Page 1 - PGA Community News - March '23
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VOL. 33 NO. 3 FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL MARCH 2023
PGA POA Communication Corner
Submitted by Gail Coppage and Bill Heath, Even our excellent security team, St. Moritz officers, please contact the POA office at (561) 627-2800 to ensure
PGA POA Communications Committee cannot be everywhere at all once. What steps can we all your correct mailing address is on file.
take to be better prepared? 1) LOCK YOUR CAR; 2) ARC Committee
DON’T LEAVE YOUR KEY (OR THE KEY FOB TO The ARC continues to review a significant number
START THE VEHICLE) IN YOUR CAR; 3) CLOSE of applications for improvements. All documentation
YOUR GARAGE DOOR WHEN NOT IN USE; 4) needed, can be found on the PGA POA website (www.
REMEMBER TO LOCK YOUR DOORS TO YOUR CAR Please remember that all changes to the
AND YOUR HOME; 5) DON’T LEAVE VALUABLES exterior of your home, whether permanently attached
IN SIGHT IN YOUR CAR, and 5) BE AWARE OF or not, require prior written approval by the POA ARC.
YOUR SURROUNDINGS. The above steps are easy to If you need help with the application, Lori (at the POA
do, take no time and help to keep both you and all our office) is always happy to help. Thank you to all the
communities safe. homeowners who are adding great value to their homes
Finance Committee with new landscaping, roofing, windows, new paint, and
The annual meeting notice was mailed to PGA driveways. PGA National is looking beautiful which is
National residents on Feb. 1. The meeting was held why there is such continued interest in purchasing a home
Happy March in PGA National! Spring is here and we have on Wednesday, March 1, at the PGA Resort, Masters or condo in one of our communities!
heard birds chirping, seen blue skies and gorgeous greenery Ballroom. Included in the notice packet was a summary of Long-Range Planning Committee
throughout our Florida winter. The days have been glorious, the the audited financial statement. Several local and county Currently the committee is reviewing information for
nights cool and sweet and weather just perfect for any outdoor officials attended the meeting and provided updates to the landscaping work planned alongside PGA Boulevard.
activity! Living in a gated (or access controlled) community the PGA National community. We hope you were at the Discussions continue between the committee, land
has so many benefits and having a strong security presence is meeting! planners, and engineers. The committee recognizes the
a wonderful addition to our daily living environment; BUT, The new fiscal year begins July 1. The budget is importance and need for appropriately managing this
speaking of our Shangri-la environment, do you know that currently under review but we do expect an increase since project. We will continue to keep you apprised as plans
even though we may live in a gated community, we are not the Board held the rate for the past few years even though progress on this subject.
immune to crime, such as burglaries and stolen cars? It is a expenses continued to increase. The assessment notice
fact of our daily life that, with so much daily traffic in and out and payment information will be mailed to all property PGA POA Communication Corner on page 2
of PGA National, our communities are still prone to crime. owners on June 1 so if you have moved in the past year,
Commissioner’s Update
2023 Legislative Session produced by local universities and state colleges in to recognize the county’s authority to approve affordable
Priorities partnership with institutions such as Max Planck, Scripps housing projects pursuant to Florida Statutes. Once
finalized, the county would establish procedures for
of Florida, Florida Atlantic University, Palm Beach State
College and University of Florida. Supporting STEM considering approval of affordable housing proposals
By Commissioner programs will grow our workforce in the biotech industry. in commercial, industrial and residential zoned areas,
Maria Marino Funding to support the restoration of historical facilities in accordance with any legal provisions passed by the
The Board of County on Peanut Island, including the U.S. Coast Guard Lake Worth legislature.
Commissioners has identified Inlet Station, dating back to World War II, and the Kennedy Homelessness legislation to support programs that
six strategic priorities that Bunker, built in secrecy by the Navy Seabees during the time include services to veterans, college and university
have guided the formulation of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1961 and 1962. It is essential students, youth aging out of foster care, and patients
of the FY2023 budget and that we preserve the historical features in our parks and public exiting sober homes, and review policies to move people
set the course for advocating spaces that enhance our tourist attractions. out of poverty.
Palm Beach County’s needs Housing And Homelessness Empower local governments to take action against
this 2023 legislative session in Restoration of the Sadowski Local Government Housing landlords who fail to maintain minimum housing standards;
Tallahassee. Those priorities Trust Fund for affordable housing projects. This session, I foreclose housing properties that pose a safety hazard to its
are economic development; am very encouraged by Florida Senate President Kathleen occupants; and, impose fines against landlords to recoup the
housing and homelessness; infrastructure; public safety; Passidomo’s commitment to pass legislation that will assist costs of relocating residents from condemned properties.
environmental protection; and, substance abuse and behavior local governments in repurposing underperforming or
disorders. vacant commercial developments along our urban transit Commissioner’s Update on page 4
Influenced by those priorities, here are just some of the corridors into affordable
legislative measures and appropriations we are advocating housing for our workforce.
through our delegation: Palm Beach County has
Economic Development transmitted an amendment
Biomedical research funding for educational programs to the Comprehensive Plan