Page 14 - Stuart Exposure - August '22
P. 14
Page 14, Stuart Exposure
nonprofIt news
Place Of Hope Received Rinker Sr. Foundation Inc., Tom and Kathleen Lane, and the
The Bobbi and John Erbey Foundation, The Marshall E.
A $5.5 Million Donation Berlin Family Foundation contributed to the massive donation.
“We have confidence and trust in the leadership of Place
From Local Families To Help of Hope. For years, the organization has demonstrated an
Renovate Their New Campus impact on the community. This Stuart property has a lot
of potential. It just made sense to give and we’re looking
In Stuart, Fla. forward to the community joining us,” the Bobbi and John
Erbey Foundation said.
This year, the organization expanded to Stuart, taking For more than 20 years, the faith-based nonprofit offers
over an 11-acre campus from the Samaritan Center for emergency and long-term foster care for an estimated 1,000
Boys. children and young people ranging in age from newborn to
The new campus is in desperate need of building 25 in the South Florida area.
renovations, painting, irrigation, and landscaping. About Place Of Hope
Place of Hope’s CEO Charles Bender III says these Place of Hope is a faith-based and state-licensed
donations will also go towards much needed supplies as family-style residential child-caring agency for abused
the nonprofit seeks to carry out its mission. and neglected children, located in Palm Beach and Martin
“These amazing four families picked up the phone Counties in Florida. They offer a full continuum of care for
when we called. Through their generosity, we were able those in need with programs and services. Place of Hope
to guarantee that we can still continue to help so many Jamie Bond, director of advancement at Place of Hope and specializes in neighborhood-style family foster care, family
people in need. We are ecstatic,” Bender said. Charles Bender, CEO of Place of Hope outreach and intervention, and more.
Habitat For Humanity Julia is a trailblazer opportunity to continue to expand philanthropic support
Of Palm Beach County and serves as a community for HFHPBC’s mission to bring people together to build
leader and advocate. She has
homes, communities and hope.”
Announces That Julia led the way in cultivating a “I am very excited that Julia Murphy will be joining
Murphy Has Been stronger community in Palm Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County as our chief
development officer,” said Peter Gates, CEO of HFHPBC.
Beach County through her
Appointed As Its New Chief leadership and engagement “Julia’s expertise, experience and knowledge will all play
an important role as we expand our mission to serve more
as a board member for
Development Officer the Chamber of the Palm low-income families with our affordable home ownership
Beaches, trustee for the
and home repair programs. Julia’s commitment to ‘helping
Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County Palm Beach Chamber of others’ will serve her and Habitat very well as we continue
(HFHPBC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Commerce, board member the pursuit of our vision that ‘everyone deserves a decent
Julia Murphy as its new chief development officer (CDO). of Barky Pines Animal place to live.’ We couldn’t be more pleased with the
Julia brings over 13 years of experience in nonprofit Rescue and Sanctuary, Julia Murphy addition of Julia to the Habitat team!”
management, community organizing, advocacy, program graduate of The South Photo by Capehart About Habitat For Humanity Of Palm Beach County
development, and fundraising in public health and Florida Fair’s Beyond the Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County, founded
education related to social justice. She received her Fair Program Class of 2022, graduate of Leadership Palm in 1986, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building
bachelor’s degree in social work from Florida Atlantic Beach County 2020, recruitment chair for Junior League strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. Each
University and a master’s in social work from Barry of the Palm Beaches and a member of the Forum Club of Habitat partner family is required to invest sweat equity
University. the Palm Beaches. hours of their own labor into the construction of homes
Julia’s most recent role was as the chief development As CDO, Julia will be responsible for leading the vision before being eligible to purchase their home utilizing a 30-
officer for Compass LGBTQ+ Community Center where and developing the strategy for HFHPBC philanthropic year, no-profit, no-interest loan. HFHPBC has constructed
she shaped the agency’s fund development strategies support. She will direct the fundraising teams, cultivate 249 safe, affordable homes throughout a service area
in public relations, communications, marketing, donor lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with donors, extending from Hypoluxo Road in the south to the Martin
stewardship, monthly and annual giving, cultivation of oversee major campaigns, and implement innovative plans County line in the north and from Palm Beach to Lake
events, corporate and foundation giving, major gifts, and to inspire and secure essential contributions. Okeechobee. A robust critical home repair program also
legacy planning. “Our community needs access to affordable and serves the community. For more information, visit www.
equitable housing more than ever. I look forward to the or call (561) 253-2080.
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