Page 13 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 13

February 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 13
      Chocolate In Delray—The Real Deal

       By William A. Gralnick                            Whitman’s Sampler. It was on a table placed out of my   One is a police code that indicates officers will be dealing
                                                         amputee grandmother’s sight line. Of course, when she   with a “crazy” person. Since the staff and clientele think
          They say there are                             got up to get herself a piece, the jig was up, and she   the chocolate produced is crazy good, they put it in the
       two things you should                             slapped me silly. It would take more than that to separate   name. There is a double meaning. The owner is crazy for
       never watch being made:                           me from my love.                                  Van Halen. Those numbers are from a Van Halen album.
       sausage and laws. Thanks                             5150 on N. Federal in Delray, is the Little Chocolate      It is hard to  fathom how far the cacao  bean is
       to the Adventurer’s club                          Engine  That  Could.  Ten  people  do  everything  that   from chocolate. The bean’s tastes, which are different
       outing to a Delray chocolate factory that for publication   follows. Cacao beans mostly come from 100 miles north   depending  on  their  origin,  are  uniformly  awful.  Even
       reasons will go nameless, I can tell you that chocolate   and south of the Equator. Walking through the “factory,”   after  the first step that produces the cocoa bean is
       doesn’t go on that list. Chocolate and I have a history.   which is hardly big enough to bear that name, one sees   nothing you’d want to chew on. Making chocolate is
       A highly allergic boy, I was not allowed to eat it,   bags of beans from Uganda, Peru, Ghana, Guinea, and   labor-intensive. Some machines have to be tended to,
       not because I was allergic to it but because allergists   Madagascar,  to  name  but  a  few. Walking  through  the   and some just have to be watched. It isn’t until the very
       thought it was an allergic trigger. It made the allergies   storage facility is like taking a geography course. There   end when the processes have produced what looks like
       you did have worse. There I would sit in front of the   are a few anomalies. India has a chocolate-growing region   thick, yummy chocolate syrup that you’d want to dip your
       TV, woefully sad, as I listened to Farfel the dog sing:   that does not conform to the equation.    finger in and have a taste. Of course, if you did that, the
       “N*E*S*T*L*E*S…  NESTLES  MAKES THE VERY             The entire place is a bit quirky and that starts with the   batch would have to be ditched from contamination and
       BEST…CHAWKLETTE.”  I  proved  the  doctors  and   name. 5150 is not the address nor is 5150 four random   the possible loss of your dipping finger.
       parents wrong. One day I ate half a box of the famed   numbers. They are two keys to unlocking the mystery.      Remembering that the bean comes from a plant, the
                                                                                                           first machine separates the wheat from the chaff, so to
                                                                                                           speak. The beans are dug up from the forest floor. There
                Everyone deserves a doctor who they                                                        are large and small pieces of weeds, construction debris,

                                                                                                           an occasional eyeglass case or such, the flotsam and
                     trust and like. One who listens and                                                   jetsam of the area that is home to the bean. The stuff
                                                                                                           goes in the top of the machine and goes through several
                   takes their time to answer questions                                                    levels of decluttering before you have a workable, if awful
                                                                                                           tasting, product. Then the bean, which is hard, and woody,
                 and address concerns. A doctor who is                                                     has to be crushed. That machine separates the usable part
                                                                                                           of the bean from the unusable.
                                                                                                             Another machine roasts them. The mantra is “slow and
                   available when you need them most.                                                        low.” They tumble in something that looks like a mini
                                                                                                           cement mixer for, if memory serves, about four hours at

         I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to                                          about 400 degrees. A fascinating piece of this process
                                                                                                           is how they test that there is uniformity to the cooking.
         adult patients at my concierge medical practice.                                                  You don’t want to open the oven. That messes up the
                                                                                                           temperature, which drops, and then has to rise again.
                                                                                                           Not good. A “spoon” sticks into the front of the machine.
         To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you                                              Every so often, a worker pulls out the spoon and tests the
                                                                                                           few beans sitting in it.
         are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with                                                   At the end of the tour, one gets to choose a free bar of
         me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,                                               chocolate and learns that the product is prized so highly
         in-person at my practice.                                                                         that the Ritz Carlton sells it, as do some high-end places,
                                                                                                           some of which rebrand it under their own name. There
                                                                                                           is, of course, a retail shop with a dizzying array of things
         Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and                                                chocolate. There is a generous amount of tasting the staff
         greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.                                                     puts up with. You can eat almost a whole bar’s worth
                                                                                                           just tasting samples. Oddly enough, my favorite was the
                                                                                                           no-sugar bar sweetened with date sugar. It is absolutely
                                                                    Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP            delish, though too sweet to be classified for diabetics.
                       Recognized as a “Best Doc”.  Practicing in our community since 1979.                Our tour guide’s favorite is the chocolate-covered sour
                                                                                                           cherries. They are also my wife’s favorite.

                                                                                                             In sum, it is a neat experience you can have not 25
                   7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433                            minutes from where you are reading this.
                                                                             At the end of the tour, I asked how the employees
                                                                                                           didn’t end up weighing 900 pounds. The answer? Gym
                                                                                                              Ba da boom!

                                                                                                              Columnist  and  author  Bill  Gralnick  was  born  and
                                                                                                           raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
                                                                                                           humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy
                                                                                                           Balls and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published
                                                                                                           is the sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.”
                                                                                                           Both are available on Amazon. You can find his writing
                                                                                                           at 

        Scott Cohen is Here to Help!                                                                          Stamp and Coin Club

        Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to                                                         Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start
        help with Property Insurance Claims to ensure                                                         a new hobby.
                                                                                                                Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium

        your insurance company treats you fairly!                                                             located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th
                                                                                                              Street, between Powerline Road and Military Trail.
                                                                                                                We meet the second and fourth Thursday each
         Do You Have an INSURANCE CLAIM?                                                                        month at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator
        ●  Water damage?               ●  Fire?                                                               Harvey Golinger at (561) 752-4922. 
        ●  Roof leak?                  ●  Mold?
        ●  Damaged floor tile?         ●  Storm damage?
        ●  Plumbing leak?              ●  Kitchen/Bathroom damage?                                            On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe
        ●  Cabinet damage?                                                                                  we would like to remind our
                        Scott Will Get You the Settlement YOU Deserve!                                      residents that NO walking,
                                                                                                            running, bicycle riding or
         Closed, Denied, Underpaid Claim? He can help! Call for a FREE no obligation inspection!            dog walking is permitted
                                           No recovery? No fee!!                                            on the golf course or golf
                                                                                                            cart paths. For safety
                     Your insurance company has experts on their side – SHOULDN’T YOU?                      reasons, the paths are
                        Call Scott directly (954) 937-1224 /                              for golf carts only.
                                                                                                              Thank you for cooperating with The Club's
       Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can   policy. 
                not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement.
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