Page 16 - Southern Exposure - June '22
P. 16

Page 16, Southern Exposure

                                                                  it’S the law!

                                      Did You Know That, In Florida…

                                                                      By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.

        Golf course communities                          and gathering the assets of a deceased person (who is     JUPITER LAW CENTER is a private neighborhood law
      will often have  deed                              called the “decedent”), paying the decedent’s debts and   firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003
      restrictions or  covenants                         distributing the decedent’s assets to his/her beneficiaries.   W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla. (561) 744-
      that allow golfers to                                Having a trust does not eliminate the need for a will.   4600, The firm provides peace of
      retrieve their errant balls                        A pour-over will covers assets not in the trust which may   mind by solving problems with integrity and compassion
      on residents’ properties. If                       still have to go through probate. However, by having a   in the areas of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers
      a lot is fenced or walled, it                      will, you are able to appoint a personal representative of   of attorney, health care surrogates, living wills, probate
      is generally required that a                       your own choosing instead of the court appointing one   estates,  succession  planning,  contracts  and  purchase/
      golfer ask permission before                       for you had you died intestate (i.e., without a will).   sale  agreements),  family  law  (divorce,  paternity,  child
      entry. If your property is                           Either spouse may file for a simplified  dissolution   support and time sharing, alimony, property distribution,
      located on or adjacent to                          of marriage if: 1) the spouses do not have any minor   modifications,  collaborative  law,  pre/post  nuptial
      a golf course, you should                          children from their marriage and the wife is not currently   agreements) and real estate (community association law,
      become familiar with the applicable deed restrictions,   pregnant; 2) both spouses complete a financial affidavit   residential and commercial transactions, deeds, closings).
      easements and/or covenants that apply to your property.   and some type of  settlement agreement; and 3) both
        Probate is a court-supervised process for identifying   spouses attend the final hearing.

      in your Community from page 14
                             Building Community For A Good Cause

        On an overcast Saturday
      in Tequesta, more than 500
      friends and neighbors gathered
      at the First Presbyterian
      Church for its first ever Spring
      Fling. “With the world on
      lockdown  for the  past  two
      years, it is finally time to
      celebrate community again,”
      said Pastor Kathy Dain. “With
      the help of our neighbors,
      we were able to put on a                          produced a lot of heartwarming moments,” said Regina
      fantastic event and brighten                      Young. “I still think about a very shy dog named Buddy,
      up each other’s day despite                       who had to be coaxed out of his cage. But once he emerged,
      the not-so-sunny conditions. It was great to see everyone’s   he went straight for a certain woman and clung to her until
      smiling faces as we came together as a community.” The   she decided that Buddy found his furrever home.”
      family-friendly event offered face painting, pony rides and     “It was a ‘coming out’ event in more ways than one,”
      falconry demonstrations for the kids while adults browsed   said Pastor Kathy Dain. “We had to cancel our annual
      among booths offering craft jewelry, home-baked goods,   Strawberry Festival twice during the COVID pandemic,
      and the church’s signature strawberry jam.        so this was a chance to welcome back neighbors, have a
        One of the highlights was a mobile kennel of canine   good time together and showcase many of the activities
      visitors from the Big Dog Rescue Ranch and a chance   and projects underway at our church.” The event was a
      for families to adopt a new “best friend” on the spot. “It   great success and raised over $1,000 for the Real-Life
                                                        Children’s Ranch of Okeechobee that supports children
                                                        in need.

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