Page 6 - Jupiter Spotight - July '22
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Page 6, Jupiter Spotlight
      Northern Notes

      Prepare Now For The Rainy                            • Ensure drainage gates, ditches and swales in your     • Make a personal plan for hurricane preparedness. Learn
                                                                                                           more at
                                                         neighborhood are clear of garbage, trash, leaves, limbs or
      Season                                             garden debris.                                      As we enter the rainy season in south Florida, it is essential
                                                           • Trim your trees and remove dead vegetation in your yard.   to remember that some standing water in streets and swales is
      By Katie Roundtree,                                Do not trim trees if a significant storm is in the forecast.  normal during heavy rains. Streets and swales are an integral
      Director of Finance and                              • Check your community retention pond or lake for   part of the stormwater system. If you arrive upon a roadway
      Administration, Northern                           obstructed pipes and contact the appropriate authority for   during or after a rain event where you cannot determine the
      Palm Beach County                                  removal (your HOA, city, county, or local drainage district).  depth of the water in the street – for your safety – do not drive
      Improvement District                                 •  Find  out  who  is  responsible  for  drainage  in  your   down the street. Find an alternate route. If you are unsure
        June 1 was the start of the                      community. Visit to input an   how deep the water is, turn around. Cars can lose traction in
      Atlantic hurricane season.                         address to see who is responsible for that area.   as little as 6 inches of water. Stay safe out there!
      Forecasters are calling                              • Know your evacuation zone. Visit Palm Beach County     NPDES tip: Hurricane season began June 1. Make sure your
      for another active season                          Emergency Management’s home page for a link to the   yards and trees are
      predicting 14 to 21 named                          Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup Tool. https://discover.  trimmed to avoid
      storms. However, it only                                       flying debris
      takes one to cause significant                       • The Palm Beach County Emergency Management page   during a storm.
      damage. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Hurricane   also has a link to download the PBC DART app. DART stands   Dispose of your
      Andrew, the Category 5 storm that devastated Miami-Dade   for Disaster Awareness and Recovery Tool. This app will let   trimmings and
      and surrounding areas. Aside from named storms, local   you look up your evacuation zone, see available shelters, plan   clippings properly.
      afternoon thundershowers can be just as damaging but far   for a storm and tips about how to build a preparedness kit.   Do not put them
      less predictable. It pays to prepare. Here are some things that   After the storm, it can help locate available grocery stores,   into storm drains
      you can do now to get ready:                       open gas stations and report damages.             or lakes!
      Quick Guide To Autism Interventions

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              to your child. We want to help you avoid these pitfalls, by     Knowing there are 28 evidence-based practices for
      Licensed School                                    guiding you to the most up-to-date research on autism-  teaching skills at different ages is important. You can start
      Psychologist                                       focused interventions and highlighting a few parent-friendly   with parent-friendly practices that you can confidently and
        When your child                                  interventions that can help you and your child enjoy some   safely use on your own. One recommended practice to start
      has  autism,  navigating                           shared accomplishments sooner rather than later.   using now to increase your child’s skills and independence
      intervention options can be                          A number of professional organizations have done the hard   are “visual supports.” A visual support is a tool that will
      confusing and overwhelming                         work of sorting through what works and what does not work for   help your child understand and navigate the social world
      when trying to act quickly                         you. A recent report provided by the National Clearing House for   better. Since using and understanding spoken language is
      but wisely to help your loved                      Autism Evidence Based Practices summarizes 28 practices that   challenging for children with autism, visuals are a great way
      one. If you don’t know the                         research has demonstrated are the most effective interventions   to “show” instead of “tell” your child what to do. This and
      best interventions to use or                       for people with autism. These are the primary supports to use   many more interventions are discussed in my new book,
      when to use them, you may                          to help your child. This comprehensive resource describes the   Parent’s Quick Start Guide to Autism available on Amazon.
      feel stuck. Unintentionally, you might delay your child’s   positive outcomes reported in the reviewed studies, the age     Dr. Forgan is a licensed school psychologist and tests kids
      access to essential and timely interventions. Or, you may   groups that benefited from them, and who successfully delivered   for autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other issues. Call (561)
      act in haste and spend your precious time and resources on   the interventions. You can locate the complete guide at: www.  625-4125 or
      interventions that are ineffective or even potentially harmful

       Eighth Annual Live Like Jake 5K from page 1

        “We  are  so  appreciative
      of the contributions from
      our participants, sponsors,
      volunteers, and year-round
      supporters of Live Like Jake,”
      said Live Like Jake Founder, Keri
      Morrison. “The foundation has
      provided over 3,000 scholarships
      for ISR self-rescue lessons for
      families in need and more than
      400 children have learned to
      self-rescue in the year and half
      that our pool has been opened. I
      don’t want to add another name   Live Like Jake Founder
      to this list, and Live Like Jake   and President, Keri
      is going to continue its mission   Morrison with daughter,   The H.E.W. Group wins “largest team” award during the Annual Live Like Jake 5K. Teams wore T-shirts honoring the life
      of stopping childhood drowning   Josie Morrison. Photo   of a child lost to drowning during the Live Like Jake 5K. Photo by Elizabeth Dashiell
      thanks to your support.”     by Elizabeth Dashiell
        Following  the  5K  winners’                     ISR infant self-rescue swim lesson scholarships to those   a child with critical care needs. Visit
      awards and raffle prizes, Morrison shared the foundation’s   who cannot afford them and also by providing financial   and and @livelikejake3939
      upcoming events which include: Watermelons for Water   assistance to those families who have lost a child or have   on Instagram.
      Safety (June 1 to Aug. 31), Poker for Prevention at the
      Kennel Club on June 5, and the Oct. 8 Gala at Lady Jean
      Ranch in Jupiter Farms.
        More than 50 sponsors joined the support of the 5K this
      year, including Life Saver Sponsors euro-wall and ISR
      instructors from around the nation, and Platinum Sponsors                                                 You’re Retired
      Lifesaver Pool Fence and Pandora at the Gardens Mall.
      For information about future events, scholarships, or the                                                 Your Money Isn’t.
      foundation, please visit or call
      (561) 441-7611.
      About The Live Like Jake Foundation                                                                        To learn why consolidating your
        Committed to honoring the life and joy of Jake Roarke                                                    retirement accounts to Edward Jones
      Morrison, our foundation’s mission is to raise awareness                                                   makes sense, contact your Edward
      for drowning prevention. We achieve this by providing
                                                                                                                 Jones  nancial advisor today.

                                                                       Sally S Stahl, AAMS®             

                                                                       Financial Advisor                          M e m b  P I S   r e  C
                                                                       1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                       Jupiter, FL 33458
      Live Like Jake 5K memorial to victims of drowning in whose
      memory participants raced. Photo by Sivon Tal
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