Page 7 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - August '23
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 7
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                     2023 Notice Of Proposed Property Taxes Or           In addition, a homestead exemption limits any increase to
        Welcome August!                                  TRIM                                              your assessed value to a maximum of 3 percent each year or
        My office is preparing the                                                                         the amount of change in the Consumer Price Index, whichever
      2023 Notices of Proposed                             If this isn’t a bill, what is it?               is lower. For 2023, the maximum increase will be 3 percent.
      Property Taxes. Called the                           The notice is:                                    The deadline to file for homestead exemption is March 1
      TRIM Notice for “Truth in                            •Your notification of property value – This notice shows the   of the qualifying year.
      Millage” around the office,                        change in market, assessed and taxable values of your property.     There are three ways to apply:
      these notices will be mailed                       If you disagree with your valuation, now is the time to contact     • E-file at This is the fastest way to
      to every property owner in                         us at (561) 355-2866. If we are unable to resolve the matter, this   file, you can e-file without the deed the day you close on a
      Palm Beach County.                                 is your opportunity to file a petition with the Value Adjustment   home in Palm Beach County.
        The notice has two sides                         Board. A petition must be filed by 5 p.m. on Sept. 12.    • Complete the application online, print it out, and mail
      that reflect the two halves                          • An explanation of any exemptions – Any exemptions   it to: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office,
      of your tax bill: One side shows the market, assessed   or assessment reductions are spelled out on the front of your   Exemption Services, 1st Floor, 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm
      and taxable values of your property, as well as any   notice. If you have questions about your exemptions, contact   Beach, FL 33401.
      exemptions, caps, or classifications that may apply. State   us at (561) 355-2866.                     • Visit one of our five service centers to file in person.
      law requires the Property Appraiser’s Office to value     • Your chance to have a say in your tax rates – The     Visit for information on other available
      property based on the status of the market as of Jan.   notice shows proposed millages, or tax rates, for each taxing   exemptions for seniors, families, veterans, and more.
      1. If you feel that the market value of your property is   authority, as well information about each authority’s budget
      inaccurate or missing an exemption, you have until Sept.   hearing, so that you are empowered to participate in the
      12 to appeal through the Value Adjustment Board.   process of setting your tax rates.
        The other side details proposed tax rates from your county,     My office welcomes any questions regarding your notice,
      city, and other agencies with taxing authority. These rates   property value, and exemption amounts at (561) 355-3230
      are only estimates that can, and often are, altered at public   or
      hearings. The information to attend these meetings is also     If you have questions about tax rates, contact the specific
      included so that you can make your voice heard.    taxing authority listed in the TRIM. If you have questions
        The notice is not a bill, but rather your opportunity to   about tax collection, contact the Palm Beach County Tax
      participate in the tax process. Your tax bill will be mailed   Collector’s Office.
      by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector in November.
        We are always available to help you make sense of   Homestead Exemption Filing On Real Property
      this notice and property appraisals, exemptions, and
      assessment caps. An interactive guide to the notice will     *If you already have a homestead exemption on your property
      be live at this month, but please always   and you have not purchased a new home in the past year, you
      feel free to contact us.                           do not need to reapply.
        In this month’s newsletter, there is a brief overview of     If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be eligible
      the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and an important   for a homestead exemption, which can save you generally $750
      reminder for those property owners who are permanent   to $1,000 in property taxes each year.
      Florida residents but have not yet filed for a homestead     A $25,000 exemption is applied to the first $50,000 of your
      exemption.                                         property’s assessed value if your property is your permanent
        I hope you find this information beneficial and wish you   residence and you owned the property as of Jan. 1. This
      a wonderful month.                                 exemption applies to all taxes, including school district taxes.
                                           Respectfully,  An additional exemption of up to $25,000 will be applied if your
                                 Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,   property’s assessed value is between $50,000 and $75,000. This
                      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser  exemption is not applied to school district taxes.

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