammatory can somewhat read but it has taken way more amounts Call to discuss your child as we test for autism,
response syndrome (SIRS) which can lead to multi-organ of flash cards and assistance than should be required. I dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
failure and even death. It is critical that animals with think she has dyslexia. Visit or call (561) 625-4125.
heatstroke be seen by a veterinarian as soon as signs are
recognized so that aggressive treatment can be initiated.
The easiest way to avoid heatstroke is to keep your pet Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
indoors when it is hot and to avoid overexercising them,
particularly during peak temperature times. If your pet does
experience heatstroke, recognizing the signs, initiating Gifted Testing
cooling, then getting them to your vet quickly, will give them
the best chance for survival and complete recovery.
A brief summary of the important points discussed in this NOW OFFERING: Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
article can be found below, or for more information about • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
heatstroke or any other pet-related topic, contact Palm City Licensed School Psychologist
Animal Medical Center at (772) 283-0920. • Testing for Processing
Recognizing Heatstroke Problems, Anxiety,
• Restlessness Defiance (561) 625-4125
• Excessive panting and increased heart rate • Weekend and After
• Excessive drooling School Appointments
• Vomiting and diarrhea
• Dark red, purple or blue gums
• Weakness, staggering and/or seizures “Helping Parents Help Children”
• Unresponsiveness or coma
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Mary-Beth Zipsir
Agent in Charge
O: (772) 233-4444
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