Page 8 - Lifestyles in Palm Bach Gardens - December '22
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Page 8, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Monaco: Playground Of The Rich And Famous

      Previously submitted by                              Most people are surprised
      the late Don Kiselewski,                           at the actual size of the
      MCC, D.S., of Palm Beach                           principality, because of the
      Gardens Travel Leaders                             world recognition that the
        L oc a t e d on t he                             country enjoys. Monaco’s
      Me di t e rra ne a n Se a ,                        land area is approximately
      completely surrounded by                           the same size as the site of
      France, lies the Principality                      The Gardens Mall. Its area
      of Monaco. This tiny self-                         is approximately 500 acres,
      governing territory on the                         slightly smaller than Juno
      Côte d’Azur lies less than                         Beach.  To place Monaco
      10 miles from Nice, France                         in still another perspective,
      (just seven minutes by helicopter link), while the Italian   the country is the length
      border is just five miles to the east.             of  10  football  fields  long  The residences on the “Rock” portion of Monaco; many of the homes here are those of royalty,
                                                         and varies from one to four  like the princess. The Palais Princier is the large building in the rear.
                                                         fields  wide.  Reclaiming
                                                         land from the sea has added very few acres to the   (Auditorium Ranier III). The streets between the casino
                                                         principality, where land is so precious.          and Mediterranean are transformed into the raceway that
                                                           Monaco lies to the south of the Moyenne Corniche   becomes the Grand Prix.
                                                         (middle roadway), and the main axis of the country,     From early antiquity, the Rock of Monaco and natural
                                                         which lies in a southwest to northeast direction, is divided   harbor served as a refuge for primitive people, and later
                                                         by the Basse Corniche. Geographically, Monaco is also   for navigators returning from the east. In the sixth century
                                                         separated into four sections or quarters. The quarters   B.C., the Rock was inhabited by a Ligurian tribe called
                                                         consist of Fontvieille, La Condamine, Monaco-Ville   the Monoïkos (believed to be the origin of the name of
                                                         (locally known as Le Rocher or “the Rock”) and probably   Monaco). Following the Gallic Wars (58 to 50 B.C.), the
                                                         the best known, Monte Carlo.                      province fell under Roman control and Monaco became
                                                           Plastics, glass and electronics are the major items   part of the Maritime Alps province. Julius Caesar set sail
                                                         produced in the Fontvieille quarter of Monaco. The most   from Monaco to fight in Greece.
                                                         dominant structure of this quarter is the soccer stadium,     After the fall of the Roman Empire in 500 A.D.,
                                                         which occupies approximately 10 percent of the land area.   the region was ravaged by hordes of barbarians – until
                                                         This area, which contains most of the reclaimed land, is   975, when the Saracens were expelled from the area,
                                                         served by the Port de Fontvielle and the heliport.  heralding the beginning of a new area. In 1162, Frederick
                                                           Monaco-Ville contains the Palais Princier (Prince’s   Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor, granted maritime
                                                         Palace), Saint Nicholas Cathedral, the Oceanographic   domination  of  the  region  to  the Republic  of  Genoa.
                                                         Museum and many of the other buildings that are vitally   Until 1419, the Rock was the scene of fierce fighting
                                                         important to Monaco’s history. The natural terrace of the   between two major adversaries of Genoa: The Ghibellines
                                                         area was ideal for early fortification, as it is surrounded   (supporting the Emperor) and the Guelphs (loyal to the
                                                         on three sides by the sea, and at one time was separated   Pope). On January 8, 1297, Guelph Francois Grimaldi,
                                                         by a moat from the land side making an island fortress,   disguised as a monk, entered Monaco clandestinely. This
                                                         high above the sea.                               event is commemorated on the Grimaldi coat of arms,
                                                           La Condamine, or the harbor area, contains the bulk   which features two monks brandishing a sword.
                                                         of the country’s living units. The country is 100 percent     Between 1346 and 1355, Charles Grimaldi constituted
                                                         urbanized, and the land to the west of the Porte de Monaco   a veritable domain of the principality by acquiring the
                                                         contains very little vegetation. It is this portion of the   seigneuries of Menton and Roquebrune. In 1489, King
                                                         country that boasts the natural harbor, which serves as   Charles VIII of France recognized the independence of
                                                         the anchorage for the yachts of the rich and famous.  Monaco; however, in 1793 the principality reverted back
                                                           Monte Carlo, the best known quarter of Monaco, is   to a territory of the French Republic under the name of
                                                         the pinnacle of the world for gambling. Gambling is the   Port Hercule, an ordinary township in the Maritime Alps
                                                         way of life in Monte Carlo, and the opera house (Opéra   province. The prince and his family were arrested, their
                                                         de Monte-Carlo) and Monte Carlo Casino, both built by   riches were dispersed, and the palace was converted to a
                                                         Charles Garnier – who also built the Paris Opera house   workhouse.
                                                         – is the epitome of this activity. In front of the casino are     On May 30, 1814, the Treaty of Paris reestablished the
                                                         magnificent flower beds and gardens forming the Place du   Grimaldis and restored their rights. In 1861, the towns of Menton
                                                         Casino. Facing the sea on the other side of the casino is
                                                         the convention center (Grimaldi Forum) and auditorium   Monaco on page 9

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      A beautiful view of Monte Carlo (Monaco) seen from the
      heights behind the city. Shot taken in Côte d’Azur, France

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