Page 22 - Boca Club News - September '22
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Club News
      Grape Expectations: Chardonnay Revisited

      By  Ed  Wolfarth,  who  moved  to                 continuing his passion for writing, and has written on the   often found in the Napa Valley to more acidic types found in
      South Florida after retiring with his             subject for publications. As a self-proclaimed “wine snob,”   Sonoma. As an aside, I was asked to be on the tasting panel
      wife, Vicki, as Professor of Sports               he has collaborated on many wine lists for private clubs and   a few years back for the AFWC. That’s the American Fine
      Sciences & Physical Education at                  a few restaurants. Ed can be reached at  Wine Competition. I sat at a table of five. There were five
      both Queens College and Hofstra                      This is mostly for the ABC crowd–the “anything but   tables of five, 25 tasters in all. Sommeliers, winemakers,
      University. He is a nationally ranked             chardonnay” group that still scoffs at anything Chardonnay.   restauranteurs, writers and bloggers were all present.
      senior tennis player and long-time                As you might surmise, all grape varietals can be made in      We blind tasted Pinot Noirs, Zinfandels (the red type) and
      USPTA Elite Teaching Professional.                divergent styles, from dry to sweet, oaked or not oaked–and   Chardonnays. On the first Chard, I smelled, sipped and tasted
      Ed has written many educational                   can taste so differently from the predisposed opinions. Just   and successfully identified the wine as a cool-climate Chard
      and tennis articles in the past. Over the past few years,   as “Rieslings are all sweet,” another myth. Let’s, however,   from Sonoma. I’m good! The fellow next to me says, “Nice
      Ed has turned his hobby of wine collecting into a way of   examine the world of Chardonnay.          work Ed,” and follows with, “2016 Russian River!” Some
                                                           Chardonnay is the second mostly widely planted white   people can do that, and he was spot on. The taste and aroma
                                                        wine grape and the most popular among wine drinkers. I   of oak or vanilla are easy to spot. The ability to identify the
       Dining Out from page 21                          know, you are wondering what’s first. It’s a local grape of   vintage and specific region—well, that’s another level.
                                                        Spain that is used in the production of Sherry; it’s called      New Zealand and Australia. Both are producing world-
          From The Dessert Tray: If there’s a huge variety of   Airen. I like to think of Chardonnay as the “chicken of the   class Chards made in all different styles. The Margaret River
       Indian desserts you can’t tell from Arun’s menu. The only   wine world.” You can do almost anything with it, from heavily   of western Australia, in particular, is a region I would highly
       two choices are the popular Indian dessert called Gulab   oaked buttery versions to lean and acidic crisp wines. If   recommend you seek out. Marlborough and Gisborne in New
       Jamun—golden fried balls of milk solids and flour find their   Chardonnay got a report card, it would say “plays nice with   Zealand are also two regions I would seek out for cool climate
       sweetness from cardamom syrup—or, you can challenge   others.”                                      chards.
       your sweet tooth with Ramalai ($4.00). This classic Indian      So why the backlash against Chardonnay? For many      Before we go, allow me to list my favorite Chards in
       dessert consists of sweet, juicy, soft cheesy morsels that are   years, it was being made in a homogenous style: bland and   no particular order. They are all considered cool climate
       addictive and super delicious. They are typically served with   often heavily oaked to hide any flaws. So back in the ‘90s—  Chardonnays with little or no oak, but all are well balanced
       thickened milk.                                  and in particular in California—there was backlash to the   with wonderful acidity and fruit. I’m just not a big fan of the
          Check, Please: I wouldn’t be surprised that on your   backlash—a new movement towards lighter, crisper style   heavily oaked types.
       approach to Arun’s Kitchen you start to question Hungry   Chards that weren’t heavily oaked or had no oak at all. In      Kumeu River Chardonnays. From New Zealand, these
       Al’s picks of restaurants to review. But the best barometer   Sonoma, France, New Zealand and Oregon, many producers   Chards show great minerality, balance and with a long finish.
       in trying an ethnic eating establishment is not to score by   began making what has become known as “cool climate   From the singles vineyard ones that could sell for $60 and
       appearance nor the silverware, but by the number of ethnic   Chardonnays.” Let’s look at some of these regions that are   more to the Estate bottling for $30, you can’t go wrong.
       patrons in attendance. Arun’s Indian Kitchen had more than   making world-class Chards in a completely different style   Definitely seek it out.
       enough Indian customers to let us know we were in good   than the ABC crowd has come to dislike.       Italian Chardonnays. Look for Planeta, Jermann and my
       hands.                                              France–Did you know that Chablis and Pouilly Fuisse   favorite, Terlano Kreuth Vineyard. This $30 Chard shows
          Maybe it’s time you branch out and accept that not   are 100% Chardonnay? But they’re completely different.   how you can have your cake and eat it, too. There’s oak,
       everything has to cost you a C-note to rationalize its quality.   Pouilly Fuisse sees some time in oak barrels, which imparts   banana and tropical fruits, but with enough acidity to balance
       Arun’s Indian Kitchen might be the first         that buttery mouthfeel and more body. Chablis (not California   the equation.
       Indian food I had in quite a while, but it       Chablis, a complete misnomer and oxymoron) also from      Margaret River Chards. This area in western Australia is
       wouldn’t be the last. Having an expert at        Burgundy, is unoaked and far more acidic. Many drinkers   making some of my favorite Chards. Leeuwin, Cape Mentelle
       our table was a great incentive for us to        mistaken Chablis for a Sauvignon Blanc. As a matter of fact,   and Vasse Felix are fabulous producers to seek out.
       explore more of this cuisine and a huge          Chablis and Sancerre, a Sauvignon Blanc, are often referred      I could go on, but I won’t. Remember, all you ABCers,
       help in grading Arun’s quality. Hungry C         to as “climate and soil twins.” They both have a similar taste   Chardonnay is made in different styles. It’s the chicken of
       counted a solid three golden Taj Mahals for      profile but come from slightly different areas of France.   the wine world. Whatever your taste preference, you can find
       our eating adventure to India.                      California–Chards from California are also made in   a Chard that you like. Enjoy!
                                                        different styles, from the heavily oaked buttery versions
        What You Should Know About Your Breast Health

