Page 6 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - March '23
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Page 6, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens

      16th Annual SleepOut from page 1
        With an estimated 3,000 men, women, and children  Vita Nova’s Mallets And Martinis

      without a safe place to call home on any given night in
      effort to spread awareness and raise the much-needed funds  Scheduled For March 25
      Palm Beach County, SleepOut is part of The Lord’s Place’s
      to provide the resources, programs, and services necessary
      to break the cycle of homelessness. The fundraising goal is   Proceeds To Benefit
      $325,000 and all donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar   Homeless Youth In Palm
      until March 31, by The Honorable Ann Brown.
        In addition to the hopeless eyes behind the person holding   Beach County
      the “homeless and hungry” sign on the side of the street, there
      are many who are unhoused and hidden from sight: the man     Vita  Nova  will host the Sixth Annual  Mallets  &
      whose rent recently skyrocketed and no longer has a place to   Martinis on Saturday, March 25, at the National Croquet
      live; the woman who became disabled in a car accident, can   Center in West Palm Beach. The nonprofit’s signature
      no longer work, and whose disability check doesn’t cover   fundraising event will raise money to support the
      the cost of living in Palm Beach County; the mother who is   homeless youth Vita Nova serves in Palm Beach County.
      working during the day while her children are at school and     Beginning at 6 p.m. guests of Mallets & Martinis
      then sleeping in their car at night. These scenarios are too   will experience an exhilarating evening under the palms
      prevalent.                                           featuring croquet, martinis, and live music. Guests,
        SleepOut 2023 is your opportunity to help. Based on   who are encouraged to wear “Chic Croquet Whites,”   Chairs: Yvonne and Ed Varona
      the community’s feedback, The Lord’s Place reimagined   will also have the opportunity after dinner to bid on
      this annual event with brand-new activities. SleepOut will   amazing live auction items and dance the night away.   learn more, become a sponsor and/or purchase tickets,
      give people of all ages the opportunity to actively engage     Serving over 400 youth in Palm Beach County,   visit  or  call  (561)
      in hands-on volunteer opportunities, travel the agency’s   Vita Nova is a safe bridge to independence for former   472-4809.
      mission pathway through a client’s eyes, and enjoy an   foster care, LGBTQ, and other homeless youth through   About Vita Nova
      auction, music, a celebratory program, and an inspiring   supportive housing, education, employment, and life     Vita Nova is a safe bridge to independence for former
      candlelight ceremony. SleepOut will shine light on those   skills training. Working to eliminate homelessness for   foster care, LGBTQ, and other homeless youth through
      experiencing homelessness in our community – helping our   youth ages 18 to 25 years old in Palm Beach County,   supportive housing, education, employment, and life
      most vulnerable neighbors access the tools needed to create   Vita Nova acts as an advocate and support system for   skills training. Vita Nova Inc, located in West Palm
      sustainable, independent lives.                      homeless young adults.                          Beach, Fla., is comprised of three components: the Spot,
        After the program, all attendees are encouraged to set up     All proceeds from this event will go towards Vita Nova’s   Housing (The Village), and Independent Living.
      sleeping bags and tents at the event, uniquely on the outfield,   Housing Program and Independent Living Services.     Vita Nova means “new life” in Latin and was founded
      or in their homes or backyards. SleepOut encourages people     Chairpersons of the event are Yvonne and Ed   by Father Leo Armbrust, a man who believed that foster
      to step out of the comfort of their homes for a night in a   Varona. Sponsors to  date  include  FPL,  MorseLife   youth deserved a better quality of care. Through the
      symbolic effort to raise awareness of those without a home.   Health System, DEX Imaging, HSS Florida, Donor   efforts of the Vita Nova team members, its volunteers,
        “At The Lord’s Place we recognize that all people deserve   Chip Williams, Searcy Law- Searcy Denney Scarola   and its benefactors, older foster and homeless youth are
      respect and a place to call home; so, we are answering the   Barnhart & Shipley, P.A., Sunshine Health, and M   allowed to lead lives characterized by independence,
      call for help. Let us take you out to the ballpark for a night   Law-Mrachek Fitzgerald Rose Konopka Thomas &   self-determination, and personal responsibility.
      where you can give back to our community and learn how   Weiss, PA. and Palm Beach Illustrated.        To learn more about Vita Nova or to donate, visit
      to be part of the solution, and, in turn, we will be your feet     Tickets to Mallets & Martinis are $225 each. To or call (561) 689-0035.
      on the street helping those most vulnerable,” stated CEO
      Diana Stanley.
        Register to attend this free, fun, and life-changing event   Advertise in This Newspaper! Call 561-746-3244
      using the code “FreeEvent” or make a donation of any size
      to be matched by The Honorable Ann Brown: sleepouttlp.
        “No one should have to worry about whether they have a
      roof over their heads. This year, I am matching every single
      dollar raised for SleepOut, because when my husband Donald
      and I first attended SleepOut almost 10 years ago, we were
      moved. We saw ‘the world’ represented at this great equalizer
      and were impressed and moved by the number of people
      coming together with donations, large and small, to make a
      difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness.
      I continue to give in memory of Don. It is my way to honor
      him,” commented Brown.
        Attendees are also encouraged to bring supplies to help
      create school backpacks, pantry baskets, cleaning buckets,
      and outreach bags during the event. The kits assembled will
      serve the 1,800 clients who are in The Lord’s Place care
      every year, including those currently living on the street and
      in their housing programs for men, women, and families. For       driveway                                       courtyard
      more information on the items to bring, visit: sleepouttlp.
      com. Volunteer service hours will be provided.
        Each additional housed person in Palm Beach County is a
      home run. Attend SleepOut 2023 and help hit homelessness
      out of the ballpark.
      About The Lord’s Place
        For more than 40 years, The Lord’s Place has been
      working to break the cycle of homelessness for men, women,
      and children in Palm Beach County, through innovative,
      compassionate and effective services. It provides supportive
      and graduate housing at 12 locations; operates social
      enterprises including Joshua Catering; provides job training
      and placement services, clinical and care coordination, and
      community engagement services; and has a highly-successful
      reentry program helping men and women transitioning from
      incarceration. For more information visit

                                                                        rec room                                      wine cellar

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       Left  to  right:  The  Lord’s  Place  Board  Chair  Cornelia
       Thornburgh, The Honorable Ann Brown, The Lord’s Place
       CEO Diana Stanley at SleepOut 2022
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