Page 26 - Boca Exposure - September '22
P. 26
Page 26, Boca Exposure
Loggerhead Marinelife Center Focuses
On Diverse And Inclusive Programming
The mission of Loggerhead
Marinelife Center (LMC)
is to promote ocean and
sea turtle conservation –
and that effort requires all
hands on deck, regardless
of ability or background. To
connect underserved and
underrepresented groups
to ocean conservation and
appreciation, LMC has
launched the far-reaching
Oceans of Opportunity Sensory backpacks at LMC
initiative with the help of
several local organizations. American Sign Language tours at LMC Clinics Can Help beach wheelchair donation to LMC
In collaboration with Clinics Can Help, a nonprofit that
serves people with disabilities, LMC recently acquired “She hasn’t been able to go onto the beach in a very long LMC’s multilingual programming also includes educational
a second beach wheelchair for use in the Turtle Walk, time, even though she loves the ocean,” explained Diane programs in German with the help of a longtime, German-
Hatchling Release, and Sunrise Nest Excavation programs. Perry, a close friend who joined Elizabeth on the Turtle Walk speaking volunteer, Britta Steinhorn.
The center also has sensory backpacks available for checkout experience. “Some facilities promote accessibility, but the LMC is taking steps to become a sensory inclusive certified
at the welcome desk, and offers multilingual programming person still is not able to do everything. The Turtle Walk organization. The center currently has sensory backpacks
in American Sign Language (ASL), Spanish, and German experience was completely immersive for her, and she said available for use, which include headphones, sunglasses,
on request. it was one of the best nights of her life.” gloves, fidget spinners, and communication boards.
“The availability of beach-capable wheelchairs is a great In July, LMC hosted the Family Center on Deafness for Loggerhead Marinelife Center’s recently renovated and
example of how LMC provides what we call ‘Oceans of a Turtle Walk, which was led by Jennifer Reilly, research expanded facility offers one of the most advanced and unique
Opportunity.’ They provide the opportunity for members operations manager at LMC, and a full-time staff biologist experiences in ocean education and conservation. The center
of our community to comfortably and safely access ocean who is deaf and fluent in American Sign Language. There is open daily and hosts more than 350,000 guests free of
education – a right to learn that everyone should have. The are currently very few environmental education experiences charge each year. Through Oceans of Opportunity, LMC is
generous donation from Clinics Can Help has helped us offered in ASL, and Reilly has been a pioneer in interpreting reaching a more diverse array of guests than ever before.
increase our impact, for which we are incredibly grateful,” coastal classroom videos, offering tours in ASL, and leading About Loggerhead Marinelife Center
said Hannah Campbell, vice president of the education virtual presentations. “I want to help guests who are deaf Loggerhead Marinelife Center, located in Loggerhead
division at LMC. She added that other supporters of the or hard of hearing to participate in tours of our Sea Turtle Park, Juno Beach, Florida, is a sea turtle research,
initiative include the Association of Science and Technology Hospital, or to fully experience our Turtle Walks and observe rehabilitation, education, and conservation center. The
Centers, the Edward T. Bedford Foundation, REI Co-op, and a sea turtle laying her eggs during nesting season,” Reilly center also manages the Juno Beach Pier across the street
Starbucks, among others. explained. “Our efforts are expanded enormously when we from the park. Established in 1983, Loggerhead Marinelife
In June, visitors used the newly added beach wheelchair can include everyone, no matter the background or barrier.” Center seeks to promote conservation of ocean ecosystems
on a Turtle Walk. “[LMC] allowed me to have an experience LMC conducts guided tours and provides community and with a special focus on threatened and endangered sea
I will treasure as one of the most wonderful events in my school programming in Spanish. The center recently led a turtles. Its facilities include a sea turtle hospital, a research
life,” shared Elizabeth Merkling, who, after a car accident Turtle Walk in Spanish as part of Latino Conservation Week laboratory, and exhibit areas, including live sea turtles and
in her 20s, has used a wheelchair ever since. 2022 in partnership with the Hispanic Access Foundation. other coastal creatures.
What You Should Know About Your Breast Health
With October serving as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, should have a clinical breast exam at least once every
West Boca Medical Center is encouraging women to three years. Beginning at age 40, they should have a
take control of their health and schedule their screening clinical breast exam and screening mammogram every
mammograms. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death year. Women at high risk for developing breast cancer
in American women. One in eight women will develop should have an MRI screening in addition to their yearly
the disease at some point in her life. However, when mammogram.
breast cancer is detected early – often through the help of
screening mammograms - it’s one of the most treatable The best time to do a breast self-exam is on a monthly
forms of cancer. basis, usually about three to five days after the end of your
period. If you do not have a period, try to remember to do
Breast changes due to age, hormone levels and medications the exam on the same day every month.
are quite common. A woman’s breasts can change during
the course of her menstrual cycle, throughout pregnancy, If you notice any of the following changes during a breast
while breastfeeding and in menopause. Although most self-exam, you may want to visit your doctor:
changes are not serious, if you have concerns, you should • Dimples, puckers, ridges or bulges of skin on the breast
check with your doctor. • A nipple that turns in rather than sticks out
• Skin that itches or has scales, sores or rashes
The most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump • Discharge from the nipple, other than breast milk
or mass in the breast. Lumps can occur even when breast • Pain, redness, swelling or warmth
cancer is not present. They may be due to fibrocystic • Any change in the color, shape, size or texture of the
changes in the breast tissue, and most turn out to be benign breast
and non-life-threatening. The majority of times, lumps
in the breast turn out to be benign, either cysts, normal The Breast Center at West Boca Diagnostic Imaging
tissue that may be hormonally affected if the woman is is proud to offer advanced 3-D mammography (breast
still menstruating, or they can be benign growths, such tomosynthesis) designed for more accurate breast cancer
as fibroadenomas. screening. 3-D mammography allows the radiologist to
examine breast tissue one layer at a time, making fine
West Boca Medical Center encourages women to perform details more visible because they are no longer hidden
breast self-exams, which can aid in the detection of cancer. by tissue. 3-D mammography is an innovative new
They can be performed while looking in a mirror and when screening and diagnostic tool designed for early breast
in the shower or lying down. Self breast exams are useful, cancer detection that can be done in conjunction with
because a woman can check her breasts for changes. The a traditional 2-D digital mammogram. During the 3-D Our medical professionals use a multidisciplinary
benefit of a self breast exam is a woman can detect subtle part of the exam, the X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc approach to provide patients with the best care possible.
changes that a health care provider may not. A woman over your breast, taking multiple breast images. Then, a The Breast Center has earned the designation as a
should be familiar with the feel of the tissue of her breasts. computer produces a 3-D image of your breast tissue in one Breast Imaging Center of Excellence from the American
Additionally, if the finding does turn out to be a cancer, it millimeter slices, providing visibility for the radiologist to College of Radiology. Located at 7070 West Palmetto
may be detected at an earlier stage. see breast detail in a way never before possible. They can Park Road in Boca Raton, the center is committed to
scroll through images of your entire breast like pages of creating individualized plans for every patient. Our patient
Women should start performing self-exams in their a book. The additional 3-D images make it possible for navigator will walk you through the steps you need to
20s, but they are not a substitute for regular screening a radiologist to gain a better understanding of your breast take to get the care you need. For more information, or to
mammograms or clinical breast exams. According to the tissue during screening and the confidence to reduce the schedule your mammogram, call 561-417-7920.
American Cancer Society, women in their 20s and 30s need for follow-up imaging.
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