Page 10 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - August '23
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Page 10, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Does It Cost Not To                             To be specific, what is it worth …              On the other hand, permanent insurance, such as whole life

      Have Life Insurance?                                 … to know your family could stay in your home if   or universal life, is usually considerably more expensive
                                                         something happened to you?
                                                                                                           than term insurance. This is because permanent insurance
                                                           … to know your children could continue their education   premiums, in addition to providing a death benefit, help build
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                plans?                                            cash value, which you can typically access through loans or
        It’s probably not on your                          … to know your debts could be paid without burdening   withdrawals, giving you additional flexibility should your
      calendar, but September is                         your family?                                      financial needs change over time. In choosing between term
      Life  Insurance Awareness                            Clearly, if you were to assign these benefits a “price tag,”   and permanent insurance, you’ll want to evaluate several
      Month. And that means it’s                         it would be pretty high.                          issues, such as how long you think you’ll need coverage and
      a good time to become more                           And that’s the value of owning sufficient life insurance.   how much you can afford to pay in premiums.
      aware of the benefits of                             So, let’s return to the issue of people putting off buying     Finding out about the benefits, costs and types of life
      having life insurance – and                        insurance because they don’t know how much they need, or   insurance can help you make informed choices to help
      the dangers of not having it.                      what type they should have:                       protect your family for years to come – so don’t delay
        Unfortunately, confusion                           • How much is enough? You might hear that you need   learning what you need to know.
      about some of the basic                            life insurance equal to about seven to 10 times your pretax     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      elements of owning life                            annual salary. That’s not a bad “ballpark” figure, but not   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      insurance may be keeping people from getting the protection   everyone is playing in the same ballpark. To get a true   Member SIPC.
      they need. More than half of uninsured Americans say they   sense of how much of a death benefit you require from your     Edward  Jones  is  a  licensed  insurance  producer  in
      have put off purchasing coverage because they don’t know   life insurance, you’ll need to consider a variety of factors,   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      what to buy or how much they need, according to Life   possibly including your current income, spouse’s income,   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      Happens and LIMRA, two nonprofit organizations that   the size of your mortgage (in addition to other liabilities),   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      provide research and education about life insurance.  number of children, educational expenses and final expenses   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
        Yet, while this confusion may be understandable, a delay   for funeral arrangements.               New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      in acquiring appropriate insurance can be costly in more ways     • What type? You can essentially choose between two   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      than one. From a strict dollars-and-cents perspective, it’s   basic types of life insurance: term and permanent. As its name     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      generally much more affordable to buy life insurance when   suggests, term insurance is designed to provide coverage   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
      you’re younger. But there are potentially much greater costs   for a designated period, such as 10 or 20 years. Generally   tax advisor regarding your situation.
      involved in not having insurance when it’s needed — and   speaking,  term  insurance  is  quite  affordable  for  most     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      these costs are personal.                          people, especially when they buy policies as young adults.   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                         Identify Dyslexia Early
        Tasmania’s Gulag Peninsula from page 9

          In 1833,  Rev. John  Manton  selected Opossum   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              Our thorough testing confirmed this mom’s intuition and
        Island  as a  burial  place  for  the  decreased  of  Port   School Psychologist                   provided her with the paperwork needed to obtain school help
        Arthur, changing the name to Isle of the Dead. Some     Dyslexia can be                            through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) as well as apply
        1,000 burials took place here before the close of the   identified in a child who                  for and receive the Florida Family Empowerment Scholarship.
        settlement in 1877. Convicts and ex-convict paupers   is at least halfway through                  The scholarship money helped mom pay for one-to-one private
        were buried in unmarked graves in the lower part of   kindergarten and age 5 1/2                   tutoring using the gold standard Orton-Gillingham multisensory
        the island. Graves of free people were on the higher   or older. There are always                  reading instruction. This approach has decades of research
        ground,  marked by  elaborate  headstones  cut by   early warning signs like                       backing its effectiveness in helping people with dyslexia become
        convict stonemasons.                             those in Chris that point to                      strong and proficient readers.
                                                         reading difficulty.                                 Once your child is officially diagnosed with dyslexia there
                                                           Chris’ mom explained it                         are five ingredients for helping your child overcome dyslexia.
                                                         this way. In Pre-K Chris had                      You must have the right curriculum, use it at least twice a week
                                                         difficulty identifying letters and the sounds they made as well   one-to-one, keep at it for over a year, work with a trained reading
                                                         as rhyming. In kindergarten she still had trouble rhyming. She   specialist, and keep your child engaged and incentivized. We’ve
                                                         had trouble sounding out words when reading. Her reading   seen this recipe work for children time and time again.
                                                         was labored, not quick or fluent. She guessed words by their     I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to Dyslexia
                                                         first letter. She mixed up letter sound sequences in a word or   which provides a quick, but deep dive into what to immediately
                                                         forgot the same word she just read on the previous page again   do when your child is diagnosed with dyslexia. When it comes
                                                         and again. She seemed to learn best memorizing flash cards.   to helping your young child, time is too precious to squander.
                                                         She can somewhat read but it has taken way more amounts     Call to discuss your child as we test for autism, dyslexia,
                                                         of flash cards and assistance than should be required. I think   dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit JimForgan.
                                                         she has dyslexia.                                 com or call (561) 625-4125.

        A cell in the Separate Prison

          Located in the colonial town of Richmond at the top
        of the peninsula is St. John’s Church, the oldest Roman
        Catholic Church in Australia; the sandstone bridge and
        the town “gaol” (jail) are likewise ranked as the oldest
        in Australia. And, if you’re looking for local wildlife,
        the Bonorong Animal Park lets you get up close and
        personal … even with the famed Tasmanian Devil.
          I often ask those who travel with us in our group
        tours to Australia what they considered the highlight
        of their trip … not surprisingly, the No. 1 answer has
        been “Port Arthur.” Need I say more?
          The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal
        experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and
        cruised the oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm
        Beach Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and
        operated agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square,
        11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm
        Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
        needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a
        century. Contact them at (561) 694-9696 or Aussie@

                              Photos by Don Kiselewski
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