Page 12 - Southern Exposure - June '22
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      Page 12, Southern Exposure


                                                   Jupiter Senior Softball

        Gerry Elias, a co-founder and former Commissioner of   at Jupiter Community Park.
      the Jupiter Senior Softball program, has been selected as the   Also, under Gerry’s leadership
      2022 inductee into the Jupiter Senior Softball Association   the administration of the senior
      (JSSA) Hall of Fame.                              softball program was transferred
        Elias, 82, died February 11. He will be posthumously   from the Town of Jupiter to the
      enshrined in the Hall of Fame (HOF) next January when a   newly formed Jupiter Senior
      brass plate with his name will be added to the Hall of Fame   Softball Association and its
      plaque in the association’s display at Jupiter Community   governing board.
      Park. Gerry’s selection was by unanimous vote of the JSSA     Gerry’s dedication to Jupiter
      board at its April meeting. Paul Storch, JSSA Commissioner,   Senior Softball inspired him to
      said, “For all that he did for senior softball, Gerry is most   write a 20-year history of the
      deserving of this honor.”                         league in 2009. He finished
        Gerry’s wife Mariette, said, “Gerry’s whole focus in living   it in 2011 after researching
      in Florida was playing softball and having fun and enjoying   old files and the archives of          Gerry Elias
      the friendship and camaraderie of his teammates.” And if   Jupiter’s Park and Recreation   Gerry  Elias  making  out
      the league or a teammate needed something, “Gerry would   Department which had started   the game lineup   who had the pleasure of knowing and serving with Gerry,
      do anything he could to help,” she said. The Hall of Fame   the softball program in 1988.            heartily endorse his selection for the Hall of Fame. Previous
      honors Jupiter Senior Softball members who have made an   His research produced a 25-year memory book that Gerry   honorees were the late Ted Battistone, 87, the inaugural
      extraordinary impact on the organization. And those chosen   presented to the JSSA of photos and statistics of teams through   inductee when the HOF was created in 2020, and Mike
      have proven that sportsmanship, friendship and competition   the years. He also donated a large American flag to the JSSA   Richmond, 86, the 2021 inductee.
      are not mutually exclusive.                       that has served as a patriotic display for the various holiday     The year-round slow-pitch senior softball activity is open
        Gerry served as JSSA Commissioner from 1999 to 2002.   observances at the ball fields.             to persons 55 and over and new players are always welcome.
      During that time, the softball program transitioned from     Gerry was a friend to all and could be counted on to   Games are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning
      a county league of traveling teams that played in various   help with anything to do with the senior softball program.   beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Jupiter Community Park. For
      communities, to a permanent Jupiter Senior League based   The  Jupiter  Senior  Softball Association,  as  well  as  all   information or to register go to

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                                     Helping Smart But Scattered Kids

                                                           By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist

        Executive  functioning                            Executive functions help modulate our attention, effort,   such as checklists, technology reminders, following a
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