Page 2 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 2

Page 2, Viewpointe                                                   August 2023
      A Thrift Shop And Much More

      By Arthur Dermer,                                  League acquired a new facility on 930 Meadows Road,   hours a week. Many work there 2 or more shifts. Typical
      Hospital Volunteer                                 just across from the existing Boca Raton Hospital.   is Renee Markowitz, a Boca Pointe resident. She works
                                                            For over 60 years the Debbie-Rand Memorial Service   2 or more shifts a week as does her sister Sandy. When
         1962,  a  few  ladies  in                       League Thrift Shoppe has been providing the residents   asked why she volunteers she says “I get back much more
      Boca Raton were  looking                           of Boca Raton and beyond with extraordinary values in   than I give”.
      to  raise  money  for  what                        gently used, quality items including furniture, designer      The purpose of the Debbie-Rand Memorial Service
      would eventually  become                           clothing, jewelry, household items and so much more.   League is to coordinate all volunteer services and to raise
      Boca Raton Regional                                Many people in our community have also become     funds and to initiate beneficial activities in support of the
      Hospital.  They hoped to                           enthusiastic buyers of high-end merchandise in “The   not-for-profit Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Last year
      acquire a property which                           Boutique” section of The Shoppe. There you will find   the Volunteer League contributed over $500,000 to the
      would become a thrift                              designer clothing, jewelry and other fine items.  Hospital, largely profits from the Thrift Shoppe. In total
      shop. As luck would have                              If you are interested in donating items to the Thrift   the Volunteer League has contributed over $35,000,000
      it, a little pink building had just become available. That   Shoppe call 561-395-2208 for information. The Shoppe   to the Boca Raton Regional Hospital. This money helps
      building had served the community for many years as the   can assist you by providing pick-up and delivery of large   purchase valuable new equipment for doctors and staff
      St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. That church had outgrown   items such as furniture. The Thrift Shoppe is open 7 days   to help Boca residents.
      the facility. The little pink building was just the spot for   a week. Call for hours of operation. The Thrift Shoppe      If you are interested in becoming a Debbie-Rand
      a thrift shop which would continue to grow and serve the   is staffed by over 50 volunteers of the Debbie-Rand   volunteer or would like more information about that
      Boca community.                                    Memorial Service League under the direction of Brooke   organization please contact the volunteer office at 561-
         It took plenty of paint and a lot of work to convert the   Mateland. Each volunteer serves for a minimum of 4   599-4098. 
      church building into a thrift shop but the ladies were tireless
      workers and the next year the Debbie-Rand Memorial
      Thrift Shop opened for
      business. Its supporters
      have never looked back.
      The building which had
      served the community
      as a church would  now
      serve the community in
      a new way.
         By 2012, the little
      pink building could no
      longer meet the needs of
      the growing community.
      With the help of Gloria  Brooke Mateland, Shoppe
      Drummond the volunteer  manager

      Toby Stolar - Thrift shop volunteer

                                                               AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE IN-HOME CARE

      Debbie-Rand Thrift Shoppe
                                                               Companion Care    Personal Care    Live-In Care    Respite Care
       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by     Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care     Surgery Recovery Care
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
                                                                                                                Reba Cole, RN
                                                                             Your Local Representative:
                      1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                         (561) 746-3244
                        FAX (561) 746-2509

         Seabreeze Publications                                                 (561)-860-1897

                         M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid                          Call your local representative, or visit us at
                                                                               to schedule your FREE In-Home Consultation
              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                          Whitsyms In-Home Care is licensed to operate in Florida: 30210978, 30211390, 30211293, 30211382, 30211226
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