Page 12 - Stuart Exposure - August '22
P. 12

Page 12, Stuart Exposure

                                                          Good Works

      Carmax Foundation Provides

      Sensory Kits To Helping
      People Succeed

      By Jackie Holfelder
         Some unexpected love came to Helping People Succeed,
      thanks to employees of the CarMax located in Jensen Beach.
         They recently assembled 25 sensory kits for the
      nonprofit, something that was greatly needed, according
      to Glenna Parris, gift planning officer.
         A sensory kit is a collection of items that may help calm
      overstimulating situations. They can aid in the development                                                                  Noah Belliard
      of language, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills,
      problem solving skills, and social interaction.
         Additionally, they can aid the child’s development in

                                                        Agueda Mejia, Carolyn Moses, Jessica Alkire, Stacy Cook, Reshna Lee, Mercedes Perez
                                                        and Janet Cooper

                                                        physical skills that require many different muscles to work   with a qualifying nonprofit,
                                                        together at once, such as shaping, splashing, scooping, or   the organization may also
                                                        molding.                                           be eligible to receive a
                                                           Since every child has different needs, there are many   donation from The CarMax
                                                        different types of sensory kits. Unique ones can be   Foundation.
                                                        assembled. One thing is certain though: The youngsters      Helping People Succeed
                                                        served by Helping People Succeed are the perfect recipients   also received a $1,000 grant   Racer Lynch
                                                        of sensory kits.                                   from the foundation.
                                                           The CarMax Foundation promotes the causes their      To learn more about
                                                        associates care about to impact the communities where   programs and services it offers, visit
                                                        they live and work through their Volunteer Team-Builder
      CarMax staff members work on sensory kits.        program. When five or more associates volunteer together                    Photos provided by CarMax

      House Of Hope                                     seasons so there will always                         Nutrition  Garden.  The  mobile  garden visits schools,
                                                                                                             Another teaching tool is House of Hope’s Traveling
                                                        be appropriate fruits and
      Creates Edible Landscape                          vegetables in bloom and                            community events, and neighborhood gatherings with
                                                        ready for harvest.                                 hands-on information about what grows in South
         What better place to find fresh fruit, vegetables and      House of Hope                          Florida and how to make healthier choices. Groups and
      herbs  than  in  your  own  yard?  House  of  Hope  staffers   encourages residents,                 organizations can contact House of Hope at (772) 286-
      challenged themselves to create an edible landscape in the   businesses and organizations            4673, Ext. 1004 to schedule presentations.
      front of the organization’s administrative offices on Dixie   throughout Martin County                  Funding for the edible landscape project came from
      Highway, and their efforts are literally bearing fruit.  to  re-evaluate their  own                  the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin
         “We’ve helped to create gardens in other parts of the   landscapes and think                      Counties, along with support from a fund donated in
      community and our Growing Hope Farm in Palm City is   creatively about how to                        memory of Marnie Abate, one of the original founders of
      producing increasing amounts of fresh, nutritious produce   establish an edible yard.                House of Hope and a longtime friend and supporter.
      for our clients,” said House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri.   “An edible landscape has   Healthy herbs like mint,      House of Hope also operates the Growing Hope Farm
      “Becoming involved with the edible landscape movement   enormous benefits,” Ranieri   rosemary, oregano and   in Palm City and several nutrition gardens that provide
      seemed a logical next step for us at our main facility.”  said. “It’s a great way to   lemongrass are available   sustainable sources of fresh produce for clients as well
         Now, instead of the typical South Florida landscape with   counter  increasing  prices   right outside the front door   as nutrition education and vocational opportunities to the
      greenery that is pretty but not productive, House of Hope’s   at the grocery store, add   of House of Hope.  community. For more information, visit or
      colorful landscape is peppered with eggplant, lemongrass,   quality nutrition to diets,              call (772) 286-4673. Updates and announcements can also
      mint, blackberries, Barbados cherries, rosemary, oregano,   be a good steward to the environment and teach young   be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
      and vibrant sunflowers. The plantings will change with the   people about the source of their food.”

                                                                                       The Heart of Hobe Sound
                                                                Est. 1926

                                                                     ART CLASSES OFFERED                         WE are YOUR Community
                                                                   ON THE CHURCH CAMPUS                                        Church
      Sunflowers and blackberry bushes add color to the edible   Church member Debra Monet is offering             All Visitors Welcome
      landscape outside of House of Hope’s administrative offices.  art classes on our church campus.             We Invite You to Worship with Us
                                                            How to draw, paint in Watercolor and                     Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
                                                             Acrylic will be the main focus for the                    WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
                                                            lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class                 every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
                                                             is $20, a portion of which will be donated to
                                                                the Church Building Improvement Project.               Give us a call or visit our
                                                               For more class details, or to schedule a class,      website for more information.
                                                             contact Debra Monet at the Sunday coffee hour,               (772) 546-5043
                                                            or call her at 772-240-2063. Everyone is welcome.

                                                                           MONTHLY DINNERS
                                                               Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
                                                            renovation cost to our Church – Dinner will be held on the 2nd Friday
                                                                   of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Cost is $15 per person
                                                                      SEPT 9 - Italian Buffet for School Supplies

                                                                           11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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