Page 4 - Lifestyles in Palm Bach Gardens - December '22
P. 4

Page 4, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens

      Bon Jovi’s Tico Torres Drumming It Up ‘Fore’ Kids     Michelle Makris was a guest speaker sharing a story   on the prevention of substance use disorders amongst
      from page 1                                        about her son Brice Makris who sadly passed away from a   children. “Preventing substance use disorders by postponing
                                                         Fentanyl overdose almost three years ago.         alcohol use among our children is the single most important
        The announcement was made at the event’s first     “I am thrilled to make this announcement to benefit such a   message we can send to families,” she said. “But did you
      ambassador meeting held last week at the Hanley    wonderful organization that helps countless members of our   know that one of the most effective ways to protect children
      Foundation’s West Palm Beach headquarters. More than   community,” said Torres. “I was shocked to learn the average   from alcohol abuse is having family meals together? It
      100 ambassadors attended the kickoff, including State   age of teens to drink alcohol is 14½ years old … that is just   doesn’t matter the size of the meal or if it’s fast food, family
      Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg; event   unthinkable. But I’m truly grateful that Hanley Foundation’s   time is time well spent. Keeping the lines of communication
      emcees Mo and Sally from KOOL 105.5 and WPTV’s T.A.   prevention team is working to teach kids throughout 35   open is key to substance abuse prevention.”
      Walker; Hanley Foundation Board President Chip James;   Florida counties about the perils of addiction.”     To learn more about sponsorship or ambassador
      CEO Jan Cairnes; along with board members Marguerite     Cairnes educated the crowd on the mission of Hanley   opportunities, contact Gina Franano, tournament director,
      Connelly and John Makris. Also in attendance were event   Foundation and the work it does to enlighten the community   at (561) 632-7795, or email
      cochairs Rob Thompson of Waterfront Properties and
      Sherrye Sammons, and Ben Ripstein of Motor Cars of Palm
      Beach, event sponsor.

        A Night To Remember from page 1

          “This is not only our biggest fundraiser of the year, but
        also a very moving event that pays tribute to our wounded
        Florida veterans, many who are in desperate situations,”
        WVRF Executive Director Mike Durkee said. “The Air
        Force veteran who received the car was totally shocked,
        broke down in tears and had everyone choked up. She had
        been in despair over needing transportation to go to work,   Turner Benoit, Rob Thomson, Sherrye Sammons, Tico Torres  Chip James, Gina Franano, Tico Torres
        make her V.A. appointments and help her family. It’s these
        moments that make this gala so impactful.”
          A special ceremony honored George Rosenfield,
        a 97-year-old WWII and Korean War vet. Among the
        guests were Congressman Brian Mast and Palm Beach
        County Commissioner Maria Marino, who presented a
        proclamation declaring Nov. 5 as Wounded Veterans Relief
        Fund Day. The United States Marine Corps Color Guard
        and Palm Beach Pipes and Drums also took center stage.
          Kate Arrizza, CEO of the Cox Science Center and
        Kimberly Reckley, senior vice president, client and
        community director with PNC Bank, cochaired the gala.
        WPTV’s Shannon Cake and Brian Edwards of The United
        Way, Palm Beach County, served as emcees. Sponsors of
        the evening included the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation, PNC
        Bank, Florida Power & Light, Intrepid Oceans Marine,
        LLC, House of David, LLC, and Lt. General (Ret.) Robert
        and Vicki Chelberg.
          The gala benefits WVRF and its mission to provide
        emergency financial support to qualified disabled veterans   Tico Torres Celebrity Golf & Tennis Classic 2024! Committee members
        living in Florida. Part of the proceeds support WVRF’s
        critical dental care program, which provides care to
        veterans who do not qualify for V.A. dental coverage.
        Veterans can receive assistance with dental infections,
        pain management, fillings, dentures, and implants that will
        improve their chances of employment and overall health.
          To learn more about WVRF, visit

                                                                        driveway                                       courtyard

                                                                        rec room                                      wine cellar

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