Page 12 - Hobe Sound Reflections - June '23
P. 12
Page 12, Hobe Sound
KIds Corner
Healthy Start Celebrates into our family of services last
Hollywood Glam And year,” said Healthy Start CEO
Samantha Suffich. “Healthy Start
Healthy Babies is dedicated to supporting families
in the joys of childbearing, and
The glitter and glam of Old Hollywood took center stage in now we are their resource in
mid-April at the 2023 Hometown Hollywood Black-Tie Gala those heartbreaking moments of
in support of the Martin County Healthy Start Coalition and its loss as well.”
Madison’s Miracles program. The gala’s silent auction
Guests were treated to a dazzling setting of glimmering gold featured an electric guitar from
and true red carpet style at the Elliott Museum, where great food Colorado Pawn & Jewelry, a
and spirited dance music made the event memorable. custom hand-forged chef’s knife,
Madison’s Miracles, the newest member of the Martin and art by Omari Maynard. The
County Healthy Start Coalition family of services, provides live auction included a crawfish
compassionate support to families who have been stricken with boil, and emerald and diamond Martin County Healthy Start Team and Board members, left to right: Toni Ryll, Board
the unimaginable loss of a baby during pregnancy or during or necklace from Van’s Uniforms, Member Jessica Tharp, Anastasia Anderson, Roxi Fyke, Margo Keane, Telindalee Beck-
after birth. “We were honored to welcome Madison’s Miracles and once in a lifetime trips. In King, CEO Samantha Suffich, Drew Gray, Board Member Ashley Calderone, Aubrey
addition to auction proceeds, Campbell, Taylor Roca, Board Member John Carrigan, Angela Aulisio, and Jill Taylor
sponsorships, and ticket sales,
funds from a special call-out for support during the event will dedicated to ensuring that every baby is born healthy. It provides
be used to sustain the Madison’s Miracles outreach efforts as educational and health services to pregnant women, new mothers
well as the doula program, car seat program, and mental health and their families at no cost, particularly expectant mothers who
services from Healthy Start. are at risk for late or no prenatal care.
Suffich gave the guests a quick summary of the past year’s Part of a statewide coalition, Healthy Start connects pregnant
achievements: “Between Healthy Start nurses and social workers women and young mothers with essential services including
visiting 178 families during the joys of pregnancy and issuing prenatal care, home visitations by a nurse or social worker,
145,000 diapers to growing babies, we have now filled the last breastfeeding support, parenting education, car seat and sleeping
gap in our continuum of care by serving over 70 families during safety, a free diaper pantry, and access to other community
Will and Sabrina Glover with Mike and Jennifer Renfro the miracle of childbirth with our community doula program. partner agencies through the Betty Moore Prenatal Outreach
We are revolutionizing maternity care by challenging healthcare Center. The David Cardno Father and Child Resource Center,
providers to minimize maternal health disparities and support also part of the Martin County Healthy Start Coalition, helps
healthy, empowered births.” fathers to become more involved in parenting and offers legal
Sponsors of the gala include: Remax of Stuart-Rosi Shepard, assistance to fathers who are separated from their children.
Spot On Strategies, John and Alex Carrigan, Paul J. Feinsinger The programs of Martin County Healthy Start Coalition are
CPA CFP, Loving Chiropractic of Stuart, Lucido & Associates, voluntary and available to all Florida residents at no cost.
Marine Bank, PNC Bank, SJM Aerospace, SouthState Bank, For more information about Martin County Healthy Start
Samantha and Knight Suffich, Van’s Uniforms, Vivify Solutions, Coalition and its ongoing programs, visit www.mchealthystart.
Well Done Hospitality, White Glove Moving, Storage & org, call (772) 463-2888 or follow the organization on Facebook.
Delivery, and Yates Funeral Home. A comprehensive range of no-cost educational and health
For more information, contact services are available to pregnant women and their families,
Healthy Start CEO Samantha Suffice with Randy and About Martin County Healthy Start particularly those who are at risk for late or no prenatal care.
Linda Prange Martin County Healthy Start is a nonprofit organization Photos by Liz McKinley
June is National Men’s Health Month
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