Page 8 - Boca Exposure - March '23
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Page 8, Boca Exposure
      Jewish Organizations

      Partner To Host Area’s First Pride Shabbat, March 31

      New Event Will Take Place                          are in peril around the world, taking the time to celebrate      Shabbat is the Jewish Day of Rest, which lasts from Friday

      On Trans Day Of Visibility,                        these members of our community and those who love them   evening to Saturday night. During Erev Shabbat, the Friday
                                                                                                           evening start to the holiday, people often come together and
                                                         could not be more important. As a rabbi, I hear our tradition
      An Annual Awareness Day                            calling us to notice, recognize, and celebrate the holiness of   celebrate the end of the work week and enter the day of rest
                                                         each human being, as being made in God’s image.”
                                                                                                           with a prayer service, candle lighting and festive dinner. During
      Celebrated Around The World                           Notably, Pride Shabbat will take place on  Trans   Shabbat, Jewish people are encouraged not to engage in labor,
                                                         Day of Visibility, an annual awareness day celebrated   as they separate work from prayer.
         The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), a   around the world. The day is dedicated to celebrating the      Registration is required. Visit
      part of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County   accomplishments of transgender and gender-nonconforming   prideshabbat to register for information and entrance to the
      (JFSPBC); Keshet, a nonprofit organization dedicated to   people, while raising awareness of the work that still needs   Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County campus.
      creating equality for LGBTQ+ Jews; and the Adolph and   to be done to achieve trans justice.         About The Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach County
      Rose Levis Jewish Community Center (JCC) are partnering      “As our state sanctions erasure of LGBTQ+ identity in      Established in 1979, the JFSPBC is made up of Jewish
      to bring the community its first Pride Shabbat.    the public sector, it is even more important for our Jewish   and social service organizations, synagogues, and schools that
         The event, which is free and open to the public, will be   community to uphold the values of b’tzelem Elohim and   provide valued services and programs to recipients in South Palm
      held at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 31 at the JCC Sandler Center,   kavod and affirm every person’s identity, which is exactly   Beach County, in Israel and around the world. The JFSPBC
      21050 95th Ave. S., Boca Raton, FL 33428. The center is   what the Jewish community of South Palm Beach County   is also comprised of local residents, including lay leadership,
      located on the Jewish Federation’s campus. The service   is doing,” said Tracey Labgold, Keshet’s Florida education   volunteer, donors, professional staff, rabbis, educators, event
      will be led by cantorial soloist Jake Harris and Rabbi Greg   and training manager.                  participants and students. Situated on a 100-acre campus in west
      Weisman from Temple Beth El.                          “The list is still in formation, but at this point 14 Jewish   Boca Raton – the largest in the nation – the JFSPBC supports
         “I’m so excited for our Community Pride Shabbat in   organizations have agreed to lend their support to our   more than 70 beneficiaries, engages with more than 5,000
      March,” said Weisman, who is also Rabbi Board Chair for   inaugural community Pride Shabbat. Our goal is for this to   donors, and connects more than 130,000 residents. To learn
      the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. “As the   become an annual event with a different Jewish organization   more about how we contribute to a shared vision for the Jewish
      rights and protections for those who identify as LGBTQ+   or synagogue hosting each year.”           community, visit or call (561) 852-3100.
      Living Longer, Living Better

      After A Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

         An estimated 150,000                            continence after colorectal surgery. Fewer patients today   ranked nationally by  U.S. News World Report’s “Best
      U.S. adults will be diagnosed                      require a permanent colostomy, in which stool is diverted   Hospitals” rankings (2022/23). Identified as “high
      with colorectal cancer this                        from the lower part of the digestive tract by connecting the   performing” in colon cancer surgery by the magazine,
      year. Excluding skin cancer,                       end of the colon to an opening in the belly. Thanks to newer   the team offers a full range of advanced treatment options
      it is the third most common                        surgical techniques developed and/or refined at Cleveland   for colon and rectal cancers. The Maroone Cancer Center
      cancer diagnosed in both                           Clinic Florida, it is more common for patients to need only   at Cleveland Clinic Florida is an ACS Commission on
      men and women each year                            a temporary ileostomy to let the body rest and heal, rather   Cancer  Accredited Program and Cleveland Clinic Florida
      in the United States.                              than a permanent colostomy.                       in Weston was the first in Florida and second in the nation
         Now for the good news.                             “Preserving and improving the quality of life are always   to earn accreditation from the ACS National Accreditation
      The five-year survival rate                        our top priorities, and the work being done by my colleagues   Program for Rectal Cancer.
      for colorectal cancer has                          in Florida, Ohio, London and Abu Dhabi attest to these      Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Department of Colorectal
      more  than  doubled  since                         priorities,” says Wexner. “For patients with colorectal cancer,   Surgery is world-renowned for achieving excellent
      1970, climbing to 65 percent, due to medical advances and   that means eliminating their cancer while helping them   outcomes and using innovative state-of-the-art
      early screening. For people with localized colorectal cancer   preserve bowel continence whenever possible.”  treatments for colorectal conditions. Learn  more at
      (stage 1) the survival rate is 91 percent.            Cleveland Clinic Florida is home to South Florida’s or call at (877)
         “Colorectal cancer is both preventable and highly   only gastroenterology and gastrointestial surgery program   463-2010 to schedule a consultation.
      treatable when we catch it early,” says Steven Wexner,
      Steven Shulman Digestive Disease Center at Cleveland  There’s Fungus Among Us!
      M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Ellen Leifer Shulman and

