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Page 4, Abacoa

      Deuterman Productions                              Five Fun Facts About Travis Tritt                 He went on to read them, realizing that Cash had been such
      Presents from page 3                                  1. Tritt was the key to Hell Freezing Over and The   a major inspiration to him. Tritt often plays his rendition
                                                         Eagles reuniting. Fans were left devastated upon the   of Cash’s I Walk The Line at his live shows as a tribute.
         Tritt began writing music                       disbandment of the iconic Eagles back in 1980. Thirteen      5. There is a considerable age range at his shows.
      while he was attending                             years after their breakup, Tritt covered their hit song, Take   Tritt has been around the industry for over 30 years, and he
      Sprayberry  High  School;                          It Easy, in 1993. The country singer then insisted that the   claims that his audience typically includes fans from 8 to
      his first song composition,                        seven-man band reunite in the music video. The legendary   80 years old! He said that the music he was creating in his
      entitled Spend a Little Time,                      rock band agreed, and the rest was history. The Eagles   first few years as a country singer was influenced mainly by
      was written about a girlfriend                     formally  rejoined  together  a  year  after  playing Tritt’s   Southern Rock. Additionally, he stated that the generation
      whom he had broken up                              backing band in the famed music video.            gap, without a doubt, was because it wasn’t overly twangy
      with. He performed  the                               2. His daughter inherited his impeccable singing   for the youth to enjoy.
      song for his friends, one of                       talent. A then 15-year-old Tyler Reese Tritt, Travis’ only
      whom complimented him on his songwriting skills. He   daughter, joined him in singing his hit song, Sometimes Love   War Hippies
      also founded a bluegrass group with some of his friends   Just Ain’t Enough, 10 years ago. Now 25, of all his highly
      and won second place in a local tournament for playing   talented children – able to play instruments and sing, Travis      The country music duo
      Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys.  told CantonRep that Tyler’s most interested in pursuing   and lifestyle brand from
         During his teenage years, Tritt worked at a furniture store,   music as a career. Like a father fondly sharing tales of pride,   United States Marine Corp
      and later as a supermarket clerk. He lived with his mother after   Tritt noted that Tyler leaves audiences in awe during their   (USMC) and United States
      she and his father divorced; they remarried when he was 18.   band dates with her big voice emanating from her small body.  Army combat veterans
      He worked at an air-conditioning company while playing in      3.  One  of  his  albums  was  produced  by  Randy   Scooter Brown and Donnie
      clubs, but gave up the air-conditioning job at the suggestion   Jackson. Jackson crossed paths with Tritt while recording   Reis – arrived on the scene
      of one of his bandmates. Tritt’s father thought that he would   a duet with Sam Moore of Sam & Dave. It turns out that the   in 2022 with a bang and
      not find success as a musician, while his mother thought that   American Idol judge has been Tritt’s fan, and during that   have already garnered
      he should perform Christian music instead of country.   encounter, he asked Tritt if he wanted to collaborate on an   widespread critical acclaim
         Through the assistance of Warner Bros. Records Executive   album. Dreams then turned into reality upon his production   for their genuine songwriting and stellar live performances.
      Danny Davenport, Tritt began recording demos. The two   of Tritt’s The Calm After… in 2013.             With a combined 25 years of touring experience and more
      worked together for the next several years, eventually putting      4. Tritt had great friendships with legends Johnny   than 20 million streams, neither is a stranger to musical success.
      together a demo album called Proud of the Country. Davenport   Cash and George Jones. George Jones was one of the first   An award-winning songwriter, Brown has collected numerous
      sent the demo to Warner Bros. representatives in Los Angeles,   people Tritt met when he moved to Nashville. Since then,   industry accolades and toured extensively with Charlie Daniels,
      who in turn sent the demo to their Nashville division, which   they have played on several shows together throughout the   Travis Tritt, the Marshall Tucker Band, Whiskey Myers and
      signed Tritt in 1987. Davenport also helped Tritt find a talent   years, with Jones’ energy being infectious. Travis once said,   others, while Reis is a world-renowned violinist who has spent
      manager, Ken Kragen. At first, Kragen was not interested in   “There has always been a joke that he has wanted to tell you.”  years on the road playing violin/fiddle, keys and guitars and
      taking an “entry-level act,” but decided to sign on as Tritt’s      Meanwhile, through Marty Stuart, Tritt was introduced   written and recorded hit songs for a variety of artists as well as
      manager after Kragen’s wife convinced him.         to Johnny Cash, and the two icons immediately hit it off.   film and TV projects. The pair’s throwback country feel, unique
                                                         Tritt said that Cash took him under his wing, teaching him   stories and positive message resonates with both fans and fellow
                                                         all he needed to know about what it meant to be an artist   artists alike – Randy Travis joined War Hippies on stage for their
       Protecting The Gopher Tortoise from page 1        in the music industry. As if recalling a poignant memory,   debut headlining performance and Tritt, along with Chris Janson,
                                                         Jones shared that in John’s passing, he went to his office   added the duo to their 2022 “Can’t Miss Tour” months before
      hundreds of invertebrates                          and retrieved a stack of letters he had been writing to him.   War Hippies even released their first single.
      like beetles and crickets
      who also depend on
      the burrows for  shelter                                Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Service • Repair • Remodeling Specialist
      and predator protection.
      Because gopher tortoises
      alter their environment in
      a way that benefits other
      species, they are recognized as a keystone species – one
      without which many other species would not survive.
      Animals that obtain food, refuge, and other benefits from the
      burrows are known as gopher tortoise commensal species.
      A healthy and widespread gopher tortoise population is
      necessary for commensal species populations to exist.
         Dependence on gopher tortoise burrows varies among                                Residential & Commercial
      commensal species, but for some the burrows are essential.                 Licensed & Insured/Over 30 Years Experience
      Burrows provide a relatively constant microhabitat that offers
      protection from fire and inclement weather. Species that are
      believed to depend significantly on resources provided by   “Where Professional Quality & Service Always Make the Difference”
      the gopher tortoise burrow or its community of inhabitants
      are known as priority commensals.
      How You Can Help
         While walking-biking area trails and preserves, be
      sure to close preserve fenced area gates behind you upon
      entering or leaving. If you see an open gate, please take
      the initiative to close it.
         If you are lucky enough to see a gopher tortoise in
      your backyard, do not touch it. They are beautiful to watch
      but look from a distance. Do your best not to disturb its
      burrow. Do not do anything to block the burrow’s entrance
      or exit; this would lead to the tortoise’s demise.
         Watch the road while driving and follow speed limits
      to avoid hitting tortoises crossing the road. If you see a
      gopher tortoise crossing the road, and it is safe for you
      to do so, you may move it across the road in the same
      direction it was headed.
         Report sightings of gopher tortoises and burrows
      outside normal environment to the Florida Fish and
      Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). If a gopher
      tortoise is injured, ill, or deceased call FWC hotline at
      (888) 404-FWCC (3922).
         It is against the law to kill, harass, or destroy gopher
      tortoises; this includes their burrows and eggs. If you suspect
      illegal activity, you can report it anonymously to FWC’s
      Wildlife Alert Hotline at (888) 404-3922, calling #FWC or
      *FWC on your cell phone, or texting
                                                                                              A College Preparatory Catholic High School
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