Page 4 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 4
Page 4, Southern Exposure
it’S the law
Did You Know That, In Florida…
By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
Apersonal representative is permitted 10 days after receipt of a written or electronic rights and powers of the adult ward after the court makes a
must be a Florida resident, or, request for the estoppel certificate to issue the certificate. finding of incapacity. Wards in plenary guardianships are, by
if out of state, the intended The association is permitted to charge a fee for the service, definition, unable to care for themselves.
personal representative but it must be set by written resolution of the Board. Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
must be a family member, or While the grantor of a revocable trust is of capacity located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
spouse of a family member, and living, the grantor retains all duties and privileges of Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, FL, (561) 744-4600,
or a legally adopted child or the trustee. Upon the death of the grantor, a revocable trust The firm provides peace of mind by
parent of the decedent. The becomes irrevocable. The successor trustee assumes the solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas
named person must have duties of the trustee, but not all rights the grantor held will of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health
no felony convictions, be pass to the successor trustee. care surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession
18 years or older and be Florida law allows both voluntary and involuntary planning, contracts and purchase/sale agreements), family
mentally and physically able guardianships. A voluntary guardianship may be established law (divorce, paternity, child support and time sharing,
to perform their duties. Always name a successor personal for an adult who, though mentally competent, is incapable alimony, property distribution, modifications, collaborative
representative and meet with an attorney to discuss the pros of managing his or her own estate and who voluntarily law, pre/post nuptial agreements) and real estate (community
and cons of naming co-personal representatives. petitions for the appointment. A plenary guardian is a association law, residential and commercial transactions,
In a real estate transaction, a homeowner’s association person appointed by the court to exercise all delegable legal deeds, closings).
fundraiSer from page 1
The announcement was made at the event’s first ambassador unthinkable. But I’m truly grateful that Hanley Foundation’s “But did you know that one of the most effective ways
meeting held last week at the Hanley Foundation’s West Palm prevention team is working to teach kids throughout 35 to protect children from alcohol abuse is having family
Beach headquarters. More than 100 ambassadors attended Florida counties about the perils of addiction.” meals together? It doesn’t matter the size of the meal or
the kickoff, including State Attorney for Palm Beach County Cairnes educated the crowd on the mission of Hanley if it’s fast food, family time is time well spent. Keeping
Dave Aronberg; event emcees Mo and Sally from KOOL Foundation and the work it does to enlighten the the lines of communication open is key to substance abuse
105.5 and WPTV’s T.A. Walker; Hanley Foundation Board community on the prevention of substance use disorders prevention.”
President Chip James; CEO Jan Cairnes; along with board amongst children. “Preventing substance use disorders by To learn more about sponsorship or ambassador
members Marguerite Connelly and John Makris. Also in postponing alcohol use among our children is the single opportunities, contact Gina Franano, tournament director,
attendance were event cochairs Rob Thompson of Waterfront most important message we can send to families,” she said. at (561) 632-7795, or email
Properties and Sherrye Sammons, and Ben Ripstein of Motor
Cars of Palm Beach, event sponsor.
Michelle Makris was a guest speaker sharing a story
about her son Brice Makris who sadly passed away from a
Fentanyl overdose almost three years ago.
“I am thrilled to make this announcement to benefit such a
wonderful organization that helps countless members of our
community,” said Torres. “I was shocked to learn the average
age of teens to drink alcohol is 14½ years old … that is just
Tico Torres Celebrity Golf & Tennis Classic 2024! Committee members
Lindsey White, State Attorney Dave Aronberg, Tico Torres, Est. 1926
Jan Cairnes, Chief Assistant State Attorney Alan Johnson The Heart of Hobe Sound
Join Us in Celebrating Our Savior’s Birth WE are YOUR Community
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service - 6:00 PM Church
Christmas Day Worship - 10:30 AM
OngOing miSSiOn prOJeCtS All Visitors Welcome
Providing Thanksgiving baskets through House of Hope We Invite You to Worship with Us
Christmas Gift baskets for local police and fire departments. Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Collecting gifts for Martin County families in need WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
Souper Bowl Sunday to provide food to local families every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
LeArning OppOrtUnitieS
Chair Yoga Classes on Tuesdays @10 Give us a call or visit our
Bible Study Classes Tuesday@11 website for more information.
Chip James, Gina Franano, Tico Torres Art Classes by appointment (772) 546-5043
Crochet, Cross stitch and hand work group coming soon!
Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
renovation costs to our church building. The dinners will be held on the
2nd Friday of the month at 5:30. Cost is $15 per person
DECEMBEr 9 - PoT roAST jAnuArY 13 - MEATloAF
FEBruArY 10 - CorniSH gAME HEn MArCH 10 - CornED BEEF
Wednesday, December 21
11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455