Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
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February 2023 Viewpointe, Page 9
People And Nature: A Dynamic Connection
By Steve Handwerker populations their land is their family. Land rights through nature. There is no way nature can be protected without
history, ritual and family need to be respected as one example considering how people are interacting with it and how
People and nature are of the nature of this dynamic relationship. Another example their livelihoods are affected by it. Nature always needs to
engaged in a complex of preserving the dynamic balance between people and be protected from economic and industrial realities. People
relationship involving nature is to put large areas under protection. In urban areas are least likely to do nature harm. Let us all go forward into
c o n se rv a t i o n a n d there needs to be environmental activism in relation to health 2023 and be part of a healthy dynamic connection with nature
sustainability. It is all about impacts of poor air quality and creating natural settings for in any and all ways we have been sharing over the years!
repair and transformation. the wellbeing of residents.
The generic issue involving Our understanding of conservation and sustainability is Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.Div, RM
both is the preservation of not complete. Adding more dimensionality, broadening our Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
what is considered “wild”, that is, ideas of natural and understanding of what is needed for durable conservation 50 years experience
balanced. Protecting people and land in a sustainable and impacts is an ongoing process. This process is vital for
ecocentric balance is always the goal. With indigenous creating a healthy dynamic connection between people and Books and Blogs
Jewish Federation Of SPBC from page 8
of the JCC, and saw Kazimierz, once the old Jewish
quarter with an important center of Polish Judaism. Its
Jewish community included renowned artists, craftsmen,
scientists and writers. The Remu, a Renaissance-style
synagogue still in use, and the Nozcyk Synagogue opened
their doors to the students.
One of the brightest highlights was spending the last
night of Hanukkah with Jewish Ukrainian children. March
of the Living participants taught them Hanukkah songs,
how to play dreidel, and shared chocolate gelt.
An unforgettable encounter
“Wrapping tefillin in Majdanek, there was a feeling I have
never felt before,” said participant Aaron B. “I thought it was
a feeling of extreme sadness, but realized it was the strong
feeling of being proud to be Jewish. It was an extremely Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe Federation
emotional moment. Since that moment I have put tefillin on, Campaign Chairs: Jane and Dan Fishkoff, and to
and I haven’t felt prouder of being Jewish. That day on the Committee Members: Rhoda Berkow, Allen Brayer,
March will be a day I will never forget.” Richard Glazer & Elaine Kaplan, Harold Katz, Joel
“I felt an extra strong and powerful connection to our Meisner, Arlene Penner, Murray Pitkowsky, Mel Schoen,
Jewish culture and its history. To me, the most important part Doris & Stuart Zeuner, for their continued dedication and
of our trip was our visit to Treblinka,” said participant Gaya leadership.
A. “That’s the place where I feel as though I was fully able to If you or a neighbor are in need of help, please
release my emotions and really feel everything that was bottled contact Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services Learn more about our Federation and how you can
up inside. To have the opportunity to walk away from those at 561-852-3333. In addition, our main Federation help at - or contact Shirley Gross
terrible places, as so many of our people could not, really gave telephone number, 561-852-3100, is monitored regularly at or 561.852.3182 (leave a
me a new perspective on life and what it means to be Jewish.” for voicemail messages. voicemail). n
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