Page 8 - Jupiter Spotlight - August '23
P. 8

Page 8, Jupiter Spotlight
      The Pet Cottage Post

      Happy Tails                                          In spite of this                                Do You Have A Plan For Your Pet?
        This story is sad, yet common.                   incredible  challenge,                              The Lifetime Care Sanctuary Program provides
      Sofia and Skylar, two bonded                       they are slowly but                               security and peace of mind. Should something happen
      maltipoo dogs, recently                            surely finding their                              to you, a plan is in place for lifelong, homestyle care for
      arrived at  The Pet Cottage                        way.  They are each                               your pets. Contact TPC to learn more.
      (TPC).  Their mom, Rita, a                         other’s shadow and do
      78-year-old senior woman living                    absolutely everything
      alone, fell in her bathroom, which                 together, in unison –
      resulted in her death. A week later,               peeing on the same pad,
      Rita’s nephew came by for a regular visit and realized the   drinking from the same
      tragedy. The dogs, who had been without food and water,   bowl, and sleeping in  Selena Harman, Sofia and Skylar
      were clinging by her side, traumatized and terrified.
        When pets lose their humans and are in crisis, people
      in the community can count on support from TPC. Rita’s
      dear friend, Suzanne, contacted  TPC and asked for
      immediate assistance. Sofia and Skylar were picked up
      and taken to The Sanctuary. At first they were trembling
      together in the back of a crate. TPC specializes in caring
      for pets in trauma and grief. They received gentle and
      patient care, a bath, basic grooming and a trip to the vet.                                          Sugar Baby, Tuffy, Little Lil  Wendy Derhak and Zack
      Quote From
        Suzanne Pelegrino                                                                                  The Pet Cottage Mission
      Rubin:  “The  Pet  Cottage                                                                             The Pet Cottage is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Jupiter
      was absolutely wonderful.                                                                            Farms that celebrates and protects the magical relationship
      We were in crisis and                                                                                between people and pets. We provide homestyle care for pets
      The Pet Cottage made                                                                                 who lose their humans due to death, disability, or deployment.
      this trying time a little bit                      Dr. Vinoski, Sofia, Skylar and  Mickey Schmitt, Sugar, Sofia,     Through our two unique programs – The Sanctuary
      easier. Sofia and Skylar                           Emmanuel Hernandez      Skylar and Peanut         Residency Program and The Lifelong Guardianship Program
      were  Rita’s  whole  world  Sofia and Skylar                                                         – we promise our pets will always have the home, care, and
      and knowing they were                              the same bed. They have acclimated perfectly to the resident   love they deserve – for life.
      safe, and loved gave me peace of mind. I am so grateful   pack and love sitting in the laps of our volunteers.     We provide pet companionship for senior people and cover
      for their help and I am telling everyone about the     Eventually, they will be placed together in the home   all veterinary expenses. We are a promise and our promise
      wonderful work they do. Please support this most needed   of a Forever Guardian and will live out the rest of their   means forever. You are invited to join our pack!
      organization.”                                     days showered with love and attention. TPC supports that                            The Pet Cottage
                                                         relationship by covering all vet bills, providing regular                            (561) 818-5025
                                                         check-ins, and a community of pet lovers.                            
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Jim Kuretski,                                   majority of POA membership for this request (which   with and providing policy guidance to our town manager
      Mayor, Town of Jupiter                             there was not), we would have remained concerned about   and staff as the overall operating and capital budgets
        The Town Council works                           setting  such  a  precedent.  Jupiter  remains  a  uniquely   for the upcoming fiscal year are developed. This work
      with  our  town  manager,                          special place to live for various reasons, one being an   happens during the summer months every year. There are
      staff, and others to address                       abundance of open space/common use tracts scattered   various public workshops and public hearings conducted
      issues  affecting  our                             throughout Jupiter neighborhoods.                 in June through September for the budget and tax rate
      residents and businesses.                          Fiscal Year (10/1/23 To 9/30/24) Town Budget Plans  planning and setting purposes.
      The  following  provides                             The Town Council has been collaboratively working     Stay tuned.
      a summary of actions
      and achievements since
      last  month’s  community                                Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Service • Repair • Remodeling Specialist
      newspaper report:
        Preserve Land and Open Space/Common Use Tracts
      in Jupiter have been protected from being privatized
      by two separate  Town Council actions in the first
      half of 2023. These actions demonstrate our steadfast
      commitment to keeping Jupiter the uniquely special town
      that it is.
      Preserve Land
        The Town of Jupiter learned that a 15.5-acre, Palmwood
      Preserve property, designated as a conservation/
      preservation area in 1998, had somehow had its ownership                             Residential & Commercial
      transferred from NPBCID to a private group with desires                    Licensed & Insured/Over 30 Years Experience
      to develop it. This property is located south of Frederick
      Small Road and west of Palmwood Road.
        I fondly remember that this specific preserve property   “Where Professional Quality & Service Always Make the Difference”
      contained an active eagles’ nest, until the nest was blown
      down during a hurricane event.
        After  the town became aware of this transfer of                                          “Service is our number one priority”
      property ownership, we advised the involved parties
      that action was contrary to PUD Development Order                                                         561-743-0070
      obligations, and unacceptable. This matter was resolved
      at the 6/20/23 Town Council Meeting, at which time we                                        
      secured an agreement that ownership of the Palmwood
      Preserve property would be conveyed to the  Town
      of Jupiter within 60 days after execution of a PUD
      ordinance and two associated resolutions. The property’s
      conveyance to the Town of Jupiter ownership is expected
      by no later than August 27.
      Open Space/Common Use Tracts
        Many Jupiter residential neighborhoods received
      development approvals that included designated open
      space/common use tracts intended for the enjoyment of
      all property owners. While POA documents may allow
      its POA Board to make some decisions about open space/
      common use tracts, no such properties may be sold and/
      or transferred to private ownership without Town Council
      approval for such action(s).                                                                                                  Expires 9/15/23.
        Earlier this year, the Town Council denied a POA
      Board  request  to  remove  portions  of  designated  open                                                         State Licensed & Insured
      space/common use tracts and transfer it to 14 private   Serving Palm Beach County                                CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      property owners. Even if there had been support by a
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