Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - July '23
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Page 6, Abacoa
Broadway Ballroom Battle Raises Over $130,000
For Maltz Jupiter Theatre’s
Goldner Conservatory
Local celebrities,
community leaders,
and dance enthusiasts
joined together in a
friendly competition to
raise money to support
children’s performing arts programming.
On April 14, the Maltz Jupiter Theatre and the Jupiter
Fred Astaire Dance Studio hosted the first-ever Broadway
Ballroom Battle fundraiser, a competitive dance event that
raised over $130,000 for the Goldner Conservatory at the
Maltz Jupiter Theatre. The funds will support scholarship
opportunities and educational programming for children
passionate about the performing arts.
The Broadway Ballroom Battle brought together local
celebrities, community leaders, and dance enthusiasts in a
friendly competition to showcase their skills on the dance • Most Dynamic Performance: Stephanie Mordes additional discount for bringing a group of 20 or more
floor. Each team was paired with a professional dancer from • Most Entertaining Performance: Penni Weinberg friends, contact Sales Manager Anne Schmidt at (561) 972-
the Jupiter Fred Astaire Dance Studio and received intensive • Most Original Performance: Craig Siegler 6117 or
training in preparation for the event. • Most Charismatic Performance: Lyda Rodriquez About The Maltz Jupiter Theatre
All-star judges included Dancing with the Stars Mirror • Most Theatrical Performance: Roe Green The not-for-profit Maltz Jupiter Theatre has become one
Ball Trophy winner Artem Chigvintsev, award-winning • Most Vivacious Performance: Masha Pinsky of Florida’s preeminent professional theatres, committed to
filmmaker, actor, and Broadway Producer Suzanne Neidland, • Most Engaging Performance: Vivian Blackmon-Taylor production and education through its collaborations with
the Maltz Jupiter Theatre’s Producing Artistic Director • Best All Around Performance: Beth Neuhoff local and national artists. Currently, the state’s largest
Andrew Kato, and Radio City Music Hall’s Associate • Rising Stars Award: Avante Jones and Kaya Kutner award-winning regional theatre, the theatre draws nearly
Choreographer Samantha Zudima-Wilhelm. These talented • People’s Choice Award (Most Funds Raised): Penni 100,000 people annually, serves a subscription base of
individuals lent their expertise to the event by evaluating Weinberg more than 6,200, and has world-class classroom facilities
each team’s performance and selecting the winning team for • The Fred and The Ginger (Top Award for Best Male supporting its Goldner Conservatory, which serves hundreds
the Judges’ Choice Award. and Female): Dr. Rahul Aggarwal and Dr. Andrea Hass of youth and adults. Having recently completed a stunning
One of the highlights of the evening was the People’s The Jupiter Fred Astaire Dance Studio and The Maltz $36 million renovation, the theatre now boasts state-of-
Choice Award, which was determined by votes from the Jupiter Theatre are committed to providing opportunities for the-art professional facilities supporting talented artists
audience and the general public. Attendees and contestant children to explore their creativity and develop their talents who create Broadway-quality productions on stage. The
supporters were able to cast their votes for their favorite team in the performing arts. The Broadway Ballroom Battle was a theatre is a member of the prestigious League of Resident
throughout the week leading up to the event. Each vote cast testament to their dedication and the generosity of the local Theatres and has earned numerous Carbonell Awards, South
included a $30 contribution to the Goldner Conservatory and businesses and sponsors who donated to make the fundraiser Florida’s highest honor for artistic excellence, including the
was made knowing it was making a difference in the lives successful. prestigious Bill Von Maurer Award for Theatrical Excellence.
of deserving children. For more information about current and upcoming For more information about the theatre’s upcoming shows
“We are thrilled with the success of the Broadway shows at the theatre, call (561) 575-2223 or visit www. and activities at the Goldner Conservatory, visit www.
Ballroom Battle and grateful to everyone who came out For more information on receiving an or call the box office at (561) 575-2223.
to support this important cause,” said Christina Rynasko,
Development Events and Special Projects manager at The
Maltz Jupiter Theatre. “The funds raised will help ensure
that children from all backgrounds have access to quality Business News
arts education and training.”
“The Broadway Ballroom Battle was a tremendous We are pleased to announce the Grand Breitenbach, is an experienced EMS Trainer
success, and we are so proud to have been a part of it,” said
Serge Aliev, the franchise owner of Jupiter Fred Astaire Opening of the Body Street EMS Training with expertise in physical therapy and fitness
Dance Studio. “Jupiter Fred Astaire was thrilled to have the Facility in Jupiter (Downtown Abacoa) at training. David will be leading the operation
opportunity to work with the Maltz Jupiter Theatre and the 1155 Main Street/Suite 113 on August 4! and will be on-site for consultation and
14 amazing individuals who electrified the sold-out audience We couldn’t be more excited to bring individual training.
and gave the performances of their lives.”
The winners of the various awards are as follows: this state-of-the-art 21st Century training He looks forward to helping you.
• Most Creative Performance: John Stevens to the Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens Want to try it out? We’re currently offering
• Most Expressive Performance: Adriana Herran communities. a FREE TRIAL SESSION.
Want to change your life? Body Street Come visit us or contact us today to
is a 20-MINUTE workout like no other. schedule your free individual session.
Body Street utilizes
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Body Street has
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