Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - May '23
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

                                                    tip of tHe tAiL

      Cannabis Exposure                                  difficult for clinicians to diagnose and to treat. Furthermore,   to enjoy the edibles you purchased without having to pay an

                                                         drug testing these pets is often unreliable. Currently the only   expensive veterinary bill on top of it.
                                                         rapid testing on the market is for humans and recent studies     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                         indicate that there are validity concerns due to metabolite   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
                                                         variances between canines and humans.             pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
                                                           Bottom line, the use of medicinal or recreational marijuana   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
                                                         is here to stay, as is a dog’s propensity to find things he should   extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
                                                         not get into. Just like when you have children in your home,   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
                                                         you lock up dangerous things in high cabinets, a locked   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
                                                         drawer, or an area where wandering hands (or in this case,   For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
                                                         curious noses) cannot get into. The same principles should or find us on Facebook
                                                         apply when you have pets in your home. This will allow you   at

        On a typical Wednesday a few weeks ago at Palm City
      Animal Medical Center the doctors and staff were all busy                     reAL estAte
      seeing appointments and performing scheduled surgeries
      when a dog was rushed into the hospital for sudden onset
      neurologic signs and abnormal behavior. During his exam
      he was barely able to stand, had urinary incontinence,   Treasure Coast Real Estate                    To try and solve these problems, Governor DeSantis
      a low heart rate and a fever after being outside playing   Report                                    convened a special legislative session to comprehensively
      at SandyPaws just prior to the onset of signs. We began                                              deal with the issue. A complex and detailed law was
      treating him for shock in an attempt to stabilize him while   Property Insurance Rates Are Ridiculously   passed overwhelmingly in both houses of the legislature,
      getting to the bottom of his diagnosis. While performing                                             and was signed into law on December 16, 2022, and
      tests we placed him in an ICU run with IV fluids and strict   High, But You May Be Able To Lower     became effective on January 1, 2023.
      monitoring where he continued to decline, becoming more   Yours By 25 Percent                          A major part of this bill is that if homeowners agree
      lethargic and less responsive despite treatment. It was during                                       to mandatory binding arbitration, rather than suing,
      this time he also began vomiting, at first large amounts of   By Jim Weix                            they can get policy discounts on new and renewal
      water but eventually he vomited up what appeared to be a     Why is homeowner’s                      policies of up to 25 percent in 2023.
      plastic ziplock bag. Upon inspecting this bag we discovered   insurance in Florida                     Another part of the bill deals with the assignment of
      the cause of his symptoms was cannabis ingestion. The   so  expensive? The                           benefits or AOB. These AOB contracts have long been
      ziplock bag was punctured and open, but multiple edibles   answer is hurricanes                      abused by dishonest contractors seeking to obtain large
      were found still inside the bag and more were found in his   and  fraud. According                   settlements by convincing homeowners to sign away their
      vomit. Now knowing that this doodle was suffering from   to The  National                            rights to any claims under the homeowner’s insurance policy.
      the effects of THC, we were able to treat him appropriately   Insurance Crime Bureau,                Fraudulent contractors then inflate the claims to secure larger
      with IVs and supportive care and he ultimately made a full,   “Insurance fraud and                   settlements – without benefit to the victim homeowner. One
      albeit expensive, recovery.                          abuse is rampant in                             way attorney fees have fueled the explosion of frivolous
        You would think this case was an uncommon one since   the state of Florida,                        lawsuits in Florida in recent years is by incentivizing
      we don’t live in a major metropolitan area. Unfortunately,   costing homeowners and                  attorneys to create disputes and inflate claims.
      this is far from the truth and treating stoned dogs is now   insurance carriers billions of dollars each year.”    My insurance company is offering a 20 percent discount
      a fairly common occurrence. With the increasing use of     Due to this, Florida homeowners have been facing   on my $6,000 premium if I agree to mandatory binding
      medicinal marijuana throughout the country, and the various   rapidly increasing insurance rates, liquidations, and   arbitration. My only reservation is that the insurance
      oral formulations that cannabis is now available in, the rise   failures of their carriers, over the last few years. As a   company gets to pick the arbitrator. To me, that sounds
      of THC toxicity in canines is alarming. In the past six years,   result of rapidly increasing litigation over claims in the   like asking the fox to guard the henhouse.
      there’s been more than a 400 percent increase in calls about   state courts, and other factors, insurance companies     Maybe this is the answer to lower rates, but I would
      marijuana poisoning to the Pet Poison Helpline, and vets are   in Florida were facing increasing difficulty in getting   suggest talking to your attorney before agreeing to it.
      reporting a greater than 60 percent increase in cases they are   required reinsurance, among other problems.     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss
      seeing come into their practices.                      To put a perspective on the “excessive” homeowner   your options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
        The  most  common  symptoms  included  urinary     claims in Florida, the country’s third largest state in
      incontinence, disorientation, an abnormal drunken gait,   population (having just surpassed New York) in 2021     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      lethargy, increased sensitivity to stimuli, a slow heart rate,   there were 100,000 lawsuits in Florida with claims totaling   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      and hypothermia. These symptoms usually present within 30   $7.8 billion in damages, whereas the other 49 states had a   estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
      minutes to an hour from time of ingestion and can last anywhere   total of 24,000 cases claiming $2.4 billion. In other words,   of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      from 24 to 72 hours. Although prognosis with appropriate   Florida wins the national award for fraud.  2941 or
      treatment is usually excellent, there has been a rise in fatalities
      recently due in large part to the increase in THC concentration
      now found in marijuana products. Dogs don’t know just to eat
      one-fourth of a cookie or one edible, and since they metabolize
      medications much differently than humans do, they feel the
      effects of THC to a much greater degree.
        An additional complication is that many of today’s edibles
      come packaged in chocolate and fruit flavors, which are
      highly attractive treats to pets and also can be highly toxic.
      Chocolate, grapes, raisins, and xylitol are just a few of the
      ingredients being used that cause significant health issues in
      our pets. A pet who has gotten into these types of edibles may
      be suffering from a multidrug toxicity, which makes it more

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