Page 4 - PGA Community News - July '23
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   July 2023                                                                                                                                                      July 2023
      Northern Notes

      Draining Swimming Pools                           reason is cleaning,                                Please consult your pool supply company for further
                                                        water changes, or                                  information.
      By Katie Roundtree,                               just lowering water                                   3) Test the water before discharging to ensure that the
      Director of Finance and                           levels, pool draining                              chlorine levels are safe. Also ensure that the pH levels are
      Administration, Northern                          is a common activity.                              normal (6.5 to 7.8).
      Palm Beach County                                    Disposal of pool                                   4) Drain the pool slowly over a large pervious area,
      Improvement District                              water into a storm                                 such as your lawn, before letting the water drain into
      (NPBCID)                                          drain is harmful to                                a storm drain. The water will filter slowly and evenly
         If you live in South                           the environment.                                   through the soil. Control the rate of discharge across
      Florida, odds are you have                        Pool water enters                                  your property to avoid erosion and nuisance conditions
      a swimming pool. One of                           the storm drain                                    for neighboring properties. Nuisance conditions such as
      the  reasons  we  live  here                      system untreated                                   the creation of odors, mosquito breeding conditions, or
      is the great climate where                        and may contain chemicals that can harm canals, ponds,   flooding can occur when water is ponded for a prolonged
      you can enjoy swimming                            lakes and wetlands, as well as the wildlife living in and   period.
      year-round. If you have a pool, it is also critical that you   around them. Chlorine, bromine, algaecides, biocides,      5) If your pool contains algae or other organic matter
      maintain the structure and treat the water to keep you and   water conditioners, stabilizers, and other chemicals in   (a black film), collect the algae and dispose of it in your
      your family healthy and safe. From time to time, it may   pool water are toxic to fish and other aquatic life.  normal trash. Decaying organic matter lowers the oxygen
      be necessary to drain your pool for repairs. Whether the      Here are some things to remember about draining   content in the water and should not go into the storm drain
                                                        pools:                                             or any wetland area.
                                                           1) Only drain your pool when absolutely necessary.      Please keep in mind that there is a direct link between
                                                        Avoid draining/backwashing your pool during periods   what we do around our home and the water quality of our
                                                        of drought and during significant rainfall events. Do not   canals, ponds, lakes and wetlands.
                                                        drain your pool when watering restrictions are in place.     NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking
                                                           2) Leave the water in the pool for at least one week   lots and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer
                                                        without adding chlorine or other chemicals before   system and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up
                                                        draining. If you can’t wait that long, use a chlorine   litter and debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking
                                                        neutralizing chemical found at most pool supply stores.   lots, especially around storm drains.


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