Page 9 - PGA Community News- March '22
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March 2022                                                                March 2022                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 9
      Panhellenic Alumnae Return To

      Virtual Meetings And Fundraiser

      By Carol Davis, Public Relations Chairman,        goodies and worth more than the
      Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of PBC                cost of the raffle ticket. Even if
         In January, the Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of Palm   participants don’t win a basket,
      Beach County was forced to go back to Zoom meetings after   they’ve given to a scholarship that
      having two successful in-person luncheons in November   helps a young woman from Palm
      and December. Members did not feel comfortable meeting   Beach County (PBC) in at least her
      indoors in closer quarters of a house or restaurant for   third year at a college or university
      January and February as originally planned, so on Jan. 15   with a GPA of 3.0 or more who can
      and Feb. 12, many gathered in front of their laptops, tablets,   use some financial help.
      or smartphones to Zoom.                              For more information about
         At their virtual meeting, it was decided to have their   the Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter
      annual scholarship luncheon also online with a twist.   of Palm Beach County, a group of
      Members and their friends will be sending in checks to cover   women who are members of one
      what would have been their expenses for the luncheon. For   of the 26 National Panhellenic  Members of Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of PBC on their January Zoom meeting
      each $50 sent to the treasurer, they will qualify for a raffle   Conference sororities, please look
      ticket for a chance to win a basket filled with all types of   for their website or on Facebook and Instagram.  Historical Seeds

        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              Of The Garden

        Ready? Set. Go!                                          6. Reconnect by  Disconnecting.  Instead of
                                                        spending time alone in front of the television or on social
        By: Kelly Leary, M.S.,                          media, make a date with someone you would like to get
        Founder of Revolution                           to know better–or make an appointment with me. (Do
        Dating                                          call quickly as we are in extremely high demand since
           A re you finally                             the end of 2021! Business is booming–much the like
        ready to get out there                          Real Estate Market. This is the busiest we have been in
        again but don’t know                            my 31 years in the love biz.) The point is: If you don’t
        where to begin? Are you                         know anyone to connect with, we can help make an
        dating the wrong person                         introduction for you. It is not what you know, it is who
        or telling yourself you                         you know. It’s simple. It’s math. It’s smart. It’s all about
        are happy being single?                         connecting!
        Are you concerned                                        7. Expand Your Circle. Make new friends and
        about intensified risks                         see new places. Challenge yourself. Awaken. It’s good
        associated with online                          for your brain...not to mention your love life and your
        dating and the local bar scene? If so, read on and do tell  health. Dare to do something out of your daily grind–
        your friends!                                   today. Variety is the “spice of life” and will compliment
           Enjoy these SEVEN DATING HACKS to help you  your life, your year, your mind, heart and soul. You
        restart smart! Open up your eyes to the possibilities that  deserve it too. Refill that love tank. You have waited
        are in front of you. There is so much HOPE! You can’t  long enough and missed out on enough this past twelve
        believe how amazing our new members are lately. We  months. So, keep calm and go for it–today! You’re alive
        have an entirely new database and our inventory is HOT!  and the world is full of wonder this Spring of 2022.
        Strike while the flame of love is soaring for so many     The last two years has hopefully taught us that we
        of you. The time is now — especially if you have been  need each other, despite the social distancing. This has   In 1959, the main entrance to Palm Beach Gardens (PBG) was
        waiting and watching for the magical moment to arrive!  been good for dating, and as a result, there is an uptick   north of Northlake and Garden (now MacArthur) Boulevards.
                 1. Believe In Yourself. Regardless of your age,  in authentic candidates. There is more sincerity and   In 1961, MacArthur transplanted a banyan tree to that site, and
        clothing size or status—you have a lot to offer. It’s your  positivity to the people I meet daily in my office lately,   the tree became the city’s symbol. MacArthur had heard about
        turn. Your guy or girl feels the same way too. Now,  regardless of their age.                      a resident in Lake Park who was being forced to cut down an
        there is no reason to wait to come see us. Join the love     People that would usually not commit are committing.   old banyan tree, 60 feet high and weighing about 75 tons, and
        movement for you and meet people like you in real life.  Exclusivity is on the rise. Pairing Off is trending.   he offered to transfer it to Palm Beach Gardens. Unforseen
                 2. Minimize Time Killers. Cease gossiping and     At the end of the day, this unique world we live   problems arose during the transplant, including the cutting of
        avoid those who gossip. Decrease your social media time  in today has become an elixir for relationships. This   the Western Union lines connecting South Florida with the rest
        (ESPECIALLY THESE DAYS). It’s not real. Try to put  magical time can bring you and your future partner   of the world. When questioned about moving older trees instead
        your screen down and live in the real world touching,  together.                                   of planting new ones, MacArthur said, “I can buy anything
        hugging and laughing in tandem. Get off those time-     We have heard the “L-word” comes easier  these   but age. This tree will be the centerpiece of the city’s entrance,
        wasting online dating/social media sites. Stop dating  days. Dating is making a comeback. Traditional–step   and while we could plant a little one, I wouldn’t be around 80
        that man or woman that you know is just not the “one.”  by step dating is on the rise leading to nice courtships.   years from now to see it as it should be.”
        Focus your energy in a positive direction. Just say YES     Even though your life has been on hold for so long,
        to anything that may add value to your life. YES is a  love still finds a way! We are happy to be your tour guide      For more seeds, see Images of America, Palm Beach
        powerful word!                                  too! The more the merrier. Looking forward to meeting   Gardens by Arcadia Publishing. The PBG Historical
                 3. Reject Your Fears. You will regret the things  you soon, my lucky friend.              Society’s mission is to collect, preserve and share the rich
        you didn’t do way more than the things you did.     Thanks for spending your time with me again today.   history of the Gardens.
        Rejection should not imprison you, so why should it  Looking forward to meeting you soon.  
        freeze you? This jumpstart on the dating process is ideal                 Much Love, Xoxo, Kelly
        for those who do not want to waste time on dead-end                                                      Best Bin Caddy#
        side-ways relationships.                        #LuckyInLove #LoveFest2022 #RevolutionDating
                 4. Cool Down Urges to  Avoid Romance.  #SpringIntoLove #JoinTheLoveMovement
        Overdoing in food, drink, or any other vice is a surefire  #TellYourFriends #CominInHotin2022        NEW!
        way to sabotage the balance of your romantic future. If
        you find yourself overindulging and doing things you     Kelly Leary  has 31 years in the dating industry and
        should not be doing or dating people you should not be  a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled
        dating, you are only destroying the chances of living  by  ABC News, The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher
        your best life. You are essentially blocking yourself from  Magazine, and other nationwide publications.  All
        love. I.E. Thwart your own escape tendencies and face  Revolution Dating clients are prescreened in person in
        the mystic music of love that you yearn for deep down.  their private offices. Professional photos are taken by                    On sale
                 5. Walk It Off! Movement is key and is a cure  the staff. Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind                $        95
        for mild depression and/or anxiety. The next time you  dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services                        79
        find yourself plopping down on the couch after dinner,  that make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive                         Tax Inc.
        go for a 30 minute walk instead. The rewards of action  membership. Each membership is custom made to suit
        versus stillness are too profound to measure. Your mind  you and your needs. For more information, please    Recycling Bin Caddy
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