Page 2 - PGA Community News - March '23
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Page 2, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  March 2023                                                                                                                                                    March 2023

      PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1

      Taking A Stroll On Ryder Cup?                     Palm Beach Gardens Recreation Department Annual    race will be sent to Place of Hope (Rescuing Abused
         New crosswalks will be added to PGA National!   Report Highlights                                 and Neglected Children). Many PGA National residents
      Several  new  crosswalks  will  be  added  to  Ryder  Cup      PBG Recreation was incredibly busy in 2022! Recent   are strong supporters of several area-wide charities, and
      Boulevard.  The Northern Palm Beach Community     statistics from the report: $15  million  in estimated   we thank you for your ongoing support to make our
      Improvement District provided an analysis of the area   economic impact for local businesses through sporting   communities a better place to live for everyone.
      and estimate for work to be completed. We recognize that   events in city parks; over 400,000 community members   North County Neighborhood Coalition (NCNC)
      there are many walkers, joggers, and bikers along Ryder   attended special PBG events; over 68,000 community      The NCNC is a chamber of communities (structured
      Cup Boulevard so the addition of these crosswalks will   members  participated  in recreation programs;  almost   as a Chapter 617 not for profit) in the State of Florida.
      be helpful to everyone. If you ride a bicycle or skate on   1,000 tennis and pickleball memberships with over 87,000   It includes 23 member communities and associations
      the walking paths, please remember to alert pedestrians   pounds of clay added by in-house maintenance team to   including, without limitation, PGA National,  The
      before coming up behind them.                     maintain superior tennis surfaces; and over 8,000 lap   Club at Ibis, Admirals Cove, Avenir, BallenIsles, Ibis,
      Thank You To Security!                            swim visits to the Aquatic Complex. Great programs are   Mirasol, Frenchman’s Reserve, Old Marsh Golf Club,
         St. Moritz Security is working diligently to keep our   available for all areas of interest. Palm Beach Gardens   and Steeplechase. The mission is to improve the quality
      communities safe. Security is now doing some foot patrols   offers amazing city parks and recreation facilities, hosting   of life in North Palm Beach County by collaboratively
      during the day in addition to driving through each of the   annual fun and competitive sporting events. If you haven’t   working with businesses, government agencies, and
      communities and dealing with related security issues   visited a city park, now is the perfect time! Check out   community leaders. PGA National, with Mike Englesher
      during each security shift. While we have seen numbers                             in this role, is a founding member of the NCNC. Both
      decrease across the board regarding burglaries, PGA      Don’t forget about the Palm Beach Gardens Green   Mike Engelsher, POA Board president and Jim Kraus,
      National did have three (unlocked) vehicles stolen in   Market each Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the City   Board member, currently serve as PGA’s co-delegates.
      2022. Please stay safe and please be smart about removing   Hall  Municipal Campus  (10500  N.  Military Trail) for   Recently Kraus was elected to the Board of Directors of
      your key from your vehicle, locking your vehicle, and   food, music, demonstrations, shopping and more!  NCNC – Congratulations Jim! It is important to the PGA
      locking the doors of your home.                   Congratulations On A Good Run!                     National community that we remain engaged, involved,
         PGA National also saw a decrease in all code violations      Congratulations to our own PGA POA Board member   and active on the NCNC making sure that PGA National
      so thank you for paying more attention to issues such   Jim Kraus! The Honda Classic 5K took place in mid-  is fully represented at the table for all important projects
      as open garage doors, parking and trash violations and   January and Jim took third place in the 65 to 70 age   discussed and led by NCNC. Thank you to both Mike
      contractors on the premises after hours. Our communities’   bracket! Perhaps you witnessed the runners this year.   and Jim for their active involvement and willingness to
      safety and security begin and end with our residents being   The race was on the Champion Course at PGA National   participate in this volunteer capacity.
      aware and engaged.                                and there were over 600 participants. Proceeds from the


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