        With October serving as Breast Cancer Awareness Month,  should have a clinical breast exam at least once every
        West Boca Medical Center is encouraging women to  three years. Beginning at age 40, they should have a
        take control of their health and schedule their screening  clinical breast exam and screening mammogram every
        mammograms. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death  year. Women at high risk for developing breast cancer
        in American women. One in eight women will develop  should have an MRI screening in addition to their yearly
        the disease at some point in her life. However, when  mammogram.
        breast cancer is detected early – often through the help of
        screening mammograms - it’s one of the most treatable  The best time to do a breast self-exam is on a monthly
        forms of cancer.                                 basis, usually about three to five days after the end of your
                                                         period. If you do not have a period, try to remember to do
        Breast changes due to age, hormone levels and medications  the exam on the same day every month.
        are quite common. A woman’s breasts can change during
        the course of her menstrual cycle, throughout pregnancy,  If you notice any of the following changes during a breast
        while breastfeeding and in menopause. Although most  self-exam, you may want to visit your doctor:
        changes are not serious, if you have concerns, you should  •  Dimples, puckers, ridges or bulges of skin on the breast
        check with your doctor.                          •  A nipple that turns in rather than sticks out
                                                         •  Skin that itches or has scales, sores or rashes
        The most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump  •  Discharge from the nipple, other than breast milk
        or mass in the breast. Lumps can occur even when breast  •  Pain, redness, swelling or warmth
        cancer is not present. They may be due to fibrocystic  •  Any change in the color, shape, size or texture of the
        changes in the breast tissue, and most turn out to be benign  breast
        and non-life-threatening.   The majority of times, lumps
        in the breast turn out to be benign, either cysts, normal  The  Breast  Center  at West  Boca  Diagnostic  Imaging
        tissue that may be hormonally affected if the woman is  is proud to offer advanced 3-D mammography (breast
        still menstruating, or they can be benign growths, such  tomosynthesis) designed for more accurate breast cancer
        as fibroadenomas.                                screening.  3-D mammography allows the radiologist to
                                                         examine breast tissue one layer at a time, making fine
        West Boca Medical Center encourages women to perform  details more visible because they are no longer hidden
        breast self-exams, which can aid in the detection of cancer.  by  tissue.  3-D  mammography  is  an  innovative  new
        They can be performed while looking in a mirror and when  screening and diagnostic tool designed for early breast
        in the shower or lying down.  Self breast exams are useful,  cancer detection that can be done in conjunction with
        because a woman can check her breasts for changes.  The  a traditional 2-D digital mammogram.  During the 3-D  Our medical professionals use a multidisciplinary
        benefit of a self breast exam is a woman can detect subtle  part of the exam, the X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc  approach to provide patients with the best care possible.
        changes that a health care provider may not.  A woman  over your breast, taking multiple breast images. Then, a  The Breast Center has earned the designation as a

        should be familiar with the feel of the tissue of her breasts.  computer produces a 3-D image of your breast tissue in one  Breast Imaging Center of Excellence from the American
        Additionally, if the finding does turn out to be a cancer, it  millimeter slices, providing visibility for the radiologist to  College of Radiology. Located at 7070 West Palmetto
        may be detected at an earlier stage.             see breast detail in a way never before possible. They can  Park Road in Boca Raton, the center is committed to
                                                         scroll through images of your entire breast like pages of  creating individualized plans for every patient. Our patient
        Women should start performing self-exams in their  a book.  The additional 3-D images make it possible for  navigator will walk you through the steps you need to
        20s, but they are not a substitute for regular screening  a radiologist to gain a better understanding of your breast  take to get the care you need.  For more information, or to
        mammograms or clinical breast exams. According to the  tissue during screening and the confidence to reduce the  schedule your mammogram, call 561-417-7920.
        American Cancer Society, women in their 20s and 30s  need for follow-up imaging.
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