Page 4 - Stuart Exposure - August '22
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Page 4, Stuart Exposure
In Your CommunItY
It’s Back! Jupiter’s International Festival &
Event Association.
Much-Loved Triathlon dynamic resume, van
Adding to her
Returns On Aug. 27 Ravenzwaaij was a
marketing manager for
The Tampa General Hospital Loggerhead Scripps Treasure Coast
Triathlon Returns For The 36th Year Newspapers/TCPalm,
Cleveland Clinic Martin
The Palm Beach North Health, and, most
Chamber of Commerce is recently, Boys & Girls
pleased to announce the Clubs of Martin County.
36th annual Tampa General But her enthusiasm for
Hospital Loggerhead second year that a duathlon option is offered. Athletes can air shows, aviation,
Triathlon will be taking place skip the swimming portion and instead complete a 1.2-mile and veterans has never
on Saturday Aug. 27. run, 13-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run. waned, and she’s been
Hundreds of athletes from all Both the triathlon and the duathlon can be completed an active community
over the country make their way as an individual; only the triathlon can be completed as a volunteer and a founding
to Carlin Park in Jupiter, Fla., every relay. Awards for male and female overall and the top three member of Southeast
year to compete in the sprint triathlon. finishers in each age category will be announced after the Florida Honor Flight, with which she has accompanied
The event has become a “must do” on the race concludes. WWII veterans on more than 14 flights.
southeast race circuit and has spawned some of the top The Loggerhead Triathlon announces the following “We’re delighted that Inez agreed to join our air show
triathletes in the United States. roads will be closed in Jupiter starting at 6:30 a.m. on team,” says Doug Davis, Stuart Air Show Board president.
The triathlon course includes a 3/8-mile swim in the Saturday, Aug. 27, and will open again at 10:30 a.m. “Her extensive marketing and event experience, combined
Atlantic Ocean off of Carlin Park, a 13-mile bike ride down • County Road A1A closed from the main entrance to with her deep roots in the community and her passion
A1A into Juno Beach culminating with a 3.1-mile (5K) Carlin Park (Van Kessel Parkway) south to Donald Ross for all things aviation, will bring invaluable perspectives
run to the Jupiter Inlet and back to Carlin Park. This is the Road from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. in guiding the organization through its next stage of
• County Road A1A and the road to the Inlet Park from Van development and growth.”
Kessel Parkway to the inlet closed from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m. Van Ravenzwaaij added, “I am honored to be invited
As part of the Loggerhead Triathlon, local businesses to join the team and be a part of the largest event on the
and sponsors will be exhibiting their products and services Treasure Coast that brings so much pride to the community.
on race day. I can’t wait to get started and make the community even
For more information on participating or volunteering, prouder of it and of all that it stands for – honoring the
please visit past while inspiring the younger generation to look up into
the blue skies and imagine all the possibilities.”
Air Show Announces are well underway, and commitments from several U.S.
Plans for the 2022 Stuart Air Show on Nov. 11 to 13
New Executive Director military jet teams and nationally recognized aerobatic
performers have already been received. Tickets can be
The Stuart Air Show announces the appointment of Inez purchased in advance at
van Ravenzwaaij to the position of executive director. The The Stuart Air Show, a nonprofit organization, has
news comes immediately after the organization scored a been dedicated to honoring the history of American
You are invited to attend the Unveiling Ceremony
massive success with its Top Gun-themed Salute to Stuart aviation and veterans for more than 30 years. Each year
pre-air show event, which took place on June 25. the air show attracts tens of thousands of attendees and
Van Ravenzwaaij is a longtime air show fan and partners with schools and children’s service agencies
volunteer. She has 30-plus years of marketing and event to offer STEM and other educational opportunities to
experience, including managing super-car and air shows, hundreds of school-age children. The Stuart Air Show also
grand openings, galas, and more. partners with like-minded mission nonprofits such as EAA
After gaining experience with events like Surprise in Chapter 692, Southeast Florida Honor Flight, and the U.S.
the Skies for the 20th anniversary of Walt Disney World, Naval Sea Cadet Corps, as well as providing fundraising
the Countdown to the Magic promotional European tour opportunities for dozens of other Martin County-based
for the opening of Euro Disney, and Wings & Wheels charities.
in Fort Pierce, she’s the recipient of numerous awards
from the International Council of Airshows and the In Your Community on page 6
Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing Our Treasure for Martin County
Palm Beach County and is a privately
owned and managed company.
Captain’s is committed to providing Country Road
dependable, reliable and professional
ground transportation to and from all
South Florida Airports and Seaports. PBCVH212 M/M Tolve chose renowned artist, Ms. Carol Kepp, to paint their featured
To reserve your vehicle:
561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890 artwork for their home. Only a handful of people saw the portrait ahead of its
unveiling, including the framer. INSERT Hearty congratulations to Ms. Kepp. It
Why Pay More To Sell?
must be a proud moment.
August 19, 2022 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Even with 23 years of
experience, my fees Bridge Road Fine Arts
are still low
8887 SE Bridge Road
SELL YOUR HOME Hobe Sound, FL 33455
Using the latest and most advanced (772) 618-2333
marketing technologies
Call Jim at
Refreshments will be served.
Jim Weix, Broker Associate
309 SE Osceola St., Suite 204, Stuart *To read the complete BIO on Ms Kepp visit our website
Among her many accomplishments, Ms Kepp’s Cannon and Flag painting was
selected from all Florida applicants to represent Florida in the U.S. Capitol
Building during the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration of our nation’s
independence. We will have the honor of displaying that patriotic painting
also at our celebration.