Page 19 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - November '22
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 19
      Epilepsy Monitoring Unit At Palm Beach Gardens Medical

      Center Specializes In Diagnosis And Treatment Of Seizures

        If you’ve been having unexplained seizures, whether     Usually, patients spend three to five days in our unit, filled   to epilepsy, the cause of the disease is still unknown in
      it’s sudden jerking movements of your arms and legs to   with dedicated staff, including technologists, nurses, and doctors.   about 50 percent of cases globally. Hernandez-Frau points
      suddenly falling into a haze and confusion, you may have     A team of three neurologists from the Palm Beach   out about 30 percent of patients diagnosed with seizures
      epilepsy. You would be far from alone. More than 2.4   Neuroscience  Institute  (PBNI)  including  Dr.  Pedro   do not have seizures and their episodes are something
      million people are already diagnosed, with 150,000 people   Hernandez-Frau and Dr. Juan Carlos Muniz also provide   that looks like seizures.
      finding out they have it each year.                epilepsy care as epileptologists on staff at the Epilepsy     “At the epilepsy monitoring unit we focus on gathering
        Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center was the first in the   Monitoring Unit at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.   more information to evaluate other potential treatment
      county to introduce a dedicated epilepsy monitoring unit.   In addition, Dr. Sujai “Ron” Nath is a neurohospitalist   options.”
      We offer long-term video monitoring, where the patient is   with PBNI who has an interest in epilepsy care.    Hernandez-Frau  specializes  in  intractable  epilepsy
      continuously observed on camera while their brainwave     “We have board-certified neurologists specializing in   for drug-resistant epilepsy, epilepsy surgery evaluation
      activity is tracked. This will tell our team what triggers a   epilepsy care at our epilepsy monitoring unit. The unit   and  long-term  video-electroencephalography  (EEG)
      seizure, decipher if the seizure is epileptic or psychogenic,   evaluates patients with seizure-like episodes or any type   monitoring. Muniz provides ICU continuous monitoring,
      and if it is epilepsy, establish which specific type.  of seizures to either confirm or clarify diagnosis,” said   long-term video-EEG monitoring, and intractable
        This  type  of  specialized  monitoring  can  detect  the   Hernandez-Frau.                        epilepsy, and in addition, at PBNI, headache and Botox
      epileptic activity that a routine electroencephalogram     According to the World Health Organization (WHO),   for migraines care. Additionally, both Hernandez-Frau
      (EEG) cannot.                                      although many underlying disease mechanisms can lead   and Muniz are bilingual and able to communicate with
                                                                                                           Spanish speaking patients. Nath has additional areas of
                                                                                                           interest in headaches and multiple sclerosis treatments as
                                                                                                           well as experience in intraoperative monitoring, a process
                                                                                                           involving a board-certified neurophysiologist monitoring
                                                                                                           a patient’s brain, spinal cord and nerves at risk during
                                                                                                           surgery as well as performing tests to measure central
                                                                                                           nervous system function during a procedure.
                                                                                                             For more information on Advanced Neurological Care
                                                                                                           available at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center visit
                                                                                                   or  call  (561)  622-
                                                                                                           1411. To learn more about the Palm Beach Neuroscience
                                                                                                           Institute visit or call (561) 882-6214.
                                                                                                           Do You Need

                                                                                                           Lung Cancer

                 Season Tickets, Mini-Plans, &                                                             Screening If You

         Group Packages Are On Sale Now!                                                                   Quit Smoking?

                                                                                                             According to the
                                                                                                           American Cancer Society,
                                                                                                           smoking contributes to
                                                                                                           80 and 90 percent of lung
                                                                                                           cancer  deaths  in  women
                                                                                                           and men, respectively.
                                                                                                             But  what  if  you  quit
                                                                                                           smoking? Quitting has
                                                                                                           some  health  benefits  that
                                                                                                           start right away and others
                                                                                                           that can lead to improved
                                                                                                           health over many years.
                                                                                                             The risk of having lung  Ivan Romero-Legro, M.D.
                                                                                                           cancer or other smoking-
                                                                                                           related illnesses decreases after you stop smoking and
                                                                                                           continues to decrease the longer you go without smoking,
                                                                                                           though your risk will never be as low as that of someone
                                                                                                           who never smoked.
                                                                                                             So, if you’ve successfully kicked the habit and are now
                                                                                                           a former smoker, do you still need to think about having a
                                                                                                           lung cancer screening?
                                                                                                             According to Cleveland Clinic Florida pulmonologist Ivan
                                                                                                           Romero-Legro, M.D., lung cancer screening is recommended
                                                                                                           for those meeting all the criteria for high risk including:
                                                                                                             • Smoking the equivalent of 20 or more pack-years (e.g.,
                                                                                                           one pack a day for 20 years; two packs a day for 10 years)
                                                                                                             • Being 50 to 80 years old
                                                                                                             • Smoking for any portion of the past 15 years
                                                                                                             It is important to note that:
                                                                                                             • Lung cancer screening is not recommended if your risk
                                                                                                           of lung cancer is low, because the harms of screening may
                                                                                                           outweigh its benefits.
                                                                                                             • Screening is worthwhile only if you are healthy enough
                                                                                                           to tolerate the evaluation and treatment of any lung nodules
                           Times and Opponents are subject to change                                       or lung cancers that are found.
                                                                                                             If your doctor recommends screening, look for a program
                                                                                                           whose experts take the time to discuss its risks and benefits
                                                                                                           with you and are experienced in lung cancer evaluation and
                                 HOME GAME                        HOME GAME                                  Meanwhile, tell your doctor right away if you have any
                                                                                                           of these worrisome symptoms – you may need testing to
                                                                                                           confirm or rule out the presence of lung cancer:
         FOR MORE INFORMATION: (561) 775-1818                                                                • A new, persistent cough or coughing up blood
                                                                                                             • Unexplained shortness of breath or chest pain
                                                                                                             • Unintentional weight loss
        ROGERDEANCHEVROLETSTADIUM.COM                                                                        To  make  an  appointment  with  a  Cleveland  Clinic
                                                                                                           Florida  pulmonologist,  call  (877)  463-2010  or  visit
                                                                                                  to schedule online.
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