Page 15 - Abacoa Community News - March '23
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Abacoa, Page 15
Commissioner’s Update
2023 Legislative Session legislative measures and appropriations we are advocating Housing And Homelessness
Influenced by those priorities, here are just some of the
Restoration of the Sadowski Local Government
Priorities through our delegation: Housing Trust Fund for affordable housing projects. This
Economic Development session, I am very encouraged by Florida Senate President
By Commissioner Biomedical research funding for educational programs Kathleen Passidomo’s commitment to pass legislation
Maria Marino produced by local universities and state colleges in that will assist local governments in repurposing
The Board of County partnership with institutions such as Max Planck, Scripps underperforming or vacant commercial developments
Commissioners has identified of Florida, Florida Atlantic University, Palm Beach State along our urban transit corridors into affordable housing
six strategic priorities that College and University of Florida. Supporting STEM for our workforce. Palm Beach County has transmitted an
have guided the formulation programs will grow our workforce in the biotech industry. amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to recognize the
of the FY2023 budget and Funding to support the restoration of historical county’s authority to approve affordable housing projects
set the course for advocating facilities on Peanut Island, including the U.S. Coast pursuant to Florida Statutes. Once finalized, the county
Palm Beach County’s needs Guard Lake Worth Inlet Station, dating back to World would establish procedures for considering approval of
this 2023 legislative session War II, and the Kennedy Bunker, built in secrecy by affordable housing proposals in commercial, industrial
in Tallahassee. Those the Navy Seabees during the time of the Cuban Missile and residential zoned areas, in accordance with any legal
priorities are economic Crisis in 1961 and 1962. It is essential that we preserve provisions passed by the legislature.
development; housing and homelessness; infrastructure; the historical features in our parks and public spaces that Homelessness legislation to support programs that
public safety; environmental protection; and, substance abuse enhance our tourist attractions. include services to veterans, college and university
and behavior disorders. students, youth aging out of foster care, and patients
exiting sober homes, and review policies to move people
out of poverty.
Empower local governments to take action against
landlords who fail to maintain minimum housing
standards; foreclose housing properties that pose a
safety hazard to its occupants; and, impose fines against
landlords to recoup the costs of relocating residents from
Roger Dean condemned properties.
Chevrolet Stadium Transportation programs to improve public transit
Increase funding for Florida Department of
efficiencies, relieve traffic congestion through high-
occupancy corridors, construct park and ride lots, and
support airport development.
Provide a dedicated funding source to support the
operations and capital costs of Tri-Rail.
Public Safety
Protect local governments’ ability to grant Emergency
SPRING TRAINING IS IN FULL SWING! Medical Services Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity for basic and advanced life support services
Provide comprehensive and uniform requirements
for building safety and support additional inspection
requirements statewide for multifamily condominium
Scan the facilities, along with required financial responsibilities
QR Code of condominium and community associations.
Below Environmental Protection
Many critical environmental projects are located in
T To buy Northern Palm Beach County and state support is needed
for them to be successful. This includes, but is not limited
individual to:
Beach and inlet management projects to address
game critically eroded beaches subject to constant wind, waves,
tickets tides and seasonal Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes.
The purchase and preservation of additional lands in
now! the Pal Mar Water Control District.
Ongoing projects to restore the Wild & Scenic
Loxahatchee River and the Lake Worth Lagoon, two
delicate ecosystems that are essential to economic
development, tourism and recreation in Palm Beach
County. They include seagrass restoration – this is what
manatees feed on; creation of new plant and animal
habitat islands; and, hydrologic restoration projects to
prevent saltwater intrusion.
Substance Abuse And Behavioral Disorders/Mental
Communities have recognized that the human and
Times and Opponents are subject to change economic costs of untreated substance use and mental
illness continue to rise. Palm Beach County supports
increased funding for the collaborative agencies working
together to reduce addiction and suicides, with an
emphasis on expectant mothers and youth, respectively.
HOME GAME HOME GAME Overdose deaths increased statewide and nationally,
fueled by the increased use of fentanyl and the pandemic.
Palm Beach County supports the recommendations
of the State Attorney Addiction Recovery Task Force
for statutory changes to prohibit alcohol and illegal
substances on the premises of a recovery residence, a
mechanism for the imposition of fines for violations,
and the ability to assert trespass charges against any
discharged residents who refuse to leave a recovery
This is a mere sampling of the numerous issues we
are following in this year’s Legislative session. We also
place an emphasis on thwarting bills and any unfunded
mandates that can negatively affect our residents, and
protect home rule. Home rule gives our 67 counties and
FOR MORE INFORMATION: (561) 775-1818 more than 400 municipalities the ability to self-govern
and create local laws through a public hearing ordinance
process that are not in conflict with state law.
ROGERDEANCHEVROLETSTADIUM.COM contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at mmarino@
As always, if there is any way I can assist you, please