Page 4 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  March 2022
      Let Me Tell You

      The Silenced Voice                                6. Exceptional courage is born of a profound sense of destiny.  21. Great leaders apply the past to the present so as to
                                                        7. To offer people hope is to acquire a position of leadership   shape the future.
      By Marie Pinschmidt                               in their lives.                                    22. Words are the arsenal of leadership.
         For writers, to have their                     8. Religious faith elevates leaders by freeing them from the   23. Leaders can never afford to lose the beauty of life in
      voices heard is a wonderful                       cult of the contemporary.                          the corrosive tedium of work.
      thing. Even my feeble attempts                    9. The quality of a leader is often reflected in the quality of   24. A firm grasp on eternal realities enables a leader to
      have been silenced the last                       his marriage.                                      stand apart from his age and show it the way.
      couple months. Thinking of a                      10. Leadership is not a popularity contest; criticism is part   25. A leader’s task is to boldly confront the currents of
      suitable subject has been the                     of the job.                                        change and harness its power for good.
      problem – nothing I came up                       11. Leaders are forged as much by time in the wilderness as      According  to  Mansfield, Churchill’s sense  of  duty
      with seemed to have any merit.                    by times of popularity.                            lifted him above the comfort and self-absorption that
      It has been a difficult period of                 12. True leadership requires hard work – there is no substitute.  satisfied other men. Undoubtedly, he loved his pleasures
      our history. The good thing is                    13. The courage to look hard realities in the face is essential   and what his labors provided. But the measure of the man
      that some voices from the past                    to effective leadership.                           is that he was willing to lay aside the things he loved for
      have not yet been silenced. Case in point: The voice of Winston   14. A leader must see himself as the guardian of a heritage   a higher cause. “We make a living by what we get, we
      Churchill. I recently came upon a small book in my shelves   for future generations.                 make a life by what we give.” This is one of his many
      called, “Never Give In,” by Stephen Mansfield, about the   15. A man cannot lead his generation if he cannot lead his   quotes that has never been silenced. He wanted to make
      extraordinary character of this man. I want to share with you   children.                            his mark, do his bit, and know that he had walked in the
      the following “Lessons of Leadership” by Winston Churchill.   16. Great leadership is held aloft by the winds of compassion.  paths of greatness.
      You might want to read it more than once.         17. When a leader needs a break, a change is often as good      I hope you enjoy this little bit of history and that we
      1. Leadership is the power to shape the future.   as a rest.                                         all can experience a time of hope, prosperity, and world
      2. Bitterness erodes strong leadership: it anchors a leader   18. Men who believe in eternal life seldom fear death in   peace.
      to the past, distracting him from the promise of the future.  this life.                                                                Until next time,
      3. Biology need not be destiny.                   19. A sense of humor reflects a healthy grasp of the difference                     Marie Pinschmidt
      4. A leader is often his own best teacher.        between what is and what ought to be.                                                 (561) 624-9003
      5. Overwhelming moral and physical courage are at the   20. A leader will only command the level of loyalty he is   
      foundation of all great leadership.               willing to give to others.                                         


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