Page 26 - Southern Exposure - March '23
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Page 26, Southern Exposure
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Tourists enjoy a sunny day on Mamaia resort beach, Romania’s oldest, largest and most
popular summer resort, on the Black Sea Coast in northwest Constanţa.
its beginnings recorded by Homer at the time of the Trojan is the namesake of the
Wars. The Greeks arrived in the sixth century B.C. and square. A statue sculpted The Genoese Lighthouse The Great Mahmudiye Mosque
controlled the area until 71 B.C. when they lost control to by Ettore Ferrari in 1887
the Romans. It was the Roman Emperor Constantine the highlights the area. Emperor Augustus exiled Ovidius to and Aromanians (the official language of Macedonia).
Great (274 to 337) who changed the name of the city to Tomis in A.D. 8. Four seasons and a moderate continental climate set the
Constantiana in honor of his sister. Apparently the name In the 19th century King Carol I decided to revive tone for the lifestyles. It’s the beach and the mineral
didn’t catch on right away, because the first recorded usage Constanţa, and as a result, fine mansions and hotels were springs that dominate the area in the summer, and it snows,
was in 950 A.D. The Great Wall of Trajan ended at the built in the city to embellish the attributes of the seaside but not very much, in winter. The winter of 2007 was the
seaward city of Constantiana, which itself was surrounded resort. This resulted in making Constanţa the third largest warmest in recorded history.
by a number of fortitications. city in Romania. Today it is an important cultural and Mobile, Ala., is one of the many sister cities of
The name was shortened to Constanţa during Ottoman economic center. Adding to this effort are the various Constanţa. One can see the connection with both being
control. After becoming part of the Bulgarian Empire as archaeological attractions that entice visitors to the area. located on seashores and other attributes. Fine sand
an independent principality under Mircea 1 of Wallachia, The Casino is one of the hallmark structures of the city. beaches are located some three miles north of Constanţa
Constanţa fell under the control of the Ottoman Empire in It was built right on the seashore in the early part of the on a long strip of land that lies between the Black Sea
1419. It remained under the Ottomans for 450 years until 20th century in an art nouveau style, attracting visitors and Lake Siutghiol. The area has all the recreational
1878, when it was claimed by Romania in the Romanian and locals alike, the pedestrian area around the Casino is facilities to enjoy a fantastic holiday. The resorts in the
War of Independence. This acquisition gave Romania a a sought-after destination to relax and enjoy those things area take their names from the gods and goddesses of
seaport that has become the fourth largest in Europe after that are important in one’s life. It is an especially sought- Greek mythology: Eforie, Jupiter, Neptune, Olimp, Saturn,
Rotterdam, Antwerp and Marseille. after area in the evening for couples and families looking Venus and Mangala. At night the numerous restaurants
Shortly before this time, in 1860, a railroad was to enjoy the sunset. and night clubs hold the interest of the visitors.
constructed linking Constanţa to Cernavodă. The The Turkish influence was still in place in 1910 I’m sure you won’t find Constanţa on the list of 100
terminal building was badly damaged during the War of when King Carol I had the Great Mahmudiye Mosque places to see before you die, but it is certainly a fascinating
Independence. Parts of the structure have been reclaimed constructed. It is the center of Islam in Romania and place to visit if you get a chance.
and while doing so, they discovered the substantial the seat of the Mufti, the spiritual leader of the 60,000 The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal
remains of what is said to be the longest mosaic pavement Muslims (Turks and Tatars by origin) who live along experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised
in the world. The Roman Mosaic is believed to have been the coast of the Dobruja region. By far, it is the most the oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach
built in the fourth century A.D. It connected the upper distinctive mosque in the area, combining both Byzantine Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated
lever of the city to the harbor. Some 9,000-plus square and Romanian architectural elements. The 164-foot-high agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North
feet of the colorful mosaic remains today. Along the minaret towers over the old city center and harbor. And, Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens.
walkway there is archeological evidence that points to unlike other mosques that have electric speakers to call to The agency has been serving the travel needs of the South
the existence of warehouses and shops. The public baths prayer five times a day, this one is climbed by the muezzin Florida area for over a quarter of a century. Contact them
are still in evidence at the lower end of the walkway near – all 140 stairs – to do the proclamations. at (561) 694-9696 or
the Casino. On the subject of water, a Roman Aqueduct There are over a half million people living in the
brought water six miles into the city. metropolitan area of Constanţa. They are comprised of six Photos by Don Kiselewski
During World War I Constanţa was occupied by ethnic groups: Romanians, Turks, Tatars, Greeks, Germans
the Central Power, consisting of German, Turkish and
Bulgarian troops. The city was liberated by Allied troops
in 1918. Romania joined NATO in 2002 and its 21.6
million citizens joined the European Union in 2007. Susan Has Moved To A
It was during the 13th century that Genoese merchants
dominated the Black Sea. Under their influence. Constanţa
flourished. However, the bottom fell out two centuries later New Location!
under Turkish Rule. To commemorate the good old days,
the Genoese Lighthouse was constructed in 1860. It stands
only 26 feet above the ground, however, that’s tall enough Androcles Hair Salon
for ships to be guided. The lighthouse is located just off
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