Page 22 - Southern Exposure - March '23
P. 22
Page 22, Southern Exposure
loCal government
Tax Talk
Dear Friends, Hopefully, you have already diverging diamond interchange (DDI) is a form of vehicle
Of the more than 612,000 paid your taxes, but if not, I traffic interchange that allows the two directions of traffic
tax bills that were sent out in encourage you to visit www. on the crossroad to temporarily divide and cross to the
November, as of this writing, and make your opposite side of the road, creating a diamond like shape.
86 percent have been paid. payment online. If you are one The DDI was first introduced in France in the 1970s and
With property taxes due soon, of the hundreds of thousands has since grown in popularity across the United States,
time is running out before who have already paid, thank you! due to the safety and cost effectiveness of the design.
the March 31 deadline. To Regards, How Does It Work?
help remind those property Anne M. Gannon, If you are thinking “Crossing to the opposite side of
owners who have yet to pay Constitutional Tax Collector, the road? How does that work?” you are not alone; instead
their taxes, we have sent Serving Palm Beach County of trying to explain it in words why not hand it over to
out 63,025 reminder notices the experts? Florida Department of Transportation put
to encourage them to pay their taxes before the deadline. Jupiter Jubilee together an informational video that shows how it works
Mother Nature and what it looks like from the driver’s perspective. Visit
Medicare couldn’t dampen the video. to watch the
spirit at this year’s
Now Open!
The new DDI is now officially open at I-95 and Glades
Jupiter Jubilee. The
open enrollMent TCO Outreach Team Road in Boca Raton, with more on the way: I-95 at 45th
Street, I-95 at Lantana Road, and I-95 at Hypoluxo Road.
attended Jupiter ’s
It is another example of Palm Beach County leading the
largest hometown
celebration featuring
a civic fair, kid’s way in innovation and design.
Is It HOV Or Is It Express Lane?
Driving can be relaxing, stressful, exciting, scary, and
activities, K-9
for 2023 demonstrations and overwhelming at the same time. That is why it’s important
police and fire displays.
to know the rules of the road. For example, do you know
Our team was on hand
lanes may be located on an interstate and are intended to
to answer a variety the difference between HOV and express lanes? While both
cHecK For of questions from decrease traffic, they do have some differences.
Express lanes are pay-per-use lanes for drivers that
vehicle registrations
want a more expected travel time. These lanes have
to preparing first-time
eXcItInG drivers along with restricted entrances and exits to accommodate drivers on
longer commutes. Vehicles in the express lane must use a
distributing educational
materials about agency SunPass to pay the associated fee. For more information
services. Thank you on purchasing a SunPass, visit
neW PLanS to everyone who stopped by our booth to ask questions, HOV is an acronym for “high occupancy vehicle.” The
HOV decal, issued by the Department of Highway Safety
get materials, and share your feedback on your positive
and experiences in our service centers. and Motor Vehicles, allows low emission vehicles, hybrid
Our team is always excited to attend community events
vehicles certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection
aLL neW and have the opportunity to interact with our clients. If Agency and vehicles with two or more occupants to drive
you missed us at the Jubilee, visit us at these upcoming
in a high occupancy vehicle lane. The purpose of an HOV
community events:
lane is to encourage carpooling and minimize traffic for
BeneFItS • Palm Beach Pride, March 25 and 26 at Bryant Park in the hours in which the lane is designated as an HOV lane.
Downtown Lake Worth Beach
However, no matter which lane you are occupying, it’s
essential to follow the rules behind the wheel, to ensure
• Black Gold Jubilee, April 15 at Torrey Island
YoU are Campground in Belle Glade that you and others reach your destinations safely.
Diamonds Are
entItLed to A Driver’s Best Friend
neW! You might
be wondering
maY cHanGe PLanS what a precious
stone has to do
JanUarY 1 tHrU marcH 31, 2023 with driving, and
caLL WItH QUeStIonS the answer is,
nothing; however,
the shape of the
stone does, allow
Peter Gratzon me to elaborate. A
toP IndePendent “Service is our number one priority”
medIcare aGent 561-743-0070
c: 561-289-9396
time for a supplemeNtal plaN?
choose aNy
doctor/hospital/No referrals
aNywhere iN the couNtry
appoiNted with major iNsuraNce carriers
No obligatioN/
No fees/ Expires 4/15/23.
No commissioN State Licensed & Insured
call for iN-home appoiNtmeNt Serving Palm Beach County CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099