Page 1 - PGA Community News - July '23
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VOL. 33 NO. 7 FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL JULY 2023
PGA POA Communication Corner
By Gail Coppage, Reminder About Summer Storms Out And About
Communications Committee Having a plan for the potential of difficult weather is also Maybe you have noticed the new Ryder Cup
Chairperson very important. The PGA National POA Website (www.pga- crosswalks. A gentle reminder: Please stop your car when
Happy July! Happy Fourth offers hurricane information and handy tips. You you see the new pedestrian crossing flashing light outside
Of July Holiday! can find the hurricane handout in the left-hand column of Preston (at the south end of Ryder Cup Boulevard) is
July is a great time to be the POA Website home page, under Docs and Forms. Being flashing! This is a new signal so please be aware of this
at PGA National and in Palm prepared and understanding what you need to do ahead of new signal and crossing. Thank you to North Palm Beach
Beach Gardens, but we need to time will make summer storms less stressful. County Improvement District (NPBCID) for moving
remain diligent about the heat, Don’t Forget The Architectural Review Committee forward to complete this important work.
sun, and potential for difficult (ARC) When you are out walking in our neighborhoods, do
weather like driving rains and If you plan to add a generator or storm shutters or are you often see fallen palm fronds and other landscaping
potential hurricanes. planning to change to impact windows, please note that any and wonder whether you should pick up the fallen
Hot, Hot, Hot! exterior modification must receive prior written approval landscaping? The HOA and Condo Association boards
Here are a few suggestions for a more comfortable summer. from the POA Architectural Review Committee (“ARC”). work diligently to keep entryways and frontages clear
Purchasing a front windshield interior folding screen which Please visit the PGA POA website for specific instructions of fallen landscaping. Kudos to this diligence in keeping
fits behind your front windshield on the inside of the car can and forms needed. PGA National a beautifully landscaped community! If you
help keep your car just a bit cooler while you shop or are at Assessment Time are in the middle of your power walks, runs, or relaxing
appointments or out and about in the area. Having cool water Speaking of reminders, The POA Annual Assessment’s strolls, just leave the fallen landscaping where it is, and
with you while you are out in your car can also be helpful while annual assessment total is $880.00 due July 1. Please note the HOA and Condo Association Boards at that location
doing your errands or out walking. Walking during earlier or that interest begins accruing soon so please plan to pay the will see that items are removed. Please do not move fallen
later hours when it’s a bit cooler can go a long way to meeting POA assessment right away if you have not already done so. landscaping to the main roadway areas.
your step goals but also keeping you cooler. If you must do some Thank you for your payment! New North County Offices On PGA Boulevard
mid-day dog walking, remember that the asphalt gets very hot Where Did All The Lines Go? In your travels along PGA Boulevard, you may
during the summer. Walking in a shaded area or on some nearby Did you know that many restaurants offer great summer have seen construction fencing at the site of the old
grass and providing your pet with a cooling bandana (and their dining specials? There are so many great places to choose DMV building. Current construction will result in the
own drinking water) will make walking much more enjoyable. from, within just a few miles of the PGA National community. new 23,000 square foot Palm Beach Gardens Service
Dressing cool but also keeping a lightweight sweater or jacket is Restaurants know that the summertime is a more relaxed Center. The new location will provide expanded road test
great for dealing with very cool air-conditioning in grocery stores, time of year and the craziness of long lines, need for capabilities, ample parking, and room for expansion to
restaurants, movies, and other retail establishments. Keeping a reservations and not having the opportunity to dine at your meet the needs of our growing community. Population of
rain jacket, hat and umbrella in the car or nearby is also important favorite restaurant are just a distant memory to many of us. Palm Beach County is expected to grow by 16 percent
in July, especially during the afternoon hours. At home, keeping Because of this fact, there are oftentimes amazing summer by 2030, and for every new home built, an additional 2.3
shades drawn or partially closed helps to filter out the hot sun offerings, including delicious summer taste menus. We are people will need county government services. When the
during the heat of the day. Turning up the air-conditioning so fortunate to enjoy so many restaurants in our immediate new service center is completed, the tax collection offices
thermostat just a few degrees can keep you comfortable and save area. Remaining loyal, even during the summer months, help
you some money on your summer energy costs. our restaurants to remain in business year-round. PGA POA Communication Corner on page 2
Commissioner’s Update
Protecting And Enhancing with coral and limestone, shipwrecks, and a wide range of sea provide the same food, shelter, protection and marine life
life. Because of our close proximity to the warm waters of the
spawning areas as the natural reefs.
Our Reefs Gulf Stream, Palm Beach County is home to one of the most Both natural and artificial reefs support our local
diverse marine ecosystems in the country. economy, generating over $280 million per year and
By Commissioner Natural reefs support aquatic plants and animals by supporting approximately 3,000 annual jobs.
Maria Marino providing food and refuge for young marine life to develop. Funding for PBC’s artificial reef program comes
Within Palm Beach The reefs protect our coastline by absorbing wave energy. As from vessel registration fees, grants from federal and
County’s 47-mile Atlantic we enter another hurricane season, it is important to note that state agencies, donations from fishing clubs, local dive
coastline lies part of the only this absorption helps prevent loss of life, property damage, associations, corporations and individuals. Nonmonetary
living barrier coral reef system and erosion, particularly in strong storm events. support includes donated reef material such as concrete,
in the continental United For more than 40 years, Palm Beach County (PBC) has prefabricated modules, underwater art and ship hulls.
States. Florida’s Coral Reef worked to create artificial reefs using various materials to give This year’s artificial reef project plan involves a multi-
stretches 360 miles from the the public additional areas for fishing, diving and snorkeling, partner effort. For instance, the Florida Department of
St. Lucie Inlet south to the Dry and to protect our natural reefs from overuse. The materials Transportation is donating material removed from the Earman
Tortugas, formed thousands of include limestone, concrete, and occasionally decommissioned Canal bridge renovation project in North Palm Beach to a
years ago. The reefs are lush ships that become marine habitats. The Department of reef project 75 feet offshore of South Palm Beach.
Environmental Resources One of PBC’s key artificial reef partners – the Andrew “Red”
Management has deployed Harris Foundation – will deploy three to four reefs in 70 to 80 feet
over 49 vessels, 110,000 tons of water offshore of Juno Beach. This project will consist of at
of concrete, and 140,000 least 1,000 tons of limestone boulders and 500 tons of concrete
tons of limestone boulders culverts. This material – all donated – will be located near an
to create artificial reefs. existing artificial reef train in the Juno Beach permitted area.
The artificial reefs become The artificial reef program is a prime example of Palm
new substrate for coral Beach County’s commitment to stewardship of our natural
settlement and diversify resources by creating new habitat.
habitat in otherwise sandy As always, please contact me if I can assist you at (561)
areas. Once established, they 355-2201 or by email at