Page 20 - Abacoa Community News - November '22
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Page 20, Abacoa
211 Broward And 211 Palm Beach And Treasure Coast Launch
Hero4Hero, A First Responder Mental Health Support Line
The confidential Hero4Hero support line, created in Twitter:
collaboration with the State of Florida, is available in Broward LinkedIn:
County, Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast and will About 211 Broward
provide free mental health resources. The mission of 211 Broward is
At a time when our first responders and their families, our to provide a 24-hour comprehensive
heroes, are dealing with professional and personal challenges that helpline and support services
they haven’t faced before, the State of Florida and the Department system-wide suicide prevention to save lives in the first responder to individuals and families in our
of Child and Families are answering the call and collaborating community by facilitating access to community resources, community seeking crisis intervention assistance and/or
with 211 Broward and 211 Palm Beach and Treasure Coast to emotional support, crisis support, trauma-informed care, care information and connections to health and human services in
launch Hero4Hero, a 24/7 confidential comprehensive peer coordination, mental health and substance use treatment, and Broward County. Every call to 211 is answered by a trained,
support line. suicide prevention. degreed counselor who listens to the caller’s concerns, identifies
Hero4Hero serves current and former first responders, Here are some additional statistics on first responders’ mental their needs and connects them with agencies and programs that
including 911 dispatchers, corrections/detention officers, health, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety can help them. 211 Broward relies on the generous support of
emergency medical technicians, firefighters, paramedics, law and Health: government agencies, corporations, foundations, and individuals
enforcement, and their families. The support line is staffed by • Law enforcement officers and firefighters are more likely to provide this vital community service. To connect with 211
former first responders (first responder peer support specialists) to die by suicide than in the line of duty. Broward, dial 2-1-1 or (954) 537-0211, download the app and/
who are extensively trained to provide comprehensive peer • EMS providers are 1.39 times more likely to die by suicide or text zip code to 898211. For more information regarding 211
support to other current and former first responders and their than the public. and how you can help, please contact Tracy Schuldiner, chief
families. • Between 17 percent and 24 percent of public safety advancement and community relations officer, at (754) 551-4172
Hero4Hero provides toll-free access to regional, statewide, telecommunicators have symptoms of post-traumatic stress or visit
and national resources that can help address the behavioral health disorder and 24 percent have symptoms of depression. About 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast
needs of first responders and their families. First responders and Calls to the Hero4Hero support line are confidential and can The mission of 211 Palm Beach/
their family members can reach the support line at (866) 760- be anonymous. For example, the support line is not affiliated with Treasure Coast is to save lives
HERO (4376) or learn more at first responders’ employers, insurances, or employee assistance through crisis intervention and by
The repeated exposure to stressful and disturbing events can programs. connecting people to health, mental
take a toll and create mental health challenges and PTSD for This support line is supported by the Southeast Florida health, and wellness services 24
both responders and/or their family members. More than half of First Responder Support Coalition, a partnership between 211 hours a day every day. 211 Palm
first responders surveyed described their stress levels as acute, Broward, 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Broward Behavioral Beach/Treasure Coast started as a volunteer run 24-hour
episodic, or chronic, according to the Florida Department of Health Coalition, Group Victory, Public Safety Chaplaincy, substance abuse and crisis hotline, founded by renowned
Children and Families and Division of Emergency Management. Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network, and United Way psychologist Dr. Robert K. Alsofrom, who was passionate about
But while firefighters, police officers, 911 dispatchers, corrections of Broward County. helping people struggling with depression, suicide, drug and
officers and emergency service personnel are the first to respond First responders and their families are there for us. Hero4Hero alcohol abuse. Over the years the hotline has responded to the
to emergencies, they are sometimes the last to ask for help. is here for them. There is strength in reaching out. needs of the community and become one of the most utilized
The new Hero4Hero support line helps target the complex Like Us Or Follow Hero4Hero On Social Media resources for all of Palm Beach County and the Treasure
needs of first responders and their family members who are Facebook: Coast. To connect with 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, dial
coping with stress, trauma, depression, thoughts of suicide, and php?id=100083741764079 2-1-1 or (561) 383-1112, text your zip code to 898211 or email
