Page 2 - Jupiter Spotight - July '22
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Page 2, Jupiter Spotlight
      Jupiter Senior Softball

        A Memorial Day tribute that was held under threatening                                               Gary Vitaletti spoke about the history of Memorial
      skies with intermittent thunder and lightning, featured                                              Day, noting that it evolved during and after the Civil War
      plenty of patriotic spirit among the crowd of 50 Jupiter                                             when the tradition of honoring dead soldiers included the
      Senior Softball players who participated in the event at                                             placement of flags and flowers on their graves. He pointed
      Maplewood Community Park.                                                                            out that Veterans Day, which is held November 11, honors
        The ceremony, sponsored by the Jupiter Senior Softball                                             all those who served in the military, while Memorial Day
      Association (JSSA), included an opportunity for persons                                              commemorates those who died “while defending the ideals
      to call out names of friends or loved ones who made                                                  that make us the greatest country on earth.”
      the ultimate sacrifice for their country so they could be                                              The tribute concluded with the crowd singing the
      remembered.                                                                                          National Anthem. After that it was, “Play ball!” as players
        Speaker Everett Barber stressed the significance of                                                took the field for their regularly scheduled softball games.
      Memorial Day as more than celebrating family gatherings                                              The JSSA is seeking new players for the year-round slow-
      with picnics, going to the beach and cookouts.     Gary Braun makes contact as catcher Sal Messina watches.  pitch softball program that is open to persons 55 years of
                                                                                                           age and older.
                                                           “It is the day that we stop to remember that the freedom     The three division league format enables persons of
                                                         that we enjoy in America is not free. We remember those   various skill levels to play. Interested persons are invited to
                                                         who fought and died to keep America and the world free   try out the league even though it may have been years since
                                                         from those that would take our freedom away,” he said.  they played. Games are every Monday, Wednesday and
                                                           When Barber asked the crowd what one word described   Friday morning at Jupiter Community Park. For information
                                                         their thoughts about those who died for our nation,   or to register go to
                                                         responses  included,  “bravery,  loyalty,  honor,  sacrifice,
                                                         grief, freedom, and courage.” Players observed a moment
                                                         of silence followed by the recorded solemn sounds of Taps.

       Everett Barber foreground, speaks at Memorial Day tribute.  It’s The Law!

                                                           Did You Know That, In                             A seller in a  real estate transaction may sign a
        The Honda Classic from page 1                                                                      limited power of attorney, which authorizes someone
                                                           Florida…                                        else to sign closing documents. The document should
          The 25 percent                                                                                   state the specific powers the seller is granting to the
        increase  allows The                               By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.                         attorney-in-fact, the seller must sign it in the presence
        Honda Classic to                                     Adult guardianship                            of two witnesses, and it must be properly notarized.
        surpass $61.7 million in                           is the process by which                           If the divorcing spouses can’t agree on how to
        charitable contributions                           the court finds a ward’s                        distribute their marital residence, the court may be
        as American  Honda                                 ability to make decisions                       asked to partition the residence and, in such case, may
        approaches its 42nd                                so impaired that the court                      direct that it be sold to a buyer for the current market
        year as title sponsor of the PGA TOUR event, including   appoints a  guardian to                   value and the net sales proceeds are equally divided.
        almost $46 million in the 16 years since Children’s Healthcare   make decisions for the              Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law
        Charity Inc. became the host organization and moved the   ward. Guardianship is                    firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center,
        event to PGA National Resort and Spa.              only warranted when the                         1003 W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla.,
          The tournament has set records 15 of the past 16 years,   court does not find a less             (561) 744-4600, The firm
        its rapid growth slowed only by the coronavirus pandemic in   restrictive alternative              provides peace of mind by solving problems with
        2021 when it injected $5.1 million into the local community,   available (such as a durable power of attorney, health   integrity and compassion in the areas of estate planning
        $250,000 short of a record.                        care surrogate, trust or other form of pre-need directive).   (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health care
          The 2022 charity distribution, which is taking place     Summary administration is a probate shortcut that   surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession
        during Honda Classic Cares Week, June 6 to 10, includes   can be used in Florida if 1) the death occurred more than   planning, contracts and purchase/sale agreements),
        55 individual grants and will impact the lives of more than   two years ago or 2) the probate assets do not exceed   family law (divorce, paternity, child support and time
        100,000 children in the local community.           $75,000 in value. The court doesn’t appoint a personal   sharing, alimony, property distribution, modifications,
          “We are so appreciative of the support of all of our   representative (executor or administrator) for the estate,   collaborative law, pre/post nuptial agreements) and
        tournament sponsors and fans and proud that we are able to   but instead issues an order releasing the property to the   real estate (community association law, residential
        continue moving the needle upward for the benefit of our   beneficiaries who are entitled to it. It is far quicker and   and commercial transactions, deeds, closings).
        philanthropic partners,” Honda Classic Executive Director   less expensive than a formal probate proceeding.
        Andrew George said. “Honda Classic Cares Week is such a
        motivating time for our team as we celebrate the collective
        impact being made.
          “While the tournament strives to provide Palm Beach
        County, the Treasure Coast and the entire South Florida area
        with a premier professional sporting event, the ultimate goal   VOTE AUG 23
        is to improve the lives of youth in need and to create a brighter
        future for our community.”
          The Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation
        (NCHCF) is receiving an unprecedented grant of $2 million,
        the seventh consecutive year that the foundation is receiving
        a grant higher than $1 million. More than $12 million has
        been donated to the NCHCF since its inception.
          The tournament’s annual Celebration of Philanthropy was   CARYN
        held June 9 at Loggerhead Marinelife Center with a drawing
        taking place among 33 finalists in the Birdies for Children
        program for a brand-new Honda Insight.
          Fans donate each year for the chance to guess the number   SIPERSTEIN
        of birdies in the tournament. The 33 finalists each correctly             FOR
        guessed the total of 1,262 birdies recorded at the 2020 Honda
        Classic. The program raised nearly $3 million this year.
          The growth of the Honda Classic’s charitable donations
        is a testament to American Honda’s 42 years as the   JUDGE
        longest-standing title sponsor on the PGA TOUR as well
        as partnerships with PGA National Resort & Spa, PGA
        Gardens and the PGA TOUR along with the support from
        founders club sponsor Tire Kingdom, and more than 200
        other community-minded local sponsors.
          The growth of this year’s Honda Class Cares grant
        allocations was fueled by expanded sponsor, spectator and
        charity participation at the 2022 tournament where Sepp
        Straka birdied three of the final five holes to defeat Shane
        Lowry by a stroke. The tournament introduced double-decker
        seating at the 17th hole for the first time, a concept that will
        expand when the 2023 Honda Classic is played Feb. 20 to
        26, 2023 at PGA National Resort & Spa.
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