Page 11 - Hobe Sound Reflections - June '23
P. 11

Hobe Sound, Page 11

      Medical Matters from page 8

      Simon Quick Advisors
      Lickstein Plastic Surgery
      The Bov Foundation
      Wittmann Building Corporation
      Pioneer Linens
      Richard and Virginia Deagazio
      LeeSar Cooperative Services of Florida
      Dennis and Roseanne Williams
      Randell and Rebecca Doane
      Dr. Richard and GG Dube                            Lynn and George Bovenizer        Virginia and Richard DeAgazio    Dr. Amit Rastogi and Martin Dytrych

                                                            The foundation is also thankful for exclusive magazine   outpatient health care services. Jupiter Medical Center’s
                                                         sponsor Palm Beach Illustrated and the many additional   specialty centers of excellence include  orthopedics,
                                                         philanthropic supporters and donors.              comprehensive cancer care, cardiovascular care,
                                                            For more information about Jupiter Medical     neurosciences, and women and children’s services. For
                                                         Center  Foundation,  please  visit  jmcfoundation.  more information about Jupiter Medical Center, please
                                                         org. For the latest news and updates, follow on   call (561) 263-2200 or visit
                                                         Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter and on Facebook @                           Photos by LILA PHOTO
                                                         About Jupiter Medical Center
                                                            Highly rated in the region for quality, safety and
                                                         patient experience, Jupiter Medical Center is the leading
                                                         destination for world-class health care in Palm Beach
                                                         County and across the Treasure Coast. Jupiter Medical
                                                         Center’s state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge
      Heather  Albu and  Noel  Dani e l l e  and Vahan   technologies enable its award-winning physicians to
      Martinez                 Gureghian                 provide a comprehensive continuum of inpatient and

                                                                                                                   Check out our website!

                                                                                                                       or call 746-3244
      James and Azza Kennedy   Jayne and Tim Donahue     Lee Ann and Jeffrey Alderton Alan and Penny Murphy
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