Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 14

Page 14, Viewpointe                                                  August 2023
       From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

       A Message from Marci                                 • HVAC equipment replacement                      • Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
                                                            • Plumbing/water heater replacement               • Property Appraiser
          The Board of                                      • A/C replacement                                 • Public Defender
       County Commissioners                                 • Shutters                                        • Sheriff
       unanimously approved a                               • Window & door replacement                       • State Attorney
       lower tax (millage) rate                             It only takes a few minutes to complete at no      • Supervisor of Elections
       for the second consecutive                        additional cost!                                     • Tax Collector
       year and the  largest                                For more information, visit     Additionally, they establish the budgets for their offices,
       reduction in 30 years. The                        building/PDF/VIP_On_Demand_Video_Inspections.pdf.   independent of the operating budget set by the Board of County
       2024 rate will be reduced                                                                           Commissioners.
       from  4.715  to  4.50  per                        Nonprofit Spotlight                               The Property Appraiser
       $1,000 of taxable value                                                                                The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
       for all commercial and                               The FLITE Center is a local organization empowering   employs 240 qualified employees (i.e., Certified Florida
       residential properties.                           vulnerable youth and young adults aged 13 to 23 in the   Evaluators and Residential Evaluation Specialists) and
          This will help offset the recent increases in appraised values   child welfare system.           operates five service centers throughout the county.
       the local real estate market has experienced over the past year.      With the overall goal of helping human trafficking victims,      Under Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks’ leadership,
          Additionally, with the current economic challenges, this   the center will provide survivors with a team of professionals,   the office has three primary responsibilities: determining
       was a prudent decision since we were able to balance the   including survivor mentors, victims service coordinators,   the taxable value of more than 640,000 parcels, applying
       budget without any risk to the high standard of county services.   clinicians and regional advocates. It is a one-stop resource center   tax exemptions and maintaining the county’s official map of
          The proposed  budget for Fiscal Year 2024  is  $7.6   offering all supportive services.          property owners.
       billion, which represents a 12.6% increase over Fiscal Year      The County Commission shares the vision of the FLITE      According to their offices, Palm Beach County’s taxable
       2023. Priorities include affordable and workforce housing,   Center that no youth should travel the road to adulthood alone.   property values have increased over 13% from 2022 to 2023
       economic development, infrastructure, environmental   With care and attention, vulnerable youth can overcome the   countywide, driven by continued demand for properties of all
       protection and public safety.                     barriers before them and move forward to lead fruitful lives.   types and near-record new construction.
          As part of its Fiscal Year 2024 budget process, the Board      For more information, visit   Highlights include:
       of County Commissioners will hold two public hearings at                                            • Market Value - $481,467,712,919
       Governmental Center, 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach.  Local Government 101                      • Taxable Value - $288,752,577,607
          The public is invited to attend the following budget                                             • Net New Construction - $4,311,391,070
       workshops:                                        Constitutional Officers                           • Percent Increase (taxable value) - 13.36%
          • Sept. 7, 2022 at 5:05 p.m.                      Constitutional Officers were established by the Florida   • Real Property Parcels - 652,953
          • Sept. 26, 2022 at 5:05 p.m.                  Constitution and are independently elected officials.  • Total Tangible Personal Property Accounts - 58,709
          During these challenging times, nearly every household,      Palm Beach County has seven constitutional officers who      For more information, visit
       business and community in our county has had to make   manage their departments separately from the Board of County      If you require assistance, please contact our office at
       difficult decisions.                              Commissioners including:                          561-355-2204 or email 
          I will continue to work to control spending while providing
       improved services in an efficient and innovative manner.  Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule

       Local High School Students’                                         (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)
       Art Display

          I have the pleasure of displaying art from Boca      All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular schedule of
       Raton Community High School’s Digital Art and Design   monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are revised due to holidays, etc. If
       Program in my offices at the Governmental Center in   you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561) 395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the
       West Palm Beach!                                    Zoom link be emailed to you.
          With over 500 students enrolled in photography and
       digital media courses, the school’s AP photography    Access Control & Safety Committee                 TBD
       teacher, Rob Sweeten, oversees the county’s largest AP
       Art and Design Program.                               Architectural Control Site Committee              TBD
          The courses cover art principles, proper camera and
       photographic techniques, and Adobe Illustrator and    Board of Directors                                3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
          In addition to winning photo contests, the students serve   Budget & Finance Committee               TBD
       the school’s yearbook, newspaper and athletic programs.
          Kudos to Mr. Sweeten for his ability to bring out the
       best in his students to produce exceptional photos for our
          Thank you to the mayor and my fellow commissioners for   Everyone deserves a doctor who they
       stopping by our art showcase to support the students work.
       Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge                                        trust and like. One who listens and

       Update                                                        takes their time to answer questions

          Below is a recent update from the Engineering and Public   and address concerns. A doctor who is
       Works Department on the Palmetto Park Road Bridge project.    available when you need them most.
          The necessitated re-routing of certain utilities (i.e.,
       water main) is complete, and the new water main was
       put into service.
          Bridge demolition of the eastbound section is    I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to
       underway and expected to be completed in  August,   adult patients at my concierge medical practice.
       weather permitting, and construction of the new bridge
       will begin after demolition.
          Additionally, road crews have started clearing materials   To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you
       in the southern right of way for the new sidewalk and
       replacement driveways.                              are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with
          The project schedule now shows completion in     me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,
       November 2023 due to troubleshooting and material
       defect issues with certain utilities.               in-person at my practice.
          I live nearby and recognize the impact this project is
       having on residents and businesses and will continue to   Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and
       monitor it closely and provide updates.
                                                           greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.
       Remote Building Inspections                                                                                    Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP

          The Palm Beach County Building Division now offers remote      Recognized as a “Best Doc”.  Practicing in our community since 1979.
       video inspections through the Video Inspection Pro (VIP) app
       on your smart phone!
          Some eligible inspections for single-family residential homes   7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433
          • Reroofing
          • Garage door replacement
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