Page 18 - Boca Club News - September '22
P. 18

Page 18, Boca Club News

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      a down payment has seen the percentage of first-time buyers   new home construction. Despite the decline in job openings,      Orlando has gone further, passing a rental restriction
      fall to 29 percent.                               builders have been unable to fill skilled worker positions   prohibiting increases in multi-unit buildings to no greater
         While some analysts believe that we are in a full-blown   resulting in slower construction.       than the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index. This
      real estate recession, the price for existing homes for sale has      New home construction fell nearly 10 percent month over   ordinance will be on the ballot for approval by city residents
      not declined substantially, due, in part, to the continued low   month, and nearly eight percent from last year. A survey of   in November. However, Section 125.0103 Florida Statutes
      inventory of available properties. Instead, sellers merely have   homebuilders found that confidence fell for the eighth straight   prohibits local governments from imposing price controls
      to wait longer to sell their property and are unlikely to get   month in August 2022. It is anticipated that new home starts   (including rent controls) unless the municipality proves
      offers above list price, a common practice at the beginning   will decline in 2022 for the first time since 2011.  that “such controls are necessary and proper to eliminate an
      of 2022. It is predicted that fewer than five million homes      Rising  rents  have  also  caused  major  trauma  in  the   existing housing emergency which is so grave as to constitute
      will be sold in 2022, a pace that is nearly one-half million   residential rental market. Municipalities across the State of   a serious menace to the general public.”
      lower than the average annual sales in the last decade.  Florida are considering ordinances that would restrict rental      Finally, in a disturbing trend, it appears that some African
         New  construction  has  been  greatly  affected  by  the   increases or change how lease rates can be increased. West   Americans who were seeking to refinance their properties
      combination of higher cost for building materials, supply   Palm Beach and the Village of Royal Palm Beach both passed   received appraisals far below market value. These owners
      chain issues for certain construction items, and lower demand   an ordinance that requires landlords to provide at least 60   sought reappraisals with fake white owners, and the values
      due to higher costs and higher interest rates. Job openings in   days’ notice in advance of the lease termination date if the   suddenly increased by thousands of dollars. This is certainly
      the construction field fell 71,000 between May and June 2022,   renewal rate will exceed five percent of the previous year’s   a disturbing issue that will need to be watched.
      signaling a lower demand for workers due to a decrease in   rental rate.
      Mental Health Memo: Are You Having a

      “Part-Attack” and Don’t Even Know It?

      By Elyce Kiperman-Gordon, MS,                        Our work together brought up a traumatic memory for   nervousness and embarrassment from his failure on stage in
      LCMHC, NCC, owner of The Feeling                  James of a time back in high school when he ran for class   high school. Motivated by fear, he would begin criticizing
      Expert , an evidence-based and                    president and failed after getting nervous on stage and   himself  as  an  act  of  protection to  prevent others from
      holistic psychotherapy practice,                  freezing during his speech. His classmates bullied him, and   criticizing and shaming him.
      located in Boca Raton. She is a                   his deep sense of embarrassment and shame caused parts of      We all have an inner critic—which can help us to be
      Board Certified, licensed Clinical                him to diminish his self-confidence.               better—but James’s critic, that wounded part, had gone to
      Mental Health Counselor, offering                    I explained to him how those parts were affecting the   extremes to  “protect” him from failing and being humiliated
      a range of therapeutic approaches                 way he behaved and interacted with his supervisor, and how   once again, thus inhibiting his success. Oftentimes, when we
      to treat anxiety, depression, trauma              they were interfering with his confidence by reacting to his   face a traumatic event in childhood we don’t have the support
      and relationship issues. Elyce is an Internal Family Systems   old trauma that was never healed. He was able to identify   we need to process the intense feelings, so they get buried
      Specialist (IFS) and a Certified International Integral Sound   where this belief that he was not good enough came from,   deep down and hidden away, often to come back when we
      Healing Therapist. She can be reached at (844) CAN-HEAL   and why his parts reacted by being self-critical and always   least expect them.
      or                    questioning his skills and value. He also could see how the   The Results: Through the IFS approach, I was able to guide
      The Patient: James, a 40-something male who came to   parts connected with one another in their roles and were   James to uncover and heal the parts that felt unappreciated,
      me wanting to build his self-confidence around issues he   acting to protect him. The parts were acting in extreme ways   overlooked, self-critical, questioning himself, and believed
      was having at work. James had been working for the same   to keep James from ever having to face humiliation again,   he wasn’t good enough. We were able to focus on how the
      employer for more than seven years and had long desired a   but they were also keeping him from succeeding.   old beliefs and emotions were impacting his behaviors today.
      promotion, but his long hours and hard work seemed to go      When James was up for a new assignment, he realized   James was able to move forward with qualities that helped
      unnoticed. Every time he thought he should be recognized   he was going into a trauma response of “fight or flight,”   him lead with confidence.
      for his efforts he felt his boss would become critical of him   and reliving feelings from the past. His body felt the same
      and find ways to put him down or embarrass him. He was
      getting fewer rewarding assignments, while others less
      deserving than he were getting rewarded instead. He noted
      that a part of him was feeling unappreciated for his work,
      and another part of him was upset with his supervisor, while
      another part felt that he was never going to be good enough
      for a higher-ranked position. He was feeling depressed and
      having symptoms of anxiety.
      The Diagnosis: Do you ever feel like a part of you is angry
      about a situation, but another part of you wants to apologize
      and move on? Or perhaps a part of you really wanted to go out
      with friends and a part of you made you stay home and hide
      from everyone instead. It is actually very common to have
      parts of you in conflict or parts that act out with emotions or
      expressions you are unable to control in those moments. This
      struggle can leave you feeling confused, stuck, uncertain, and
      even overwhelmed.
         These episodes are signs of what I call a ‘Part-Attack.’
      You  may  experience  defensive  or  protective  feelings,
      overreact with sadness, or explode with anger, feel insecure
      or want everything to be perfect. We all have different parts
      of ourselves: parts that protect, parts that react, and parts
      that carry old wounds, all of which are vying for position or
      prevalence in our psyche.
      The Treatment: During my initial assessment, I recognized
      parts of James’s personality were in conflict and selected the
      Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy as a
      treatment approach. The IFS model works on the assumption
      that each person is comprised of a core “Self” that leads a
      person’s internal system, supported by a collection of various
      parts that govern our motivations and behaviors that work to
      support our needs at any given time or situation.
         I introduced the IFS model to James and the concept of
      parts, exploring how his thoughts, feelings, memories and
      sensations are all comprised of parts of him. This allowed
      us to better understand how James experienced himself and
      his interactions with others, like his associates and boss at
      work. We uncovered that James had parts that were behaving
      in extreme ways and were preventing him from taking on
      the better projects at work. Those were the parts that felt
      unappreciated, overlooked, self-critical, questioning himself,
      and the part that believed he wasn’t good enough.
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