Page 10 - Boca Exposure - June '22
P. 10

Page 10, Boca Exposure
      United Way Of Broward County Partners With

      JM Lexus To Raise Funds For Broward County Veterans

      All Proceeds From The                              through a random drawing and the winner will be announced   County for more than 80 years. United Way of Broward County

      Raffle, Which Ends On July                         during United Way of Broward County’s MISSION UNITED   fights for the health, education and financial prosperity of every
                                                                                                           person in our community. United Way of Broward County is the
                                                         Volunteer Appreciation Event which will take place on July 7.
      7, Will Benefit United Way Of                      The winner does not have to be present to win.    catalyst for change and convener of partnerships that unite the

                                                           “We are so grateful to our friends at JM Lexus for their
                                                                                                           hearts, minds, and resources within the Broward community.
      Broward County’s MISSION                           continued support of our organization,” said James Heaton,   For more information, visit
                                                                                                           About United Way Of Broward County’s MISSION
                                                         senior director, United Way of Broward County’s MISSION
      UNITED                                             UNITED. “The proceeds raised through this fundraiser will   UNITED
                                                         help further MISSION UNITED’s goal to support and connect      MISSION UNITED is a critical program supporting U.S.
         United Way of Broward County has partnered with JM Lexus   veterans and their families with critical resources as they   military service members, veterans and their families in
      to raise funds for veterans in Broward County. Now through   acclimate to civilian life.”            Broward County by helping them acclimate to civilian life.
      Thursday, July 7 at 8:15 a.m., participants can purchase a raffle      For more information and to purchase raffle tickets, please   Key focus areas include employment services, education,
      ticket for $100 or three tickets for $250 and automatically be   visit: Proceeds raised will   health, legal assistance, financial stability and housing
      entered to win a 24-month, prepaid lease on a 2022 Lexus RX   benefit United Way of Broward County’s MISSION UNITED.   support. Through MISSION UNITED, United Way of
      350, courtesy of JM Lexus. The raffle winner will be selected   For more information about MISSION UNITED, please visit   Broward County is aligning existing services and creating
                                                                        solutions  where  there  are gaps  in support. For  more
                                                         About United Way Of Broward County
                                                                                                           information about MISSION UNITED, please call (954)
        Dementia –                                         community-based, nonprofit organization servicing Broward   4-UNITED or visit,
                                                           United Way of Broward County is a volunteer driven,
                                                                                                           Facebook or Twitter.
        Telltale Indicators                              The Symphonia Announces

        By Steven E. Reznick,
        M.D., FACP                                       Major Gift To Its Endowment Fund
           In the United States, 11
        percent of adults 65 years
        of age and 33 percent                               The Symphonia, South                           and it has grown steadily, enabling the organization to further
        over 80 years old are                            Florida’s premier chamber                         expand its programming, explore new performance venues,
        diagnosed with dementia.                         orchestra, has announced                          and create community collaborations that bring classical
        My generation of Baby                            that longtime supporter                           music to underserved communities.
        Boomers likes to pretend                         and Board of Directors                               “There truly are no words to express our gratitude for
        that today’s “80” is like                        member, Edith Stein, has                          this incredibly generous gift,” said Annabel Russell. “The
        yesterday’s 55 years old                         made a $500,000 gift to the                       Steins have believed in our mission since day one, and we
        but it simply is not true.                       organization’s endowment                          will be eternally grateful for their passionate support of our
           To combat dementia researchers are looking at   fund in honor of her late                       organization.”
        numerous causes to try and reduce the number of future   husband, Martin B. Stein.                    Next season, The Symphonia will embark on an ambitious
        patients. An interesting article looked at the resting heart      The Steins have been             series of four performances, each tied to a theme relating to
        rate of senior citizens. Those who had a resting heart rate   involved in The Symphonia            global awareness of our environment – “Fire” on Nov. 13;
        over 80 beats per minute were statistically more likely to   since its inception,                  “Earth” on Dec. 4 (which includes a multimedia presentation
        develop dementia.                                with Martin serving as  Martin and Edith Stein    played in sync with stunning visuals from the documentary,
           At the same time, the same research group was looking   cofounder of the orchestra,             “Terra Nostra”); “Wind” on March 26; and “Water” on April
        at resting heart rate another research group was looking at   and honorary chairman until his passing in 2017.   30. Season tickets are available by visiting thesymphonia.
        inflammatory markers that can be detected with a blood      “After the demise of the Florida Philharmonic in 2003,   org or by calling (561) 376-3848.
        draw and be prognostic. They found an association between   Martin and I both felt that it was imperative to keep classical   About The Symphonia
        having a low HDL level and elevated triglyceride level and an   music alive and available to the South Florida audience,”      The Symphonia, recognized as the region’s premier
        increased risk of developing cognitive impairment. This was   said Edith. “We were able to financially support the efforts   chamber orchestra, provides high-quality classical music for
        especially true in individuals with type II diabetes mellitus.  of establishing a new orchestra. It was – and still is – an   the enjoyment and benefit of the South Florida community.
           Researchers are looking for genetic markers that would   honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to continue help providing   The Symphonia’s performances and educational outreach
        hint at an increased risk of dementia. Others are trying to   funds to this significant cause. This gift to The Symphonia’s   programs feature nationally and internationally acclaimed
        develop medications that will stop or interrupt the process   endowment is exactly what Martin would have wanted.”  conductors and soloists, enhancing the cultural lives of area
        and prevent or limit the disease.                   The Symphonia established its endowment a decade ago   residents, with special emphasis on its younger citizens.
           In the meantime, we are left with trying to live a healthy
        lifestyle starting at an early age. Being active, avoiding
        smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol and keeping our weight
        and blood pressure under control will still be our best defense.
        Starting at any age helps but developing healthy living habits
        as a young adult seems to be the best choice.
        Vaccine  In  Development  For The  Prevention Of
        Alzheimer’s Disease
           Vaxxinity has been testing an immunotherapeutic
        vaccine candidate that targets aggregated amyloid beta   Stylish Modern Atmosphere     Make Reservations                    happy hour
        in the brain considered to be toxic and contribute to                                                                      every Day 3 - 6 pm
        the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The topic was
        discussed in the online journal MPR early in May.                                                                           and Mon. - Thurs.
           The vaccine, known as UB-311, has been in human                                                                         all Day at Bar Only
        clinical trials for three years now. Volunteers have received
        repeated doses of the vaccine with adverse effects no worse                                                               Lunch SpeciaLS
        than in the placebo group in the trial.
           The manufacturer in the main study ClinicalTrials.                                                                         every Day
        gov Identifier: NCT025518009 showed that a “robust                                                                                    $
        and durable anti-amyloid beta antibody response was                                                                            starting at  9
        elicited in their patients while no amyloid related imaging
        abnormalities or edema were reported in the mild to
        moderate Alzheimer’s patients observed.”
           In view of the early success shown the FDA has granted
        this drug Fast Track designation to speed its development
        and production. The development of a medication that
        slows down and or prevents the development of this fatal
        progressive neurological disorder would be a major step
        forward in the battle against this relentless illness.
           Are you seeking a physician who treats adults only and
        invests the time and attention required to provide proactive
        care? Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine,
        with added qualifications in geriatrics. To schedule a
        complimentary meeting with Dr. Reznick to discuss his
        personalized care concierge practice, call (561) 368-0191
        or visit
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