Page 21 - Boca Exposure - September '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 21
Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:
‘Time To Thread The Needle?’
By Dale Brown, B.S., to “thread the needle,” as he puts it. “I like to travel in Phone – Yes, I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but
M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a time and reach out to people who touched my life.” For emailing and texting have taken over the use of this little
motivational speaker who example, on a recent trip to the beach, he looked up at a device. There is nothing better than hearing the voice and
has spent many years as a lifeguard stand and it brought back a memory of a buddy laughter of someone you love. Besides, there are just
certified life coach and has he used to have back in the day. That guy was the perfect some things you can’t put in writing so make some time
written numerous articles lifeguard stereotype: blonde, good looking and well built. to catch up. My husband always says, “Just pick up the
and e-books relating to self- My husband liked him, they got along, had fun together, phone! Enough with the texting!”
improvement and ways to and he felt the need to say hello. “A voice from the past, Letters – When was the last time you wrote or received
build a high-performance as they say.” a personal letter from someone? There is something very
team. She is the author My husband sent a note through a messenger, and to thoughtful and beautiful about a hand-written letter that
of the recently published his surprise, he got a message back! Great, let’s talk on is so personal. You can almost feel the sentiment coming
book, Small Steps...Big the phone and fill in the gaps. The call was short, but through as you hold the paper in your hands.
Changes: The Personal Stories of a Life Coach. Her long enough to pass along the reason for his call, which eCards – For those of us who spend hours on our
education and years of experience in physical fitness and was pleasant memories of their time together. It’s hard computers/phones/laptops, ecards are a wonderful way
training of elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her to say what the reaction was of the lifeguard, but does it to show you remembered.
knowledge in many health-related areas. The following matter? Chances are, he was surprised and happy to hear Face to Face – The pandemic has opened up the use
introduces a new approach to Brown’s series of columns from an old friend. of Zoom for “up close and personal” meetings. We have
devoted to many topics that deal with the mind/body According to a study published July 11, 2022 in the enjoyed scheduling happy hours with friends to laugh,
connection and the importance of living a healthy Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, it was catch up, and stay in touch. FaceTime your friends and
lifestyle. Brown, a Bocaire resident, can be reached at found that people often underestimate how much friends family for the pleasure of seeing their faces while you and old acquaintances appreciate hearing from them. The talk. We have wonderful technology at our fingertips that
How often have you thought of old friends from your communication is especially appreciated when it’s from provide opportunities to say “hello.”
past and wondered what they might be doing now? Maybe someone who is not regularly in contact with the recipient. Coffee, wine or lunch? – Haven’t seen someone in a
you’ve gone so far as to look them up on Facebook to Younger generations are conditioned to communicating while … why not meet for a beverage or lunch?
see if and where they might be. Let’s say you even find by way of text or email, not in real time. Picking up the Sometimes you may have to be the one to arrange a
the person you’re looking for. What do you do next? The phone, or being face to face with someone, requires a meeting or plan a party. If you wait for someone else, it
answer is usually “nothing at all.” dialogue with no delay – whereas a text allows time to may never happen, so step up to the plate. You might be
It’s not unusual to want to reconnect with someone think about what to say or use an emoji for a response. surprised at the response you get from others … “Why
who made an impression on you at one time, or a person Regardless of the form of communication, reaching didn’t I think of this?” or “Next time it’s my turn!”
with whom you’ve lost contact for who knows what out to friends, new or old, is important in nurturing Life is short. The people who enrich our lives are what
reason. The truth is that the majority of people don’t relationships. make it worth living. Everyone wants to feel connected
reach out for fear of being rejected. Thoughts cross their Social media is great to the extent that it provides a and included, but for a variety of reasons they may not
mind, such as, “What if I don’t get a response? What if vehicle to stay connected. We have virtually everything make the effort. Don’t let that stop you. Is there someone
he doesn’t remember me? Who knows if he even liked me accessible to never lose touch with our friends and loved in your life you haven’t heard from in a while? Why not
back then?” It might take courage to act on your impulse ones. If you’re feeling the need to reach out, here are a make this the year you pick up the phone, send an eCard,
to reconnect, but don’t let that stand in your way. few suggestions that combine “old fashioned” methods drop a text, or write a letter? It might brighten someone
My husband is the type of person who never hesitates with the new. Take your pick of what works best for you. else’s life and make you happy, too!