other pressures from daily life. Hero4Hero aims to transform Instagram:
Rex Recommends
By Rex Hearn Mendelssohn’s exquisite Violin Concerto in E Minor with will be the delicious Mozart Opera Cosi Fan Tutti written
Three mainstays in Palm a cadenza written by Bell, himself, who is making record by Lorenzo da Ponte who became an American citizen at
Beach arts, symphony, opera appearances everywhere. He just hit 30 consecutive at 79! It deals with the fidelity of four people engaged to be
and ballet have carefully Tanglewood. Fingal’s Cave, part of Mendelssohns’ Hebrides married. A safe translation of the title might be, “Women are
chosen programs for the Overture follows and Beethoven’s superb Symphony No. fickle, Men cheat too.” It plays Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday,
2022/23 season. And The 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 55 “Eroica” ends the program. Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. The matinee is at 2 p.m. on Sunday,
Society of Four Arts, (561) Finale! Monday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. Maria Joao Peres will Feb. 26. Verdi’s Falstaff is last. Written when he was 80
655-7226, has put together play Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major, another and in retirement, this comedy based on The Merry Wives
one of their best seasons orchestra premiere. The lead trombone of our symphony, of Windsor by the Bard of Avon, is a romp from beginning
ever. Here in brief with Domingo Pagliorca, will be the soloist in Hailstock’s to end. How would you like to end up in the Thames River
dates, are the events. Some Monuments. The concert season ends with a stirring choice: in a huge wicker linen basket? That’s what the women do
people still wear masks, Cesar Franck’s grand and moving Symphony in D Minor. to Sir John Falstaff for his cheeky swagger! Performances:
caution in crowds perhaps. The ending will blow your sox off! Be prepared to cheer Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m.;
Look for my monthly column in Seabreeze. Attend live arts the players, endlessly. matinee is Sunday, March 26 at 2 p.m.
in these parts. The Box Office phone number is (561) 281-0145. The Box Office phone number is (561) 833-7888.
Palm Beach Symphony Palm Beach Opera Ballet Palm Beach
Orchestral concerts are now held in the big Dreyfus There will be three operas this year. David Stern, the On Oct. 26 in the Playhouse Theatre at Kravis they dance
Hall at the Kravis Center unless otherwise stated. And conductor, leads 60 orchestral players in the pit in the main the story of Snow White (and the seven dwarfs).
Maestro Gerard Schwarz is the conductor. Saturday, hall of The Kravis Center. Yes, his father was the great Then there are four performances of the Christmas
Nov. 6 at 3 p.m., Sarah Chang plays the lovely, tuneful violinist Isaac Stern. I will detail the soloists nearer the favorite The Nutcracker to Tchaikovsky’s brilliant music.
Max Bruch’s Violin Concerto, No. 1 in G Minor, Op. month they sing. So sit tight. Friday, Jan. 20 and Saturday, Performances are Saturday, Dec. 3 at 2 and 7 p.m. and
26. David Diamond’s Rounds for Strings and Brahms’ Jan. 21 both at 7:30 p.m., you will hear Puccini’s Madam Sunday, Dec. 4 at 1 and 5 p.m.
Second Symphony are both premiered by the symphony. Butterfly also the matinee on Sunday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. Next The Box Office phone number is (800) 515- 2171.
Thursday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m., pianist Garrick Ohlson tackles
Beethoven’s difficult Emperor Concerto, No. 5 in E-Flat
at Sunrise by Sibelius and Sans-Saens’ magnificent Organ Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
Major. Two more orchestra premieres follow: Night Ride
Symphony, No. 3. It will rouse all your senses with its
voluminous climatic sounds. Handel’s Messiah is next at
The Rosarian Academy on Friday, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. and Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
Saturday, Dec. 10 at 3 p.m. This work is 281 years old. At
its first performance in Dublin, Ireland, King George ll State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
of Britain stood in the Hallelujah Chorus, out of respect
for the grandeur of the music. Audiences continue this Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
tradition the world over whenever it is played. Back in
Kravis, Monday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. the beautiful mezzo-
soprano, Susan Graham, will delight with four arias from Joanne Green, D.D.S.
Mozart, some by Lehar and Berlioz. Debussy’s Prélude
á l’aprés-midi d’un faune and Shostakovich’s rousing 10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
Symphony No. 10 in E Minor, Op. 93 will eject you from Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
your seat: celebrating the late Stalin’s demise!
No concert in February. (561) 622-2815 •
Tuesday, March 14 at 8 p.m. the brilliant pianist, Misha
Dichter, will play George Gershwin’s only piano concerto. Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
No, it is not Rhapsody in Blue! A world premiere by Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
Schwantner is next, Reflections on Thoreau. Stravinsky’s Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
Firebird Ballet Suite ends this program. Get ready for this Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
guy: the great Joshua Bell, surely America’s best, will play