Page 12 - Boca Exposure - June '22
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Page 12, Boca Exposure
      Local Designers Share Their Love For Vintage

      At Palm Beach Regency ‘Cocktails & Conversations’

      Inaugural Event

         Stormy weather and tornado warning alerts didn’t dampen   Bowman of Kemble Interiors, Helen Bergin, Dana Smalls,   support the Historical Society of Palm Beach County. Atlas
      the mood for vintage design lovers. More than 150 people   Allison Skipper of McCann Design Group, and Chelsea   Event Rentals was a sponsor for the evening. For more
      came out to Palm Beach Regency for its first “Cocktails   Viau of Chelsea Lane & Co.                 information, visit www.palm beach
      & Conversations” event featuring top local designers and      A portion of proceeds from the evening was donated to    Photos by Erica Dunhill Photography
      featured a panel discussion on the latest design
      trends and shared love for everything vintage.
         Korinne Belock, owner of Palm Beach
      Regency, moderated the conversation with
      local up-and-coming designers including Cece

                                                Stacy Kassatly, Liza Gioia, Amber Grow, Mary   Stacey Leuliette, Korinne Belock, Helen Bergin, Chelsea Viau, Alison Skipper,
      Palm Beach Regency atmosphere             Catherine Maus                            Cece Bowman, Dana Smalls

      Libby Kirsch, Sarah Cooke, Emily Starkey Sunni and Jeremy Johnson  Alison Manship, Dana Smalls  Cece Bowman, Helen Bergin  Stacey Leuliette, Korinne Belock
      Council Corner: Happy Summer!

      By Yvette Drucker, who was                            Summer camp programs are open, so make sure you enroll   and yours a safe one. Stay healthy and enjoy our beautiful
      re-elected to the Council in                       your child(ren); the city is offering great summer programs.   city this summer! If you have any questions or concerns,
      her own name. Drucker had                             The Wildflower Park (fall 2022) and Silver Palm Park   please email me at and you can
      been serving on the Council                        (summer 2022) projects both are moving towards completion,   always follow me on @yvettedrucker on all social media
      after being appointed to fill                      and we are so excited.                            platforms. For more city updates, visit
      the vacancy left by Jeremy                            Brightline Boca Raton station continues to make
      Rodgers when he was called                         progress and is still on track for completion in fall 2022.
      to military service.                               We can’t wait to be all aboard!
         The City of Boca Raton                             I am looking forward to this summer traveling and
      has been busy! As we move                          spending time with my family and friends. Wishing you
      into the summer months, I
      just wanted to share some
      highlights of what we have been working on this past        Everyone deserves a doctor who they
      month and what is planned for this summer.
         Last month, the city conducted its two days of Strategic      trust and like. One who listens and
      Planning Priorities, where myself and my council
      colleagues, along with our senior leadership team, met in      takes their time to answer questions
      person for two days and continued to focus on our goals,
      priorities and desired future outcomes. We reviewed our      and address concerns. A doctor who is
      vision and mission statements. We also had a collaborative
      discussion around our four goals: 1) Financially Sound         available when you need them most.
      City; 2)  World-Class Municipal Services; 3) Strong
      Partnerships with the Community, and 4) Vibrant and
      Sustainable City and the priority items within each goal.
      We then had the opportunity to vote on the priorities under   I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to
      each goal and prioritized them for FY 2023.          adult patients at my concierge medical practice.
         We are very proud to be one of the only cities to
      have implemented a recertification program in the state
      last fall. The first building inspections are taking place   To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you
      in the city after the council approved a recertification
      ordinance last year. The city council approved a $500   are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with
      fee per recertification to cover some staff time. There   me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,
      are 191 buildings identified in the city for recertification;
      these are divided into four geographic zones. The notices   in-person at my practice.
      have been sent to the first 14 buildings in which location
      zone one these buildings fall under the category (over   Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and
      30 years and are east of the intracoastal). The inspection   greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.
      reports are due next year, February 2023. For more details
      on the ordinance, resolution or anything pertaining to
      recertification please visit our city website at www.                                                           Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP                                                         Recognized as a “Best Doc”.  Practicing in our community since 1979.
         A few summer reminders and updates. Hurricane
      season begins June 1. The Florida legislature passed the
      2022 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday for May 28        7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433
      to June 10, so take this opportunity to check your supplies              
      and replenish any supplies that need to be replaced. It’s
      never too early to be prepared!
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