      Clinic Florida in Weston. “Patients can live long, quality
      lives after a colorectal cancer diagnosis thanks to                                                  including the groin or palms. Its name is a misnomer, as it
      treatment advancements.”                                                                             doesn’t involve a worm at all! The name comes from the way
      Advanced Surgical Care                                                                               in which the rash presents, which is typically a ring-shaped
         Treatment options for colon and rectal cancers vary                                               lesion(s) with raised red edges. It usually comes from skin-
      depending upon a person’s health, age and cancer stage.                                              to-skin contact (common in athletes such as wrestlers) or
      While surgery is the most common treatment, chemotherapy                                             from pets.
      and radiation therapy may be needed as well. The type of                                                • Tinea versicolor: Tinea versicolor is a bit different
      surgery performed will depend on the extent of the cancer                                            from the others, as it is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast
      and where it’s located.                                                                              instead of the common fungus. It most commonly occurs on
         Some patients will require the removal of part or all of   By Siperstein Dermatology Group        the trunk, neck and arms and presents with round lesions that
      the colon (colectomy) or rectum (rectal resection). Others      That’s right … there is a fungus among us! Fungi are   are white, pink or light brown and often have a fine scale. It
      may require the removal of both. These procedures can   organisms that live in soil, water, vegetation, animals   can be mildly itchy or asymptomatic. It is often called “sun
      be done during open surgery, through one large incision,   and humans. Some forms of fungus are harmless, like the   spots” because infected skin does not tan, creating a more
      or using minimally invasive techniques, which include   mushrooms you eat, and some can be harmful, like the   noticeable contrast between infected areas and normal skin.
      laparoscopy, robotic, and transanal endoscopic surgery   fungus that causes Athlete’s foot. Most fungal infections   Tips On How To Avoid Getting A Fungal Infection
      through a few small incisions.                     seen in dermatology are superficial infections which involve      • Put socks on prior to putting on underwear or be mindful
         “Patients benefit from minimally invasive surgery in   the top layer of the skin as well as hair, nails, and mucous   not to let your feet touch your underwear as you put them on.
      many ways, including less pain and scarring, a shorter   membranes. Though they are considered “superficial,” if left      • Wear cotton or breathable socks.
      hospital stay, and quicker recovery,” explains Dr. Wexner,   untreated, they can spread to other body parts and be quite      • Change socks immediately if they become damp.
      who led the Cleveland Clinic Florida team that pioneered   uncomfortable or itchy.                      • Wear shoes in public areas such as gyms, pools and
      this approach. “Most importantly, we can perform these   Common Fungal Infections                    hot tubs.
      less invasive procedures while still minimizing the risk for      Most fungal infections are caused by the same type of fungus,      • Wear shower shoes in public showers.
      cancer recurrence.”                                but we group them based on the location of the body they affect.      • Don’t sit around in a wet bathing suit.
      Preserving Quality Of Life                            • Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis): Athlete’s foot is the most      • Use an antifungal shampoo (Nizoral, Selsun Blue) as a
         Advancements in surgical care have made it possible for   common disease affecting feet and toes. It typically presents   body wash once a week.
      many patients to achieve normal bowel habits and bowel   with itching and flaking on the feet but can sometimes   Ways To Treat Fungal Infections
                                                         be asymptomatic. This particular fungus thrives in moist      • Over the counter antifungal creams (i.e: Laimisil,
                                                         environments and is often transmitted by direct contact with   Lotrimin)
                                                         surfaces such as showers, locker rooms, (where you catch      • Over the counter medicated powders such a Zeasorb
                                                         it from fungus on other peoples’ feet), or socks and shoes   AF Powder
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing      (where you may be spreading it on your own feet).      • Antifungal shampoos that are often used as a body wash
        Palm Beach County and is a privately                • Jock itch (tinea cruris): Jock Itch is a fungal infection   like Nizoral 1% Shampoo
        owned and managed company.                       that affects the groin, inner thighs and buttocks. It typically      • Prescription strength topical antifungals (creams or
        Captain’s is committed to providing              presents with a red, scaly rash. It is common for patients with   shampoos)
        dependable, reliable and professional            Athlete’s foot to spread the fungus to the groin area while      • Prescription strength oral antifungals
        ground transportation to and from all
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212   putting on underwear, so we often recommend for patients      If you think you have one of these common fungal
           To reserve your vehicle:                      to put their socks on first!                      infections, the experts at Siperstein Dermatology Group can
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890     • Ringworm (tinea corporis): Ringworm is a type of   help! Contact us to schedule an appointment and let us help
                                                         fungal infection that involves the trunk and extremities, not   you put a stop to the pesky fungus that is among us!
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