Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - May '23
P. 9

Palm City Spotlight, Page 9

                                                          Kids Corner

      GRE, LSAT, And MCAT                                with a disability, testing can be even more challenging. In these     The type of documentation required will depend on the
                                                         instances, requesting testing accommodations can help a student
                                                                                                           specific testing organization or the institution’s policy for
      Accommodations                                     perform to the best of their ability by leveling the playing field.   the requested accommodations. The documentation should
                                                           Accommodations provide students with disabilities or special   explain how a disability impacts the student’s ability to take
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              needs with the necessary support to complete the exam under   the test under standard conditions and must demonstrate the
      School Psychologist                                conditions that allow them to fairly demonstrate their knowledge.   need for accommodations. Most students with a disability have
        The  Graduate  Record                            Some examples of accommodations include extended testing   a history of accommodations provided on the SAT or ACT or
      Examination  (GRE),  Law                           time, additional breaks, a separate testing room, assistive   from when in school, either from an IEP or a 504 Plan.
      School Admission  Test                             technology, and large-print materials. Each institution and exam     For example, if you have a learning disability and are
      (LSAT),  and  the  Medical                         has its own policies for accommodations, and you must submit   requesting extended testing time, documentation that includes
      College Admission  Test                            documentation of your disability to request them.  a diagnosis of the disability, a description of how the disability
      (MCAT)  are  standardized                            For students with disabilities, taking a standardized test   impacts your ability to take tests under a standard condition,
      tests that are used to evaluate                    can be an especially challenging task. Accommodations   and a recommendation for the specific accommodation of
      a  student’s  readiness  for                       help ensure that they are accurately evaluated based on their   extended testing time may be required. The documentation
      graduate school, law school,                       knowledge and abilities and not impeded by their disability,   will need to be provided well in advance of your desired
      and medical school. These                          which would otherwise affect their performance under   testing date and can take up to six weeks for review.
      examinations are among the most challenging and important   standard testing conditions. It does not change what the test     Call as we complete GRE, LSAT, and MCAT evaluations
      tests a student will take in their lifetime. However, for a student   measures or its expectations.   for dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression,
                                                                                                           anxiety, and other processing disorders. Call (561) 625-4125
                                                                                                           Children’s Garden Redesigned
                                                                                                           For Educational Programs

                                                                                                           And Birthday Parties

                                                                                                             The Children’s Garden
                                                                                                           at The Children’s Museum
                                                                                                           of the  Treasure Coast
                                                                                                           continues to grow and
                                                                                                           flourish. Over the years
                                                                                                           the  Garden  Exhibit  has
                                                                                                           received some unique one-
                                                                                                           of-a-kind installations,
                                                                                                           including a 12-foot Carrot
                                                                                                           Rock Climber, a 30-foot
                                                                                                           Squash  Slide,  and  15-
                                                                                                           foot Bronze Bunny. The
                                                                                                           museum is super excited to
                                                                                                           share a recent renovation  Tom Smythe
                                                                                                           thanks in big part to
                                                                                                           Legacy  Donor  David  Smythe.  David’s  name  lives  on
                                                                                                           throughout the entire Children’s Garden. David was the
                                                                                                           lead donor for the outdoor educational space, contributing
                                                                                                           over $200,000 since the garden’s groundbreaking in 2010.
                                                                                                           After David’s passing, his son, Tom Smythe, continues
                                                                                                           the wonderful relationship with The Children’s Museum.
                                                                                                           “My dad always believed that children need enriching
                                                                                                           programs that promote health and wellness. He believed
                                                                                                           in the Children’s Museum’s mission and he was honored
                                                                                                           to lead the charge to see the project thrive and grow, even
                                                                                                           after his passing,” says Tom.
                                                                                                             Thanks to the generosity, time, and talent donated by
                                                                                                           Allgreens Landscaping, ShadeMakers, Bullpen Turf and
                                                                                                           David Smythe, the Children’s Garden has a new outdoor
                                                                                                           classroom and event space. The beautiful new space
                                                                                                           now includes colorful sail shades, vibrant astroturf, and
                                                                                                           natural grass beds. This newly renovated space will be
                                                                                                           used to welcome students here for field trips, educational
                                                                                                           programs, and guest speakers. On weekends the space
                                                                                                           hosts outdoor garden birthday parties. It’s a great outdoor
                                                                                                           venue with scenic river views for children’s birthday
                                                                                                           parties. The event space is now available for birthday
                                                                                                           parties and small event rentals.

                                                                                                           Tom Smyth,  Abraham Breckenridge with  Allgreens
                                                                                                           Landscaping, Greg Kuklinski with ShadeMakers, and Tammy
                                                                                                           Calabria with The Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast
                                                                                  See answer in this paper.
                                                                                                           Kids Corner on page 10
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