Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - August '22
P. 6
Page 6, Stuart Exposure
In Your Community from page 4
Party Time At Martin Artisan
Guild’s Post-Event Summer
Salon Exhibit
By Jackie Holfelder
Good times and celebration are always in season when
members of the Martin Arts Guild are around and the opening
reception that kicked off the Summer Salon on July 6 was
no exception.
In addition to unveiling some amazing works of art, the
evening celebrated the guild’s one-year anniversary in the
Palm Room, its permanent studio and artisan’s boutique in Mallo Biset and Edithy Marcellis Marian Vitale and Linda Reymore Torenzo Gann and Barbara Bucci
Harbour Bay Plaza, 3746 S.E. Ocean Blvd. in Sewall’s Point.
The Palm Room is open from noon to 6 p.m.,
Tuesday to Saturday. For more information, visit www.
Photos by Danuta Rothschild
Shelley Brittan, Danuta Rothschild and Brittany Schaefer Kristi Wilt
real estate
Jerry Fribourg, Mallo Bisset and Sue Klahne
Treasure Coast Real Estate If you have not already done so, you may wish
Report to register your phone number with the Federal and
Florida’s Do Not Call List.
Are You Ready For If this real estate robocalling catches on, part of
Robocalls For Real Estate? the reason is that there is nothing more frustrating
than having customers, but nothing to sell them. This
By Jim Weix situation has plagued the real estate market for several
I knew it might years now.
happen, but I got my first Most of us that are experienced, simply look at this
robocall about real estate. as a challenge to overcome. Unfortunately, it can also
The automated voice even create some annoying or misleading marketing efforts.
sounded like the guy that One that has been around for a long time is the “Sell
is concerned about my your home for as little as 2 percent!” Sounds good, but
extended warranty. True it normally never ends up working that way.
to form with robocalling, Another method is calling people and saying, “I
the automated system have a buyer for your home!” This is sometimes true.
used phone spoofing that I have often had buyers that wanted a particular type of
showed a local number, so property, like ocean access, and were not that concerned
you would think it was somebody from the area. about the condition.
Michaelann Bellerjeau, Charlie Cote and Dinija Berkien I played along, just so that I could tell the agent that If the caller has a legitimate buyer, and you
they hit a new low in real estate marketing. She apologized would consider selling, the agent should have no
and said that her company had just signed up for the service problem doing a one-person type of listing or showing
Andre’s East and was already regretting it. agreement. If they want you to do a six-month listing
agreement, you may want to question them about this
Because robocalling is so annoying, I did not think it
would become popular in the real estate industry. Then
“buyer” that they have.
Hairstyling I got a recorded robocall from “Robert” from “Cold Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
Callers,” who told me that I could get numerous real
estate seller leads by signing up with them. So it looks estate full-time. If you have questions or want the
like “Robert” is busy trying to sell his robocalling services services of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim
to real estate agents, some of whom will sign up for his at (772) 341-2941 or
annoying services.
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