Page 8 - Abacoa Community News - July '23
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Page 8, Abacoa
Neighborhood News
Tips For Staying Cool In The Florida Sun And Heat
•Dress appropriately. Wear a hat; wear light fabrics and • Use a cooling towel, to the armpits, groin, neck, and back; these areas are rich with
light colors. personal fan or mister. blood vessels close to the skin, cooling them can reduce body
• Drinking water is key. Drink plenty of water; try freezing • Eat light – cold temperature. In cases where not available try cooling skin with
water bottles; adding frozen fruit. – hydrating. Salads, water sponge, garden hose, spray bottle/fan. If symptoms persist
• Find or make shade. Use an umbrella, or find a tree watermelon and other seek medical attention.
hammock, shady park, under bridge catwalk. hydrating fruits; try freezing Pets • Apply above for pets … as applicable.
Jell-O or fruit (grapes,
dowNtowN AbAcoA pineapple, mango ... makes for cool summer eats), light proteins. • Provide ample shade.
• Avoid the midday heat. Generally around 12 to 3 p.m.; go
• Don’t allow pets in doghouse.
hAPPeNiNgs to lunch, a movie, shop indoors. • Never leave dogs in vehicles.
• Protect paws from hot surfaces … i.e. hot pavement,
• Avoid alcohol, caffeine, carbonated, high sugar during
hottest parts of day. boardwalks or sand can cause severe burns.
• Enjoy the water. Sit by the river or the ocean for great • Keep pets groomed/clipped.
breezes. • Using cooling mats or ice packs are good options. Do not
• Be extra cautious if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, use ice or ice cold water directly on pet.
or other medical conditions. • Watch for signs overheating/sunstroke … heavy panting,
• Be aware of signs of heatstroke … being overly thirsty, lethargy, confusion, drooling.
confusion, slurred speech, tiredness/weakness, profuse sweating, If Pet Show Signs Of Overheating/Heatstroke
high temperature, headache, upset stomach. If available take pet in water or cool with hose. Move your
In Signs Of Heatstroke pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or
Right away one should move to a cooler place and remove cold towels to their head, neck and chest or run cool (not cold)
all unnecessary clothing. Immersion in cool, cold or ice water water over them. Let them drink small amounts of cool water or
has been proved to be the most effective way of quickly lick ice cubes. Take them directly to a veterinarian if symptoms
lowering your core body temperature. You can apply ice packs persist.
Professional Firefighters
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County IAFF Local 2928
As the summer season grill, check all the hoses and fittings to make sure everything
arrives, it brings many is in good condition so that there are no leaks that will cause
opportunities to enjoy a the gas to ignite in places other than the burner. Hoses that
variety of activities with are cracked or split should be replaced before using the grill.
family and friends. It can If using a charcoal grill, follow the directions for the
also be a great time to review a few tips that can help charcoal and use extreme caution if using lighter fluid.
keep everyone safe. Severe burns can occur if the flame follows the stream
Many of the activities we enjoy during the summer of fluid back to the bottle.
involve water. There is water all around us whether it is a Regardless of which type of grill you use, always use it in
pool, lake or the ocean, and no matter how beautiful and calm a well-ventilated area, and never indoors, since grills produce
the water may appear, there is always a risk of drowning if carbon monoxide which can be deadly in a confined space. Most
basic safety rules are not followed. HOAs, POAs and municipal codes have regulations concerning
This is Florida, and all bodies of water (lakes, retention the use of grills, so it is
ponds, golf course water traps, canals, etc.,) are potential a good idea to become
homes to alligators. Never swim or wade in these waters. familiar with them.
Do not walk your dog close to the edge, because you cannot Finally, keep in
see the alligator waiting below the surface. mind that with so many
Adult supervision of children is very important in activities taking place
drowning prevention. Even if a child knows how to swim, outdoors, high heat and
that is not a substitute for adult supervision. Whenever humidity can have adverse effects on your body and can lead
possible, it is always a good practice for adults and children to health issues due to dehydration. You do not have to be
alike to swim in areas that have lifeguards on duty. It is also involved in strenuous activities to become dehydrated, so it
a smart idea for adults to learn how to swim since the adult is recommended to drink plenty of water while outside in the
may become the rescuer. heat. The elderly and the very young are more susceptible to
Nothing smells like the effects of not being properly hydrated.
summer more than food Hopefully, these tips and reminders can help you have a
being cooked on a barbecue safe and happy summer.
grill, but there are safety Steen Eriksson,
concerns with that as well. Community Relations,
Before using an LP gas
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