Book Review
The Secret History Of Food: As just one example of human intervention, here is an parsnips, turnips, beets,
Strange But True Stories excerpt from the chapter on corn (originally called teosinte); cauliflower, celery, and
lettuce, usually served
some of the text has been omitted for lack of space:
About The Origins Of teosinte actually did with it; for starters, an ear of it at dinner ... and not,
“We’re not even sure what the people who first ate
like fruits generally, as
Everything We Eat contained only five to twelve kernels compared to the five dessert.’”
to twelve hundred on an ear of corn today, and each of Such other chapter
By Nils A. Shapiro them was only around one-tenth the weight of a modern titles as A History of
On page 141 of this kernel. So an entire ear of teosinte would have been about Swallowing, Pie,
month’s selection, author the size of a cigarette, though probably shorter. And Progress, and Plymouth
Matt Siegel connects there wasn’t a central cob, so you couldn’t eat the whole Rock, Breakfast of
comments by two other thing ... You could eat only the tiny kernels, which were Champions and Honey
writers to make an individually wrapped in an almost impenetrable outer Laundering further
interesting point: casing ... Yet for some reason our ancestors saw potential attest to the variety of
“Average Americans in this lowly grass and kept replanting it, choosing only topics and the author’s
and Europeans not only live the seeds with the most attractive traits – say, height, sense of humor.
better than more than 99 girth, tenderness, and disease resistance – until it grew One doesn’t often find on a literary menu a tasty
percent of the human beings into a tall and dependable grain they could live on. So it smorgasbord of hearty information, served with a
who have ever existed, they was a lot like dating in high school.” generous helping of sweet wit. I strongly recommend
live better than most of the royalty of history ... gas-station Those of us of a certain age will remember the that you place your order for The Secret History of Food
minimarts now sell cabernets and chardonnays ‘far ubiquitous chain of Howard Johnson restaurants, 1,000 as soon as possible.
superior in quality to the wines once drunk by the kings of which lined the nation’s highways and dotted big cities
of France.’ Today supermarkets offer at low cost dozens during and after the World War II era, a new location
of items almost anyone who has ever lived considered opening every nine days. They were famous for their Your ad
unattainable delicacies and died without tasting.” giant outdoor signage advertising 28 flavors of ice cream.
It is an interesting point most of us never even think This book’s chapter, The Vanilla of Society, points out
about. And by the time you reach that paragraph in among its many tasty facts that Mr. Johnson himself once could be here!
this 270-page book, (193 of text plus 77 of notes and admitted that most people simply preferred vanilla.
index), you will already have learned many hundreds Of course, while the author does not claim this as the
of surprising, even shocking, facts about a subject that reason for the flavor’s overwhelming popularity, he does Call
consumes us every day of our lives. point out the following:
Even better, the whole is served up deliciously by a “ ... vanilla is one of the few ice cream flavors to be 561-746-3244
writer with a sense of humor that prompted one reviewer named after genitalia, thanks to Spanish conquistadors
to describe this as “a laugh-out-loud funny read.” who ‘discovered’ it in the sixteenth century and called it
Siegel has written about food and culture for such vainilla, a Spanish derivative of the Latin vagina, because
publications as The Atlantic, Fast Company, and The of its resemblance when spread open to harvest its seeds
Paris Review. He is a former English professor who (and probably because they hadn’t seen their wives in a
lives with his dog, Waffles. Having now read The Secret long time). They then brought the plants back home to
History of Food, I would unhesitatingly place him at the Europe and spent three hundred years trying in vain to
top of my list of ideal dinner companions. pollinate them because they couldn’t find the rostellum. Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
It is clear that the author has done a great deal of (Insert clitoris joke here.)” Palm Beach County and is a privately
research in the development of this book. He covers an One of the things we learn in the chapter, Attack of owned and managed company.
impressive range of topics related to this one subject, the Killer Tomatoes, is that it took six years of escalating Captain’s is committed to providing
taking us on a journey that extends from mankind’s court battles before the U.S. Supreme Court took the case dependable, reliable and professional
ground transportation to and from all
earliest days on this planet to the present day – and that led to a key decision in 1893: “Supreme Court justices South Florida Airports and Seaports.
includes both the ways in which humans have altered the read from various dictionaries and heard testimony from To reserve your vehicle: PBCVH212
very nature of the foods we eat and the impact that foods expert witnesses before ultimately ruling that tomatoes 561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
have had on us, physically and psychologically. were vegetables because they ‘are, like potatoes, carrots,