Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
P. 16

Page 16, Viewpointe                                                 November 2022
      News From Congressman Ted Deutch

      Dear Friends,                                      Communities Act this year, the first major gun safety law in   and in our democratic process. Your continued attention to
         When I was first elected to                     30 years. Your voices transformed the way gun violence and   the most critical policy issues, your commitment to ensuring I
      serve as your Representative                       school safety are viewed across the country, and we are not   serve you with integrity, compassion, and respect, has guided
      over twelve years ago, I                           done feeling the impact of this community’s efforts.  my decision-making as your representative every single day.
      promised to represent your                            There was also the chilling day in March 2020—the day   Whether you have sent a letter, signed a petition, called my
      interests in Congress as best I                    our community and our nation shut down to slow the spread of   office, participated in a town hall, or submitted a request for
      could. I arrived in Washington                     the novel COVID-19 virus. Amid the fear and uncertainty, you   constituent casework, I have carried your thoughts with me
      in 2010, the lone freshman                         stepped up to support one another and to care for those who lost   throughout the legislative process, and I will continue to carry
      member in the middle of the                        loved ones. During those early months, you joined me every   them into my next chapter.
      111th Congress. I never could                      evening on Facebook Live, where we shone a spotlight on you:      As I leave these storied halls for the last time, it is serving
      have expected then how many                        our district heroes who were pulling our community through.   you—my neighbors, friends, and constituents—that I will miss
      of you I would meet, how                           And it was your actions—wearing masks at Publix, at work, at   most of all.
      many of your stories would shape our nation’s policy, and how   school, getting vaccinated and boosted, social distancing, and      It has been the honor of my life to serve the South Florida
      many victories we would achieve together as a community.   getting tested—that saved untold numbers of our neighbors’   community and the American people in Congress. Thank you
         The policies you advocated for, the progress we made   lives.                                     for helping me do this important work.
      together, will forever live on through the impact on Americans’      I have done my best to carry your voices into our nation’s              Sincerely,
      everyday lives. From the Veteran Treatment Court Coordination   policy, foreign and domestic. I want to sincerely thank you for        Rep. Ted Deutch,
      Act to the Faster Care for Veterans Act, we worked together   your continued engagement in our South Florida community            Member of Congress 
      to bring better and quicker care to those who sacrificed so
      they work better for independent artists, so musicians receive  What’s Better: Life Estate Deed Or Revocable Trust
      much for our freedoms. We reformed our copyright laws, so
      the compensation they deserve, with the American Music
      Fairness Act. We took steps to protect the pets we love with   By Martin Zevin, Attorney             in order to be effective; therefore, do not attempt to do this on
      the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. We passed the      There are several ways to avoid    your own.
                                                                                                             Even with the Enhanced Life Estate Deed, there are risks,
      first federal response to help people with eating disorders get the   probate on your home when you     particularly if your child has a bankruptcy, outstanding judgment
                                                          die. If you are single, there will
      care they need with the Anna Westin Legacy Act. We pushed to   be probate when you die unless        or undergoes divorce. The worst risk, however, is if, God forbid,
      advance the rights and interests of the LGBTQ+ community, to   you choose one of the following       your child dies before you or with you in a common accident. Your
      further reproductive rights and voting rights, to tackle climate   options. If you are married and   child’s estate would then become the owner of the property once
      change head-on, and to support our seniors. None of this would   own your home together, your        you died, which would result in probate being required. Thus, the
      have been possible without you.                     surviving spouse will not have                   main purpose of the Life Estate Deed is not accomplished.
         I am also proud of our community’s strong sense of global   probate; however, there will be          The best way to avoid probate on your home is to do a
      citizenship. It is that collective purpose that inspired me to   probate when the second of you      Revocable Living Trust. When you sign the Revocable Living
                                                                                                           Trust Agreement, you also sign a Deed transferring the property to
                                                          passes away, unless one of these options is done.
      use my position as a member of the Committee on Foreign      Let us assume that you own your home jointly with your spouse   you as Trustees of your Trust. You are able to keep your homestead
      Affairs and Middle East Subcommittee Chair to strengthen our   and that you have two children. Both of you desire to have your  exemption, maintain complete control of the property during your
      nation’s relationships in the international community. Together,   two children inherit your home equally when you both pass away.  lifetime and make amendments to your Trust without changing the
      we bolstered our alliances and partnerships, advocated for      The first option would be to add the names of your two children  Deed. There are no risks involved, since your children’s names do
      robust foreign assistance and global health investments, and   to the Deed as joint tenants with right of survivorship. This is not a   not appear on the Deed. The only disadvantage of the Revocable
      strengthened democratic development worldwide. With your   good idea. It would affect your ability to claim your full homestead  Living Trust is that it will cost more money in attorney’s fees.
      help, I was able to champion human rights where they are   exemption. In addition, you lose control of your property and  When you discuss the options with your attorney, you should
                                                          can only sell it if your children both agree and sign all closing  discuss the difference in fees between the Revocable Living
      denied, from Caracas, to Havana, to Tehran, as well as advocate   documents. If you wanted to take one of the children off the Deed,  Trust and the Enhanced Life Estate Deed. You can then determine
      for American hostages and those wrongfully detained abroad—  you would be unable to do so. If one of your children files for  whether it is worth saving the money and taking the risks involved
      like our neighbor from Coral Springs, Bob Levinson—through   bankruptcy, has an adverse judgment or files for divorce, your  in the Enhanced Life Estate Deed.
      the Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking   property could be subject to liens or other legal action. Therefore,     During this current time of “social distancing,” I have been
      Accountability Act. Your support allowed me to be a loud,   I recommend against a Deed with your children as joint tenants  consulting with clients via phone,e-mail and regular mail. In the
      proud, and consistent advocate for a strong U.S.-Israel strategic   with right of survivorship.      past, my free initial consultation would normally be a personal
                                                            The second option is a Life Estate Deed. There are two types of  meeting. Please feel free to call me for a free phone consultation
      partnership, an unyielding voice against a nuclear Iran, and a     Life Estate Deed: regular and Enhanced (also referred to as Lady  regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts, Deeds, Probate,
      staunch opponent of antisemitism in all its forms as a co-founder   Bird). The regular Life Estate Deed requires that your children  Power of Attorney or Health Care Surrogate. I am also available
      of the House Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism.   join in any sale or other changes on the Deed; therefore, you have  for a free consultation regarding personal injury claims or to
         Even more important than our accomplishments are the   lost control and cannot take your child’s name off the Deed if you  explain car insurance coverage. Call me at 954-569-4878. My
      moments that led to them: the moments we truly came together   choose to do so. The Enhanced Life Estate Deed gives you the  address is 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach,
      as a community.                                     sole right to sell the property during your lifetime or make any  Florida 33442. My web site is and my
         There was the horrific day on February 14th, 2018, when   other changes to the Deed without the permission of your child.  e-mail address is
      17 members of our community had their lives cut short in a   The Enhanced Life Estate Deed has very specific legal language
      senseless act of violence. What the people in our community—                                Paid Advertisement
      especially the young people—did after that tragedy was
      unforgettable, not only for all of us in South Florida, but
      for our entire nation. You created a sense of community and
      empowerment that shaped our national discourse, and you
      raised your voices, together, to speak out to prevent the next
      tragedy. It was because of your activism and your support
      for one another that Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer


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