Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - March '23
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Max Planck Florida Institute from page 10 against ER stress, resulting from the accumulation of the “Regular physical
unfolded/misfolded proteins. activity is suggested
Up Next For Science Meets Music Events One group of proteins associated with the aging to be an effective
March 15, Science Meets Music: PFI Research Group process is the mitochondrial heat shock protein 60 intervention in
Leader Hidehiko Inagaki will discuss his research into (HSP60), which has been demonstrated to play a improving age -
how cellular and network mechanisms influence brain protective role in the ability for cells to remain active and related diseases such
functions like movement and decision-making. He will be healthy. Currently, there is limited research investigating as osteoporosis,
joined by musicians Jordan Anderson (cello) and Royhei the effects of resistance training in older adults on the sarcopenia or
Yasuda (cello), both of whom are also MPFI researchers. expression of HSP60 and Klotho, a gene involved in the muscle loss and
Admission is free, and registration is required. aging process in mammals. dynapenia or loss
April 5, Science Meets Music: Daniela Sammler of A new study by researchers at Florida Atlantic of muscle strength,
the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics will University, in collaboration with the University of León c a rdi ova sc ul a r
discuss her research on music and learning, along with in Spain, examined whether an eight-week resistance diseases, and type 2 diabetes,” said Chun-Jung “Phil”
pianist Patricia Izbicki, also a neuroscientist by training. training program would modulate the oxidative status, the Huang, Ph.D., co-author and a professor in the Department
Science Meets Music takes place at the Benjamin UPR activation and key inflammatory pathways as well of Exercise Science and Health Promotion within FAU’s
Upper School, 4875 Grandiflora Circle, Palm Beach as their relationships with HSP60 and Klotho proteins. Charles E. Schmidt College of Science. “Although the
Gardens, FL 33418. Doors open at 6 p.m. The program For the study, researchers analyzed these proteins in beneficial effects of regular physical exercise to alleviate
begins at 6:15. peripheral blood mononuclear cells of elderly subjects. inflammation and oxidative stress are well-established, the
There is no charge to attend, but advance registration In addition, they utilized computer simulation to predict processes of these physiological adaptations with regard
is required and can be made at the key proteins associated with these biomolecules to protein folding or UPR remains to be explored. That is
smm-registration/. underlying physiological adaptations to exercise. why we used a systems biology approach for our study.”
The resistance training protocol for the study consisted
Florida Atlantic University They collected blood samples approximately five to of 16 sessions over eight weeks (two sessions per week),
six days before and after the training period and just
before training intervention in young subjects who were with a minimum of 48 hours between sessions. The
Effects Of Resistance Training In Older included for basal assessments. Researchers also analyzed participants started with a 10-minute warm-up on a
Adults At The Cellular Level various oxidative stress biomarkers in peripheral blood cycle ergometer. Subsequently, eight different resistance
By Gisele Galoustian mononuclear cells. exercises (leg press, ankle extension, bench press, leg
Aging involves Results of the study, published in the journal extension, bicep curl, pec deck, high pulley traction, and
a balance between Antioxidants, demonstrated that the levels of the dumbbell lateral lift) were performed using the exercise
oxidants and inflammatory proteins (pIRAK1, TLR4, and TRAF6), as device. For each exercise, participants performed three
antioxidants, low- well as different markers of the redox balance (catalase, sets of 12-8-12 repetitions. There was a two-to-three-
grade inflammation GSH, LP, NRF2, PC, ROS, SOD1, and SOD2) remained minute rest between each repetition and a three-minute
and a protein response that occurs at the cellular level, unchanged with training. Importantly, untrained elderly rest between each exercise.
which is responsible for many health disorders. subjects showed a significant reduction in pIRE1/IRE1 “We know how very important physical activity is
Exercise has been shown to regulate the inflammatory ratio when compared to trained elderly subjects. Such for older adults and our study takes research one step
response, balance oxidants such as free radicals that build a finding was further confirmed by a gene ontology further in helping to elucidate the benefits of exercise in
up in the cells and damage DNA; and ameliorate the analysis, showing that endoplasmic reticulum stress this population,” said Huang.
process by which cells protect themselves against these is a key mechanism modulated by IRE1. Additionally, Study co-authors are senior author Brisamar
stressors. Furthermore, resistance training in older adults analysis did not show the training effect on the Estébanez, Ph.D., Marta Rivera-Viloria, and José A.
is recommended to help maintain muscle, flexibility and expression of HSP60 and Klotho or their relationships de Paz, M.D., all with the University of León; José E.
balance. with other outcome variables. Although elderly male and Vargas, Ph.D., Universidad Federal do Paraná, Curtiba;
Aging and related diseases are associated with female subjects were included in the training program, and Nishant P. Visavadiay, Ph.D., and Andy V. Kahmoui,
alterations in oxidative status and low-grade inflammation, researchers did not find any sex effects in the study. These Ph.D., both with FAU’s Department of Exercise Science
as well as a decreased endoplasmic reticulum (ER) findings might partially support the modulatory effect of and Health Promotion.
unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR is a functional resistance training on the endoplasmic reticulum in the
mechanism by which cells attempt to protect themselves elderly.
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