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VOL. 32 NO. 3                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                         MARCH 2022

      PGA POA Jottings

      By Dawn Levinstein,                                will generally leave us alone if we stay away from them.   all main roads, is just about complete. All the benches
      PGA POA                                               Alligators can stay submerged for quite some time and   in Masters Park were replaced last fall and the walking
      SPRING IS AROUND                                   they often “patrol” with only their eyes above the water line   path is being re-surfaced (probably as you read this). The
      THE CORNER                                         so you won’t know they are there even if you’re looking   gardens will be re-planted over the next few months. The
         They say love is in the                         for them. It only takes a small splash in the water and a   Board and Maintenance Committee are still working out a
      air….it’s truly in the water                       submerged gator can grab whatever it is so please stay away   more permanent solution to the path that will accommodate
      and it is dangerous.  The                          from the water and the banks. Just because you don’t see   runners/joggers (i.e.: not be a hard surface) and that will be
      alligators are falling in love                     the monster doesn’t mean it isn’t there!          attractive without costing a small fortune. I know it seems
      and can become aggressive                          I WANT TO PLAY                                    like everything takes forever but jobs in a place the size of
      as they start nesting over                            I believe we are never too old to enjoy our childhood   a small city must be done in particular order (like making
      the next couple months.                            so I was excited that the new playground equipment would   sure irrigation is perfect before planting) and like the
      We  recently  had a  family                        arrive in March…..then I got the call that it would be July!   playgrounds, I’m sure you will be happy with the finished
      lose their beloved dog and we don’t want anyone else to   Of course, the reason is Covid delays (yawn, tired of that   result. Again, thanks for your patience.
      experience this: PLEASE!!! Keep your dog (and all pets)   one!) but we just have to wait. I can promise that the new   ANNUAL MEETING
      on a leash at all times. Never, never feed the alligators (or   playground equipment in Burwick Park and Marlwood Park      The PGA POA Annual meeting will be held at the PGA
      any wildlife) and never, ever allow your dogs in the lakes   will be worth the wait but it sure seems like it has been a   Resort Grand Ballroom on Wednesday, March 16 at 6 p.m.
      and canals. We also discourage walking near the water’s   lifetime.                                  so if you haven’t already submitted your ballot and voting
      edge and if you must do so, remain alert. All the lakes and      For those who have waited for the Master Park   certificate, please do so now.
      canals are connected to the wetland and preserve area on the   renovations, I am happy to report that the complete      Wishing all of you a happy, and most importantly, a
      west side of PGA National so there are plenty of gators who   irrigation system overhaul in all POA parks and along   HEALTHY Springtime.
      Commissioner’s Update

      Waste Really Matters                               advanced waste-to-energy power plant in North America.   until hurricane season to prune your yard. Staying on top
                                                         While  reducing  waste  going  to  the  landfill,  the  REF2   of it will save you time, money, and aggravation. If you
      By County Commissioner                             generates 100 megawatts of electricity, enough to power   live on a large parcel or have to perform extensive pruning
      Maria Marino                                       an estimated 44,000 homes and businesses. Both REFs   that will exceed six cubic yards, you must either store the
         The Board of County                             1 and 2 combined produce enough energy to power   excess on your property or hire a company to remove it.
      Commissioners serves as                            nearly 74,000 households. The electricity is sold to FPL,   The SWA will provide a removal estimate to you based
      the  Solid Waste Authority                         and these revenues help offset the disposal costs to the   on a contract rate of $8 per cubic yard.
      (SWA) Governing Board.                             taxpayer, keeping your disposal assessments low.      If you live within a municipal boundary, the municipality’s
      The SWA is an Integrated                              With the continued increase in population and   contract with your hauler governs the frequency of
      Solid Waste  Management                            development in the county, the SWA has kept pace with   collection and accumulation allowed. Whether you live
      (ISWM)  System. Through                            best practices in methods of waste collection to improve   in a city or in the unincorporated area, in a zero-lot-line
      this system, the ultimate                          efficiencies while maintaining a high level of service and   home or on a large rural residential parcel, every residential
      goal is to reduce the amount                       protecting the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.   property owner pays the same rate for garbage and debris
      of waste that goes to landfills                    The Garbage and Waste Collection Ordinance of Palm   disposal services. This is the non-ad valorem assessment
      for disposal, while being environmentally responsible and   Beach County, Fla., No. 2019-022 regulates garbage   at the bottom of your tax bill levied by SWA.
      fiscally sound. Elements of the ISWM System include:  collection, container requirements and placement, and     The authority is committed to transparency and
         • Source reduction – Lessening the amount of waste   maximum allowable yard waste.                accountability for every taxpayer dollar used to provide
      that reaches SWA through educational efforts and incentive      Yard waste, a matter of particular interest to many   waste management services. For example, our recycling
      programs.                                          residents, is limited to six cubic yards or less a week in   program enables SWA to sell the recycled materials at
         •  Recycling  –  Separating  materials  from  the  waste   the unincorporated areas. This limitation allows the hauler   market rate and partner with municipalities as part of the
      stream, either at the source or by recovering materials from   to service their routes without significant disruption, and   Recycling Revenue Share Program. For more information
      mixed waste prior to disposal, and turning those products   rids the road right-of-way of large mounds of waste that   on  recycling,  visit
      materials into commodities.                        attracts rodents and vermin, and eliminates impediments   Recycle.
         • Combustion – Using municipal solid waste as a fuel   to visibility and passage over roads, and interruptions to      Let me know how I can assist you by contacting my office
      source  to  create  renewable  energy,  while  significantly   storm water drainage systems.         at (561) 355-2201, or by email at
      reducing the volume of waste to the landfill.         We all know how rapidly
         • Landfilling – The final disposal option for anything   vegetation grows in South
      that cannot be recycled or combusted.              Florida and that is why it is
         It is no exaggeration to say that SWA facilities are   essential that we maintain
      state-of-the-art,  most  notably  the  Renewable  Energy   our trees and vegetation on
      Facility  2  (REF2),  which  is  the  cleanest  and  most   a regular basis. Do not wait
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