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An Independent Newspaper Serving Broken Sound & Bocaire

        VOL. 17 NO. 8                                                                              AUGUST 2023

      Bocaire to Celebrate 40th Anniversary                                                                A Word from the Editor

      in 2024 With Enhanced Clubhouse,                                                                          on Our 200th Issue

                                                                                                             This 200th issue of Boca Club News offers an opportunity
      Added Club Facilities and Amenities                                                                    to express my personal feelings about what, for me, is a special
                                                                                                           milestone in what has already been an eventful publishing
                                                                                                           career. Before my retirement to Boca in 2005 I had devoted
      By Loraine Ellis-Vienne, General Manager,                                                            most of my career to the book and magazine publishing fields,
      Chief Operating Officer, Bocaire Country Club                                                        much of that time as a publisher and editor, and finally as
                                                                                                           president of a telecommunications company.
         “We plan for the future by restoring the past.”                                                      Sean Reid, owner-publisher of Seabreeze—which produces
      Together, we are Bocaire.                                                                            about 20 newspapers covering more than 100 country clubs and
                                                                                                           communities throughout Palm Beach County (together with
         Throughout the Southeast, the current trend                                                       its sister company that publishes more than 20 newspapers on
      in country club communities is to provide a more                                                     Florida’s west coast)—proposed a new publication, Boca Club
      casual dining experience with expanded outdoor                                                       News, to serve as an interchange of information and ideas for
      dining venues and a focus on “wellness” with                                                         the members of Broken Sound, St. Andrews and Bocaire.
      interior designs that are lighter and brighter. Bocaire                                                 Our commitment from the very beginning has been to
      Country Club is making sure we sustain our values                                                    promote members’ and managements’ best interests through
      of tradition, unique culture and impeccable venues                                                   ongoing coverage of deserving club news and events, making
      by embarking on a Club renovation comparable to                                                      our wider audience aware of these clubs’ benefits and
      other communities in the area.                                                                       amenities. Our readership includes, in addition to all members
         In formulating an overall plan, we had the                                                        of the three clubs, many real estate firms; heads of social,
      opportunity to partner with Leo A. Daly Architects,                                                  cultural and philanthropic organizations; elected city and
      Manhas Design and Proctor Construction. These                                                        county officials, and corporate leaders who influence where
      professionals collaborated diligently with our Long-Range      Through meticulous attention to detail, we aim to exceed   their executives decide to raise their families.
      Planning Committee and Board to achieve the high-quality   expectations while continuously elevating and setting new      I was invited to take on the responsibility as editor because
      design and functionality indicated by the concepts featured here,   standards of excellence in hospitality. Bocaire is a small and   of my publishing background.
      which is indicative of the current construction taking place.  unique boutique club and community in Boca Raton.     From the first day to this 200th issue, Sean Reid has
         At Bocaire, our desire is to create an intimate and inclusive      Our goal is to maintain and continuously improve our   entrusted me with editorial independence. For that and more,
      haven with readily accessible amenities where luxury, leisure,   golf course and club facilities for present and future members   he has earned my admiration, respect and appreciation during
      and community converge. Our commitment is to create a   and guests, while consistently providing a rewarding   all of the 16-plus years of our valued association. And his
      refined environment that caters to the interests and desires of   membership experience. The project encompasses an   extraordinary production staff that designs and coordinates all
      our members. We strive to provide an unparalleled country club   expanded Ballroom for member events and will offer a   of the papers every month is as professional a crew as I have
      experience, offering beautiful amenities, personalized service                                       ever worked with.
      and a welcoming atmosphere that fosters lasting connections.  Bocaire to Celebrate 40th Anniversary on page 3    with the writers who share their expertise in the feature
                                                                                                             Add to that the friendships I am grateful to have developed
      Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton                                                                      columns readers look forward to as the very heart of this paper:

                                                                                                           such subjects as Dining Out; Wine; Travel; Healthy Answers
      to Present 8th Annual                                                                                from a Certified Life Coach; Legal; Medical Matters; Pet Care;
                                                                                                           Mental Health, and others…and the monthly reports from such
                                                                                                           elected leaders as Boca Mayor Scott Singer, members of the
      Mayors Ball, November 11th                                                                           City Council and dedicated Palm Beach County officials.
                                                                                                             The same is true of the many contacts I value who keep

                                                                                                           us informed about the important social, cultural, philanthropic
                                                                                                           and business events we cover in our pages.
         In its grand tradition, The Rotary Club Downtown Boca                                                For me, this experience is one that provides as much sense
      Raton will present its eighth Annual Boca Raton Mayors                                               of accomplishment as any in my memory. When I receive
      Ball on Saturday, November 11th at 6:30 p.m. at Boca                                                 each month’s printed issue I have the same feeling of pride
      West Country Club.                                                                                   reviewing “my newest baby” that I did when I was publisher
         Each year the black-tie gala draws generations of Boca                                            of million-plus circulation national magazines, the annual
      Raton’s Who’s Who dignitaries, business and community                                                Yearbooks I created for Major League Baseball, NFL, NBA
      leaders to a lavish and celebrated evening that pays homage                                          and NHL teams, the 20 books whose authors’ manuscripts I
      to the city’s historic iconic milestones and honors all those,                                       edited for publishers, or any other projects on which I have
      past  and  present,  who  have  helped  make  Boca Raton                                             enjoyed working. And having the opportunity to read a book
      the best place to live, work, learn, visit, heal and raise a                                         every month for my Book Review column and sharing news of
      family. Event proceeds fund the Club’s “Service Above                                                exceptional films with readers of my Film Reviews are added
      Self” grant program that supports the health and wellness   From  left: Mayors  Ball  Chairs;  Jon & Bonnie  Kaye,   personal satisfactions.
      needs of Boca Raton nonprofits.                   Honorary Chairs; Jessie & Alex Price                  I love looking forward every day of the week to putting
                                                                                                           together a balance of articles and columns for the next issue of
                                                                                   Attendees will once     Boca Club News and editing the many received press releases
                                                                                 again dance the night away   to maintain the consistency of grammar and style expected of a
                                                                                 to the Steve Chase Band,   newspaper with such a high-quality, discerning reader profile.
                                                                                 honor George Long Award      I hope that you will use our “InBox: Letters to the Editor”
                                                                                 recipients, and raise funds   column (see page 4 of this issue) to contact me directly and
                                                                                 through a high-energy live   keep us informed about what is on your mind and what is
                                                                                                           happening at your club, so that we can continue to provide over
                                                                                 Rotary Club to Present    the next 200 issues the kind of ongoing coverage that enhances
                                                                                 8th Annual Mayors Ball    your investment in club membership and home ownership.
                                                                                 on page 3                 —Nils A. Shapiro, Editor
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